aboveyunhai / chakra-dayzed-datepicker

Chakra UI + Dayzed = datepicker
MIT License
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How to show last month and this month on popover (Ranged) #52

Open mjemerson opened 1 year ago

mjemerson commented 1 year ago


A quick question hopefully that can be answered easily - when the Range picker is employed, by default if it's set to show 2 months it's the current month and then next month. However for my needs, all future dates are disabled so it makes no sense to show next month on the right hand side since they're all disabled. So my question is, is there a way to offset it so that the two months showing are last month THEN this month side by side? I found something called offset but it doesn't seem to be settable from either the DatePicker props or the configs?

aboveyunhai commented 1 year ago

I don't think it's possible to do it with the current version, but if you would like to copy&paste the source code (I always encourage that since the lib is relatively tiny) into your own folder, then https://github.com/aboveyunhai/chakra-dayzed-datepicker/blob/14b8bfd0ebde15dcca8dd8e098faeea9fe96f1f6/src/range.tsx#L115 and https://github.com/aboveyunhai/chakra-dayzed-datepicker/blob/14b8bfd0ebde15dcca8dd8e098faeea9fe96f1f6/src/range.tsx#L126 is what you are looking for, basically new Date() - 1 month is what you want Or you can export the Range calendar and build your own popover, just directly copy&paste the range file only and still use this package as dependency.

mjemerson commented 1 year ago

Thank you, I'll give it a try!

mjemerson commented 1 year ago

Hi again,

I'm having many issues trying to reference the datepicker from my local components folder, so in the end decided to give it up. Is there no way to call setDateInView from my source files by passing it to the date picker component somewhere? Or set a specific prop to a value?

aboveyunhai commented 1 year ago

@mjemerson currently no, I think you can just copy paste the range.tsx source file and change the const import to this package, it's bit of redundant, but it should be fine and you can change however you want.