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Blazor Server 7.2.3 Login not working after deployment #17104

Open ghulamostafa opened 1 year ago

ghulamostafa commented 1 year ago

Is there an existing issue for this?


Locally when I run the application, I can login and authorized so I can do the operations at Web Portal. After deployment, Login does not work and it does not return any error either.

The project locally is running on Docker and I published on Local IIS, it works absolutely fine. For deployment, I use DigitalOcean app platform. It used to work fine when I was using ABP version 6.0.0 but after the upgrade to 7.2.3 it does not work anymore.

Reproduction Steps

No response

Expected behavior

No response

Actual behavior

No response


No response

Known Workarounds

No response



User Interface

Blazor Server

Database Provider

EF Core (Default)

Tiered or separate authentication server

None (Default)

Operation System


Other information

No response

maliming commented 1 year ago


Please check your application logs first.

ghulamostafa commented 1 year ago

Here are the logs from the application when attempting to login on DigitalOcean:

[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:37] [02:36:37 INF] Skipping the execution of current filter as its not the most effective filter implementing the policy Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.IAntiforgeryPolicy
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:37] [02:36:37 INF] Executing handler method Volo.Abp.Account.Web.Pages.Account.LoginModel.OnPostAsync - ModelState is Valid
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:37] [02:36:37 WRN] The cookie 'idsrv.session' has set 'SameSite=None' and must also set 'Secure'.
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:37] [02:36:37 WRN] The cookie '.AspNetCore.Identity.Application' has set 'SameSite=None' and must also set 'Secure'.
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:37] [02:36:37 INF] AuthenticationScheme: Identity.Application signed in.
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:37] [02:36:37 INF] {"Username": "admin", "Provider": null, "ProviderUserId": null, "SubjectId": "3a0663b9-2b00-df0a-891f-ca6cb6b26bb8", "DisplayName": "admin", "Endpoint": "UI", "ClientId": null, "Category": "Authentication", "Name": "User Login Success", "EventType": "Success", "Id": 1000, "Message": null, "ActivityId": "0HMS1N8242RC8:00000005", "TimeStamp": "2023-07-16T02:36:37.0000000Z", "ProcessId": 1, "LocalIpAddress": "::ffff:", "RemoteIpAddress": "::ffff:", "$type": "UserLoginSuccessEvent"}
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:37] [02:36:37 INF] Executed handler method OnPostAsync, returned result Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RedirectResult.
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:37] [02:36:37 INF] Executing RedirectResult, redirecting to /.
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:37] [02:36:37 INF] Executed page /Account/Login in 342.4058ms
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:37] [02:36:37 INF] Executed endpoint '/Account/Login'
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:37] [02:36:37 INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 POST http://uat.mala3bhub.com/Account/Login application/x-www-form-urlencoded 291 - 302 0 - 350.3064ms
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:37] [02:36:37 INF] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET http://uat.mala3bhub.com/ - -
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:37] [02:36:37 INF] Executing endpoint '/_Host'
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:37] [02:36:37 INF] Route matched with {page = "/_Host", action = "", controller = "", area = ""}. Executing page /_Host
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:37] [02:36:37 INF] Skipping the execution of current filter as its not the most effective filter implementing the policy Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.IAntiforgeryPolicy
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:37] [02:36:37 INF] Executing an implicit handler method - ModelState is Valid
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:37] [02:36:37 INF] Executed an implicit handler method, returned result Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages.PageResult.
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:37] [02:36:37 INF] Executed page /_Host in 4.4199ms
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:37] [02:36:37 INF] Executed endpoint '/_Host'
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:37] [02:36:37 INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET http://uat.mala3bhub.com/ - - - 200 - text/html;+charset=utf-8 8.0625ms
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:38] [02:36:38 INF] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET http://uat.mala3bhub.com/__bundles/Blazor.BasicTheme.Global.F3459E1B12E24F2025BAA0560EBEFAF6.css?_v=638246409902534516 - -
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:38] [02:36:38 INF] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET http://uat.mala3bhub.com/__bundles/Blazor.BasicTheme.Global.0FC7E56DDD5146F5685D7C13F585CBC7.js?_v=638246409907650758 - -
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:38] [02:36:38 INF] Sending file. Request path: '/__bundles/Blazor.BasicTheme.Global.0FC7E56DDD5146F5685D7C13F585CBC7.js'. Physical path: 'N/A'
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:38] [02:36:38 INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET http://uat.mala3bhub.com/__bundles/Blazor.BasicTheme.Global.0FC7E56DDD5146F5685D7C13F585CBC7.js?_v=638246409907650758 - - - 200 137961 application/javascript 40.5666ms
