aboveyunhai / chakra-dayzed-datepicker

Chakra UI + Dayzed = datepicker
MIT License
228 stars 51 forks source link

Cusom arrow icons #81

Open kristing400 opened 6 months ago

kristing400 commented 6 months ago

Currently the arrows are just characters instead of icons. Is there a way to customize the arrows that way we can pass in our own icons?

CleanShot 2024-05-24 at 15 19 29@2x

aboveyunhai commented 6 months ago

Based on the code, it's just some hardcode character right now, so no. https://github.com/aboveyunhai/chakra-dayzed-datepicker/blob/23483296fc6481a26fbded31dee56803157a82ab/src/components/dateNavBtns.tsx#L31

PR welcome, or just wait for me to make it into some new props and roll it to next version over the weekend.