abraunegg / onedrive

OneDrive Client for Linux
GNU General Public License v3.0
9.63k stars 849 forks source link

Bug: Cannot upload-sync big files (>20 mb) #2648

Closed SteMoeller closed 4 months ago

SteMoeller commented 4 months ago

Describe the bug

Hi! First I have to say how impressed I am by the onedrive linux client... installation is perfectly described (I am on debian 12), lots of config options and perfect for my (rather simple) use case...

I want to use onedrive for my vps server backup. System runs on debian 12.

I create the backup using rsync into a local directory, zip that directory with max compression, encrypt the file using openssl and move it to my onedrive sync directory.

First run of the sync process took nearly forever although I only wanted to sync one single (nearly empty) directory (with 330k files in onedrive on other folders)... I found somewhere that I should avoid the skip_list file, that did the trick...

My problem is that the process simply stops working (at 100% cpu load) when I try to upload the 800mb file in one piece...

It works great if I split the files to 15-18 mb but even 20 mb caused the client to stop working...

Running this command:
onedrive --synchronize --single-directory "BIC/VPSServer" --verbose --verbose

[DEBUG] fileDetailsFromOneDrive = onedrive.getPathDetailsByDriveId(parent.driveId, path); generated a OneDriveException
Uploading new file BIC/VPSServer/backups/2024-02-27.ad ...
Uploading   0% |                                        |   ETA   --:--:--:
[DEBUG] Fragment: 1 of 11
Uploading   9% |oooo                                    |   ETA   00:00:00
[DEBUG] fragmentSize: 10485760offset: 0 fileSize: 104857600

[DEBUG] Using fragSize: 10485760

[DEBUG] contentRange: bytes 0-10485759/104857600

And nothing else happens...

I killed the process and wanted to check the sync status:

onedrive --display-sync-status

==> onedrive synced the rest of the file...

This also works for the complete 800mb file... If start "normal" sync the process stops at 1%... I kill the process and run the display-sync-status and the file gets uploaded...

Any ideas? Would be nice to be able to use the sync thing in my backup script without creating 15mb chunks of the file...

Thanks in advance!

Operating System Details

Distributor ID: Debian
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
Release:        12
Codename:       bookworm

Client Installation Method

From Distribution Package

OneDrive Account Type


What is your OneDrive Application Version


What is your OneDrive Application Configuration

Configuration file successfully loaded
onedrive version                             = v2.4.25-1+np1
Config path                                  = /xxx/.config/onedrive
Config file found in config path             = true
Config option 'sync_dir'                     = /backups/OneDrive
Config option 'enable_logging'               = true
Config option 'log_dir'                      = /var/log/onedrive/
Config option 'disable_notifications'        = false
Config option 'min_notify_changes'           = 5
Config option 'skip_dir'                     =
Config option 'skip_dir_strict_match'        = false
Config option 'skip_file'                    = ~*|.~*|*.tmp
Config option 'skip_dotfiles'                = false
Config option 'skip_symlinks'                = false
Config option 'monitor_interval'             = 300
Config option 'monitor_log_frequency'        = 6
Config option 'monitor_fullscan_frequency'   = 12
Config option 'read_only_auth_scope'         = false
Config option 'dry_run'                      = false
Config option 'upload_only'                  = false
Config option 'download_only'                = false
Config option 'local_first'                  = false
Config option 'check_nosync'                 = false
Config option 'check_nomount'                = false
Config option 'resync'                       = false
Config option 'resync_auth'                  = false
Config option 'cleanup_local_files'          = false
Config option 'classify_as_big_delete'       = 1000
Config option 'disable_upload_validation'    = false
Config option 'bypass_data_preservation'     = false
Config option 'no_remote_delete'             = false
Config option 'remove_source_files'          = false
Config option 'sync_dir_permissions'         = 700
Config option 'sync_file_permissions'        = 600
Config option 'space_reservation'            = 52428800
Config option 'application_id'               =
Config option 'azure_ad_endpoint'            =
Config option 'azure_tenant_id'              = common
Config option 'user_agent'                   =
Config option 'force_http_11'                = false
Config option 'debug_https'                  = false
Config option 'rate_limit'                   = 0
Config option 'operation_timeout'            = 3600
Config option 'dns_timeout'                  = 60
Config option 'connect_timeout'              = 10
Config option 'data_timeout'                 = 600
Config option 'ip_protocol_version'          = 0
Config option 'sync_root_files'              = false
Selective sync 'sync_list' configured        = false
Config option 'sync_business_shared_folders' = false
Business Shared Folders configured           = false
Config option 'webhook_enabled'              = false