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:38] [02:36:38 INF] Sending file. Request path: '/__bundles/Blazor.BasicTheme.Global.F3459E1B12E24F2025BAA0560EBEFAF6.css'. Physical path: 'N/A'
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:38] [02:36:38 INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET http://uat.mala3bhub.com/__bundles/Blazor.BasicTheme.Global.F3459E1B12E24F2025BAA0560EBEFAF6.css?_v=638246409902534516 - - - 200 405077 text/css 47.0054ms
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:39] [02:36:39 INF] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET http://uat.mala3bhub.com/_blazor/initializers - -
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:39] [02:36:39 INF] Executing endpoint 'Blazor initializers'
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:39] [02:36:39 INF] Executed endpoint 'Blazor initializers'
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:39] [02:36:39 INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET http://uat.mala3bhub.com/_blazor/initializers - - - 200 - application/json;+charset=utf-8 3.3833ms
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:41] [02:36:41 INF] Request starting HTTP/1.1 POST http://uat.mala3bhub.com/_blazor/negotiate?negotiateVersion=1 - 0
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:41] [02:36:41 INF] No CORS policy found for the specified request.
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:41] [02:36:41 INF] Executing endpoint '/_blazor/negotiate'
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:41] [02:36:41 INF] Executed endpoint '/_blazor/negotiate'
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:41] [02:36:41 INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 POST http://uat.mala3bhub.com/_blazor/negotiate?negotiateVersion=1 - 0 - 200 316 application/json 3.5715ms
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:41] [02:36:41 INF] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET http://uat.mala3bhub.com/_blazor?id=-BBwZJSeEyHNxnr4sGiDEQ - 0
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:41] [02:36:41 INF] No CORS policy found for the specified request.
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:41] [02:36:41 INF] Executing endpoint '/_blazor'
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] [02:36:42 INF] Authorization failed. These requirements were not met:
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] PermissionRequirement: SettingManagement.Emailing
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] [02:36:42 INF] Authorization failed. These requirements were not met:
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] PermissionRequirement: FeatureManagement.ManageHostFeatures
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] [02:36:42 INF] Authorization failed. These requirements were not met:
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] PermissionRequirement: Mala3bWeb.WebBanner
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] [02:36:42 INF] Authorization failed. These requirements were not met:
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] PermissionRequirement: Mala3bWeb.WebCity
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] [02:36:42 INF] Authorization failed. These requirements were not met:
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] PermissionRequirement: Mala3bWeb.WebWilayat
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] [02:36:42 INF] Authorization failed. These requirements were not met:
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] PermissionRequirement: Mala3bWeb.WebCategory
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] [02:36:42 INF] Authorization failed. These requirements were not met:
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] PermissionRequirement: Mala3bWeb.WebSubCategory
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] [02:36:42 INF] Authorization failed. These requirements were not met:
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] PermissionRequirement: Mala3bWeb.WebBusiness
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] [02:36:42 INF] Authorization failed. These requirements were not met:
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] PermissionRequirement: Mala3bWeb.WebBusinessBranch
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] [02:36:42 INF] Authorization failed. These requirements were not met:
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] PermissionRequirement: Mala3bWeb.WebBusinessBranchService
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] [02:36:42 INF] Authorization failed. These requirements were not met:
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] PermissionRequirement: Mala3bWeb.WebPlayers
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] [02:36:42 INF] Authorization failed. These requirements were not met:
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] PermissionRequirement: Mala3bWeb.WebTransaction
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] [02:36:42 INF] Authorization failed. These requirements were not met:
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] PermissionRequirement: Mala3bWeb.WebSlotDuration
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] [02:36:42 INF] Authorization failed. These requirements were not met:
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] PermissionRequirement: Mala3bWeb.WebSettlementReport
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] [02:36:42 INF] Authorization failed. These requirements were not met:
[mala3bhub-backend] [2023-07-16 02:36:42] DenyAnonymousAuthorizationRequirement: Requires an authenticated user.

