abp-filters / abp-filters-anti-cv

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upflix.pl #378

Closed kulfoon closed 4 years ago

kulfoon commented 4 years ago

List the website(s) where you encounter issues with ABP filters

Define the problem

Anti-Adblock, add upflix.pl#$#abort-on-property-read adBlock



List all of your filter lists

EasyList EasyList Polish ABP Anti-Circumvention Filter List POL: Oficjalne Polskie Filtry do AdBlocka, uBlocka Origin i AdGuarda POL: Oficjalne polskie filtry przeciwko alertom o Adblocku

Tell us about your system configuration

wizmak commented 4 years ago

@kulfoon The anti-cv list does not address anti-adblock messages. Thank you for submitting this issue though.

kulfoon commented 4 years ago

Similarity between anti-circumvention / circumvention ads and anti adblock wordings can be confusing for internet users so that they can think it means the same, because both of them contains the same word anti, especially for non-native english users, also circumvention ads and anti adblock both tries to fool / trick / run away from adblockers, what finally results in showing ads, furthermore, some of the links you guys put in the replies lead to articles containing 7 anti-adblock phrases, one of them in a big red banner. Instead of constanly repeating the same reply "The anti-cv list does not address anti-adblock messages." in these anti-adblock issues, you could simply put it in the desciption or in the contributing guide or in the issue template. You can take an example from uAssets's description, there is: "Do not post any filter list issues or issues where website's functionality is broken. We have uAssets issue tracker for that, post there instead." you could write similiar: "Do not post any anti-adblock issues. There is Adblock Warning Removal List: link 1 / link 2 for that, post there instead, although it's unrelated to us". Of course there always will still be some people who will still post anti-adblock issues regardless of any kind of warning in description, these are not curable.

It reminds me this confusing uBO's tooltip issue which can be misleading so that someone can think the more generic filters, the more performance they can eat.

I wonder how many yet in my life, I and others will meet such confusing/misleading descriptions, and then, the authors will deny it completely, saying it doesn't mean what it seems to mean, making people looking like complete fools, and noone likes when someone else make him looking like a fool. Is that on purpose? Having so many "invalid" anti-adblock requests on your issue tracker, yet still you hadn't updated either the description / nor the issue template / nor the contributing guide with less-confusing information, instead, you still keep pasting replies what this list doesn't addess. How can it be this way.

One more time any confusing description make me looking like a fool and I will end... watching this or this.

monzta commented 4 years ago

you could simply put it in the desciption or in the contributing guide or in the issue template.

Did you read the description? The second line says

Adblock Plus (ABP) filter list to fight "circumvention ads."

and its description ("Introduction") is quite clear:

Some providers have begun to show ads that are harder to detect for ad-blocking tools like ABP, thus tricking ad-blocker users into downloading and displaying unrequested and intrusive advertising ("circumvention ads").

This filter list is drafted and maintained by ABP and is intended to detect and block circumvention ads.

kulfoon commented 4 years ago

I did, and still the point still is the same what is "quite clear" / not confusing for one/you, might be confusing / not "quite clear" for others, as proven here and here, expecially if one is non-native english and/or unexperienced, anti-adblock messages are circumvention as well, they may be easly confused with circumvention ads, just like a wasp with a bee. There is a reason why in uAssets issue tracker they added "Do not post any filter list issues or issues where website's functionality is broken. We have uAssets issue tracker for that, post there instead." part., if you don't want to add similiar: "Do not post any anti-adblock issues. There is Adblock Warning Removal List: link 1 / link 2 for that, post there instead, although it's unrelated to us" it's your choice. I expressed my opinion and provided arguments, if you disagree with them, I'll not be stopping you and let's just end the discussion.

monzta commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your input. I'll leave it up to @wizmak and @arsykan as they currently work here the most.