What is your 'curl' version

curl 7.88.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.88.1 OpenSSL/3.0.11 zlib/1.2.13 brotli/1.0.9 zstd/1.5.4 libidn2/2.3.3 libpsl/0.21.2 (+libidn2/2.3.3) libssh2/1.10.0 nghttp2/1.52.0 librtmp/2.3 OpenLDAP/2.5.13
Release-Date: 2023-02-20, security patched: 7.88.1-10+deb12u5
Protocols: dict file ftp ftps gopher gophers http https imap imaps ldap ldaps mqtt pop3 pop3s rtmp rtsp scp sftp smb smbs smtp smtps telnet tftp
Features: alt-svc AsynchDNS brotli GSS-API HSTS HTTP2 HTTPS-proxy IDN IPv6 Kerberos Largefile libz NTLM NTLM_WB PSL SPNEGO SSL threadsafe TLS-SRP UnixSockets zstd

Where is your 'sync_dir' located


What are all your system 'mount points'

/dev/vda1 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,discard,errors=remount-ro)

What are all your local file system partition types

├─vda1  ext4   1.0         xx-xx-xx-xx-xxx1  276.1G     2% /
└─vda15 vfat   FAT16       xx-xx                112.2M     9% /boot/efi

How do you use 'onedrive'

no monitoring, sync of a single folder between vps linux server and windows client in both directions... Ignoring all other folders / files.

Steps to reproduce the behaviour

Sync a new file created in linux with >20mb fails. Smaller files work without problem. (see above)

Complete Verbose Log Output

[DEBUG] fileDetailsFromOneDrive = onedrive.getPathDetailsByDriveId(parent.driveId, path); generated a OneDriveException
Uploading new file BIC/VPSServer/backups/2024-02-27.ad ...
Uploading   0% |                                        |   ETA   --:--:--:
[DEBUG] Fragment: 1 of 11
Uploading   9% |oooo                                    |   ETA   00:00:00
[DEBUG] fragmentSize: 10485760offset: 0 fileSize: 104857600

[DEBUG] Using fragSize: 10485760

[DEBUG] contentRange: bytes 0-10485759/104857600


No response

Other Log Information or Details

No response

Additional context

No response

MKlitgaard2 commented 4 months ago

I have the same problem.

abraunegg commented 4 months ago

@SteMoeller , @MKlitgaard2

My problem is that the process simply stops working (at 100% cpu load) when I try to upload the 800mb file in one piece... .... Any ideas? Would be nice to be able to use the sync thing in my backup script without creating 15mb chunks of the file...

Many thanks for the feedback re the client and doc's, however this issue is 100% not a bug with the client and it will be 100% something environmental to your environment / server you are using to upload from.

Firstly the 100% CPU aspect, you will need to track down what is causing this. Please read https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive/wiki/Generate-system-performance-data-for-performance-related-issues on how to achieve this. You will need to manually compile the client to enable all the required debug pieces, so that if the client is the cause of the 100% CPU load this can be fixed - but if it is not, then you need to look elsewhere and/or investing in better hardware.

In terms of large file upload, I regularly test with files >20Mb - usually in the 100Mb+ range, and use several Linux ISO files in the GB range as well. I never have an upload issue, and never ever have the client hitting 100% CPU load:

[alex@onedrive-client-dev random_files]$ tree -h
├── [   96]  HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr
│   ├── [  33M]  file0.data
│   ├── [  84M]  file1.data
│   ├── [ 128M]  file2.data
│   ├── [ 121M]  file3.data
│   └── [ 124M]  file4.data
├── [   96]  KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj
│   ├── [  96M]  file0.data
│   ├── [  72M]  file1.data
│   ├── [ 103M]  file2.data
│   ├── [  18M]  file3.data
│   └── [ 117M]  file4.data
├── [   96]  Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne
│   ├── [  66M]  file0.data
│   ├── [ 131M]  file1.data
│   ├── [  48M]  file2.data
│   ├── [  12M]  file3.data
│   └── [  18M]  file4.data
├── [   96]  qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu
│   ├── [  35M]  file0.data
│   ├── [  73M]  file1.data
│   ├── [  18M]  file2.data
│   ├── [  91M]  file3.data
│   └── [  89M]  file4.data
└── [   96]  RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8
    ├── [ 114M]  file0.data
    ├── [  79M]  file1.data
    ├── [ 123M]  file2.data
    ├── [ 102M]  file3.data
    └── [  20M]  file4.data