Here are the logs from the application when attempting to login locally using Docker:

[02:48:37 INF] Request starting HTTP/2 POST https://localhost:49157/Account/Login application/x-www-form-urlencoded 291
[02:48:37 INF] Executing endpoint '/Account/Login'
[02:48:37 INF] Route matched with {page = "/Account/Login", action = "", controller = "", area = ""}. Executing page /Account/Login
[02:48:37 INF] Skipping the execution of current filter as its not the most effective filter implementing the policy Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.IAntiforgeryPolicy
[02:48:37 INF] Executing handler method Volo.Abp.Account.Web.Pages.Account.LoginModel.OnPostAsync - ModelState is Valid
Loaded '/usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.AspNetCore.App/7.0.9/Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cryptography.KeyDerivation.dll'. Skipped loading symbols. Module is optimized and the debugger option 'Just My Code' is enabled.
[02:48:40 DBG] Augmenting SignInContext
[02:48:40 DBG] Adding idp claim with value: local
[02:48:40 DBG] Adding auth_time claim with value: 1689475720
Loaded '/usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/7.0.9/System.Security.Principal.dll'. Skipped loading symbols. Module is optimized and the debugger option 'Just My Code' is enabled.
[02:48:40 INF] AuthenticationScheme: Identity.Application signed in.
Loaded '/usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/7.0.9/System.Diagnostics.Process.dll'. Skipped loading symbols. Module is optimized and the debugger option 'Just My Code' is enabled.
[02:48:41 INF] {"Username": "admin", "Provider": null, "ProviderUserId": null, "SubjectId": "3a0663b9-2b00-df0a-891f-ca6cb6b26bb8", "DisplayName": "admin", "Endpoint": "UI", "ClientId": null, "Category": "Authentication", "Name": "User Login Success", "EventType": "Success", "Id": 1000, "Message": null, "ActivityId": "0HMS5KSBP2AV1:00000001", "TimeStamp": "2023-07-16T02:48:41.0000000Z", "ProcessId": 30, "LocalIpAddress": "::ffff:", "RemoteIpAddress": "::ffff:", "$type": "UserLoginSuccessEvent"}
[02:48:41 INF] Executed handler method OnPostAsync, returned result Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RedirectResult.
[02:48:41 INF] Executing RedirectResult, redirecting to /.
[02:48:41 INF] Executed page /Account/Login in 4581.6436ms
[02:48:41 INF] Executed endpoint '/Account/Login'
[02:48:42 INF] Request finished HTTP/2 POST https://localhost:49157/Account/Login application/x-www-form-urlencoded 291 - 302 0 - 4743.6099ms
[02:48:42 INF] Request starting HTTP/2 GET https://localhost:49157/ - -
[02:48:42 INF] Executing endpoint '/_Host'
[02:48:42 INF] Route matched with {page = "/_Host", action = "", controller = "", area = ""}. Executing page /_Host
[02:48:42 INF] Skipping the execution of current filter as its not the most effective filter implementing the policy Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.IAntiforgeryPolicy
[02:48:42 INF] Executing an implicit handler method - ModelState is Valid
[02:48:42 INF] Executed an implicit handler method, returned result Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages.PageResult.
[02:48:42 DBG] Added bundle 'Blazor.BasicTheme.Global' to the page in 38.51 ms.
[02:48:42 DBG] Added bundle 'Blazor.BasicTheme.Global' to the page in 6.04 ms.
[02:48:42 INF] Executed page /_Host in 50.2591ms
[02:48:42 INF] Executed endpoint '/_Host'

Can you please assist me with above provided logs or anything additional required?

maliming commented 1 year ago


You can try this solution.


kali2rk commented 1 year ago

@maliming Invalid username or password! same error after implement : SameSiteCookiesServiceCollectionExtensions


maliming commented 1 year ago

Invalid username or password!

This error has nothing to do with SameSiteCookiesServiceCollectionExtensions

AbdalazizAbdallah commented 1 year ago

@maliming i have the same error how can i solve this permanently without go with this limit

Attention: This problem can't be solved if the user/browser/operating system blocked third-party cookies.

maliming commented 1 year ago

@AbdalazizAbdallah please create a new issue.