abp-filters / abp-filters-anti-cv

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abp-filters-anti-cv blocking some eBay search results #946

Closed eburtonlab closed 2 years ago

eburtonlab commented 2 years ago

List the website(s) where you encounter issues with ABP filters


Define the problem

The anti-circumvention filters appear to be inappropriately blocking some non-sponsored eBay search results.

The number displayed at the top of the eBay results does not correspond to the number of listings displayed while the filters are active. Disabling the anti-circumvention filters and reloading the page restores the missing results. The results are organic, non-sponsored listings and should not be blocked.

It is not clear why the affected results are being blocked, but the numbers of results affected are considerable -- on the order of 20% of the returned results in some larger searches.


List all of your filter lists

FIlterlist: ABP filter

Tell us about your system configuration

Windows 10 21H1 Firefox Developer 100.0b6 (64-bit) Ad Block Plus 3.11.4

Other details

Some examples and discussion of this problem can be found here:


An example search that should currently return one visible result that is blocked if the ABP filter is active:


Federal-Indictment commented 2 years ago


This issue is effecting a lot of sellers. Including Top Rated and Retail Stores that sell on eBay. AdBlock ABP filter is blocking listings from Best Buy and Sony for a couple of examples.

samuraifez commented 2 years ago

This is a massive issue and definitely should be dealt with ASAP; it is negatively affecting an untold numbers of independent sellers and their income streams.

manuel-martinez-dev commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the report.

I've made some adjustments, which should resolve the issue you're facing. it can take up to an hour give or take for you to see it reflected on your end, but try to update your lists on the extension.

eburtonlab commented 2 years ago

I appreciate the quick response! My preliminary tests with the updated filters indicate agreement between the number shown at the top of the eBay search results and the actual results displayed, so it appears the adjustments worked. Thanks again!

Sigimi8 commented 2 years ago

Hello, this is an issue for many of us as sellers. This is still an issue,

Thanks for the report.

I've made some adjustments, which should resolve the issue you're facing. it can take up to an hour give or take for you to see it reflected on your end, but try to update your lists on the extension.

Hello, this is an issue for many of us as sellers. This is still an issue unfortunately, ABP (and AB) are still blocking promoted listings on eBay. Our sales have gone down drastically. If buyers have to manually edit a setting this doesn't help since only sellers are aware of this and not buyers, so us sellers who chose to promote our listings suddenly have our listings completely invisible to a large % of desktop buyers. It's odd this is counting as an ad since it's just listings on eBay being bumped to the top.

Federal-Indictment commented 2 years ago

Yes, all Promoted Listings are being blocked. If Best Match on ebay search is turned on (it is by default). It will fully block sellers listings.

manuel-martinez-dev commented 2 years ago


Please note that blocking posts that are labelled as "Sponsored" is the intended behavior of the list, as this type of posts are considered circumvention ads.

In case you notice that listings that are not tagged as "Sponsored" are being hidden, please provide us with a screenshot with clear examples.


PS: if it helps, within the extension there's an option that when enabled, it can help verifying what's being hidden, you can go to the advanced settings and tick the "debugging" option (see screenshot).


Sigimi8 commented 2 years ago



This was a change that recently affected eBay the last week it seems, if this is an option, it should not be on by default since it's impossible to classify these as 'intrusive' or 'circumvention', it's simply the same listing you're looking for, but a seller chose to pay extra when an item sells for a higher placement, it still alligns with what the buyer wants, and should be considered a part of "show acceptable ads". If anything, it should be an option not on by default to hide sponsored ads, since the viewer is a buyer looking for such listings on eBay to purchase items, but can be locked out of ever knowing they exist, simply because they are unaware of an issue with Adblock/P which a large majority have installed.

Again, this is just for searching for items on a website that is full of 'ads' and or 'listings' so the statement and belief of it being circumvention or intrusive does not hold weight and is contradictory. This is completely different from the side ads/banners eBay shows, since you're not searching for those products.

mtrin commented 2 years ago

Ebay user here. To me it's sure intrusive and a circumvention. Regardless of what eBay believes it's right, this is up to the users to decide. As far as I know, adblockers still offer to disable Google search Ads by default and what's more important: Google won't make the process so difficult and also won't spam you with low quality ad results on every second listing and half. It's up to eBay to stop playing with adblockers and actually team up with them for a better user experience.

pavelmalik commented 1 year ago

Spammy Sponsored listings are now showing up again, even with all the blocking options enabled.

Ebay is now using a line break tag and css with element to make the "Sponsored" bit invisible for regular listings (narrower with overflows the "Sponsored" text on the next line, outside the viewable area). Could we fix this please - this is a clear circumvention attempt? @manuel-martinez-dev

nyanpasu64 commented 1 year ago

As an interim fix, I'm using a Stylus stylesheet to clearly (and maybe too ugly) mark sponsored results:

    .s-item__detail--primary:last-child * {
        font-weight: 900 !important;
        color: red !important;
        font-size: 220px;
        line-height: 1.15;
    .s-item__detail--primary:last-child > * > * {
        bottom: 1em !important;
        left: 0px !important;
    }.s-item__detail--primary:last-child > * > * > * > *:before {
        content: "████";


pavelmalik commented 1 year ago

As an interim fix, I'm using a Stylus stylesheet to clearly (and maybe too ugly) mark sponsored results:

@nyanpasu64 Absolutely amazing, thanks for that!