5 directories, 25 files

[alex@onedrive-client-dev large_iso_file]$ ls -lah           
total 1.3G
drwxrwxr-x.  2 alex alex   43 Feb 28 05:05 .
drwxrwxr-x. 10 alex alex  184 Feb 28 05:08 ..
-rw-rw-r--.  1 alex alex 1.3G Dec 16  2021 CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso

Current Master v2.4.25-13-g1a88d33

Using 'user' Config Dir: /home/alex/.config/onedrive
Using 'system' Config Dir: /etc/onedrive
Configuration file successfully loaded
Using logfile dir: /var/log/onedrive/

Unable to access /var/log/onedrive/
Please manually create '/var/log/onedrive/' and set appropriate permissions to allow write access
The requested client activity log will instead be located in your users home directory
Deleting the saved application sync status ...

Unable to write activity log to /var/log/onedrive/alex.onedrive.log
Please set appropriate permissions to allow write access to the logging directory for your user account
The requested client activity log will instead be located in your users home directory

Checking Application Version ...
Initializing the OneDrive API ...
Configuring Global Azure AD Endpoints
Using Curl defaults for all HTTP operations
Opening the item database ...
All operations will be performed in: /home/alex/OneDrive
Application version: v2.4.25-13-g1a88d33
Account Type: personal
Default Drive ID: 66d53be8a5056eca
Default Root ID: 66D53BE8A5056ECA!101
Remaining Free Space: 5368709120
Fetching details for OneDrive Root
OneDrive Root does not exist in the database. We need to add it.
Added OneDrive Root to the local database
Initializing the Synchronization Engine ...
Syncing changes and items from OneDrive ...
Applying changes of Path ID: 66D53BE8A5056ECA!101
Updated Remaining Free Space: 5368709120
Number of items from OneDrive to process: 2
Skipping item - .file or .folder: ./
Number of items from OneDrive to process: 1
Performing a database consistency and integrity check on locally stored data ... 
Uploading differences of ~/OneDrive
Processing .
The directory has not changed
Uploading new items of ~/OneDrive
Skipping item - excluded by sync_list config: ./random_25k_files
OneDrive Client requested to create remote path: ./α
The requested directory to create was not found on OneDrive - creating remote directory: ./α
Successfully created the remote directory ./α on OneDrive
OneDrive Client requested to create remote path: ./เอกสาร
The requested directory to create was not found on OneDrive - creating remote directory: ./เอกสาร
Successfully created the remote directory ./เอกสาร on OneDrive
OneDrive Client requested to create remote path: ./random_files
The requested directory to create was not found on OneDrive - creating remote directory: ./random_files
Successfully created the remote directory ./random_files on OneDrive
OneDrive Client requested to create remote path: ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne
The requested directory to create was not found on OneDrive - creating remote directory: ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne
Successfully created the remote directory ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne on OneDrive
Uploading new file ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne/file0.data ... 
Uploading 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| DONE IN 00:00:18                                                                                                                    
Remaining free space on OneDrive: 5299466240
Uploading new file ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne/file1.data ... 
Uploading 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| DONE IN 00:00:35                                                                                                                    
Remaining free space on OneDrive: 5162233856
Uploading new file ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne/file2.data ... 
Uploading 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| DONE IN 00:00:19                                                                                                                    
Remaining free space on OneDrive: 5112098816
Uploading new file ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne/file3.data ... 
Uploading 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| DONE IN 00:00:04                                                                                                                    
Remaining free space on OneDrive: 5099216896
Uploading new file ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne/file4.data ... 
Uploading 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| DONE IN 00:00:06                                                                                                                    
Remaining free space on OneDrive: 5079912448
OneDrive Client requested to create remote path: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr
The requested directory to create was not found on OneDrive - creating remote directory: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr
Successfully created the remote directory ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr on OneDrive
Uploading new file ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file0.data ... 
Uploading 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| DONE IN 00:00:09                                                                                                                    
Remaining free space on OneDrive: 5045489664
Uploading new file ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file1.data ... 
Uploading 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| DONE IN 00:00:23                                                                                                                    
Remaining free space on OneDrive: 4957536256
Uploading new file ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file2.data ... 
Uploading 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| DONE IN 00:00:34                                                                                                                    
Remaining free space on OneDrive: 4823252992
Uploading new file ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file3.data ... 
Uploading 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| DONE IN 00:00:32                                                                                                                    
Remaining free space on OneDrive: 4696674304
Uploading new file ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file4.data ... 
Uploading 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| DONE IN 00:00:33                                                                                                                    
Remaining free space on OneDrive: 4566126592
OneDrive Client requested to create remote path: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj
