Closed mrdeadsake closed 5 years ago
When running a rails migration that adds a column of type :integer, limit: 8 vertica tries to parse out the limit and breaks with an error of
:integer, limit: 8
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: ActiveRecord::JDBCError: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: [Vertica]VJDBC ERROR: Syntax error at or near "(": CREATE TABLE beats (id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, guid varchar(40), external_guid varchar(255), source integer, user_id integer, associated_account_id integer, associated_transaction_id integer(8), description varchar(255), has_been_displayed boolean, has_been_viewed boolean, rating integer, template varchar(255), title varchar(255), displayed_at datetime, viewed_at datetime, created_at datetime, updated_at datetime, record_created_at datetime, record_deleted_at datetime, record_updated_at datetime) [] arjdbc/jdbc/ execute
this code overrides the method here:
only when the type is integer. Vertica actually only supports 8-bit integers so it doesn't need to specify this. However postgresql needs the limit=> 8 in order to accommodate the larger int size.
limit=> 8
@film42 What can I do to get this across the finish line? Does it require CI with a Vertica VM?
This was released as 0.3.0.pre0.
When running a rails migration that adds a column of type
:integer, limit: 8
vertica tries to parse out the limit and breaks with an error ofActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: ActiveRecord::JDBCError: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: [Vertica]VJDBC ERROR: Syntax error at or near "(": CREATE TABLE beats (id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, guid varchar(40), external_guid varchar(255), source integer, user_id integer, associated_account_id integer, associated_transaction_id integer(8), description varchar(255), has_been_displayed boolean, has_been_viewed boolean, rating integer, template varchar(255), title varchar(255), displayed_at datetime, viewed_at datetime, created_at datetime, updated_at datetime, record_created_at datetime, record_deleted_at datetime, record_updated_at datetime) [] arjdbc/jdbc/ execute
this code overrides the method here:
only when the type is integer. Vertica actually only supports 8-bit integers so it doesn't need to specify this. However postgresql needs the
limit=> 8
in order to accommodate the larger int size.