abramenal / cypress-file-upload

File upload testing made easy
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[Bug] Typing support clash with user's custom typings #311

Open david-fong opened 3 years ago

david-fong commented 3 years ago

Current behavior:

The recommended way of adding typings support (import 'cypress-file-upload';) clashes with the user's typings for their custom commands.

// in support/commands.ts
/// <reference types="cypress" />
import 'cypress-file-upload'; // adding this causes the spec files to no longer detect the below custom command typings.

declare namespace Cypress { // In VS Code, "Cypress" gets greyed out as "unused".
  interface Chainable {

I think this happens because the addition of the "import" keyword turns the file into a module. I tried adding the export keywords like so:

// in support/commands.ts
/// <reference types="cypress" />
import 'cypress-file-upload'; // adding this causes the spec files to no longer detect the below custom command typings.

export declare namespace Cypress { // In VS Code, "Cypress" gets greyed out as "unused".
  export interface Chainable {

but that didn't work immediately. I think such a setup would require importing "Cypress" from the commands file in every spec file.

I am using Typescript 4.3

Suggested Fix:

This solution worked for me: use /// <reference types="cypress-file-upload" /> like so:

// in support/commands.ts
/// <reference types="cypress" />
/// <reference types="cypress-file-upload" />

declare namespace Cypress {
  interface Chainable {

It doesn't require adding imports to all the spec files, which is nice.

JoanSernaLeiton commented 2 years ago

What happened with this bug? 🤔