The requested directory to create was not found on OneDrive - creating remote directory: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj
Successfully created the remote directory ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj on OneDrive
Uploading new file ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file0.data ... 
Uploading 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| DONE IN 00:00:26                                                                                                                    
Remaining free space on OneDrive: 4465942528
Uploading new file ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file1.data ... 
Uploading 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| DONE IN 00:00:19                                                                                                                    
Remaining free space on OneDrive: 4389998592
Uploading new file ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file2.data ... 
Uploading 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| DONE IN 00:00:27                                                                                                                    
Remaining free space on OneDrive: 4281593856
Uploading new file ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file3.data ... 
Uploading 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| DONE IN 00:00:05                                                                                                                    
Remaining free space on OneDrive: 4263157760
Uploading new file ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file4.data ... 
Uploading 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| DONE IN 00:00:32                                                                                                                    
Remaining free space on OneDrive: 4140552192
OneDrive Client requested to create remote path: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu
The requested directory to create was not found on OneDrive - creating remote directory: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu
Successfully created the remote directory ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu on OneDrive
Uploading new file ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file0.data ... 
Uploading 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| DONE IN 00:00:10                                                                                                                    
Remaining free space on OneDrive: 4103352320
Uploading new file ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file1.data ... 
Uploading 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| DONE IN 00:00:19                                                                                                                    
Remaining free space on OneDrive: 4026769408
Uploading new file ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file2.data ... 
Uploading 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| DONE IN 00:00:06                                                                                                                    
Remaining free space on OneDrive: 4007792640
Uploading new file ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file3.data ... 
Uploading 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| DONE IN 00:00:24                                                                                                                    
Remaining free space on OneDrive: 3912302592
Uploading new file ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file4.data ... 
Uploading 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| DONE IN 00:00:23                                                                                                                    
Remaining free space on OneDrive: 3818577920
OneDrive Client requested to create remote path: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8
The requested directory to create was not found on OneDrive - creating remote directory: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8
Successfully created the remote directory ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8 on OneDrive
Uploading new file ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file0.data ... 
Uploading 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| DONE IN 00:00:30                                                                                                                    
Remaining free space on OneDrive: 3699515392
Uploading new file ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file1.data ... 
Uploading 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| DONE IN 00:00:21                                                                                                                    
Remaining free space on OneDrive: 3616722944
Uploading new file ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file2.data ... 
Uploading 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| DONE IN 00:00:33                                                                                                                    
Remaining free space on OneDrive: 3488169984
Uploading new file ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file3.data ... 
Uploading 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| DONE IN 00:00:27                                                                                                                    
Remaining free space on OneDrive: 3381035008
Uploading new file ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file4.data ... 
Uploading 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| DONE IN 00:00:05                                                                                                                    
Remaining free space on OneDrive: 3360407552
OneDrive Client requested to create remote path: ./large_iso_file
The requested directory to create was not found on OneDrive - creating remote directory: ./large_iso_file
Successfully created the remote directory ./large_iso_file on OneDrive
Uploading new file ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 
Uploading 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| DONE IN 00:06:10                                                                                                                    
Remaining free space on OneDrive: 1966129152
Applying changes of Path ID: 66D53BE8A5056ECA!101
Updated Remaining Free Space: 1966129152
Processing 37 OneDrive items to ensure consistent local state due to sync_list being used
Skipping item - .file or .folder: ./
Processing 1 OneDrive items to ensure consistent local state due to a full scan being requested
Sync with OneDrive is complete

Current v2.5.0 'alpha-5' PR build:

Reading configuration file: /home/alex/.config/onedrive/config
Configuration file successfully loaded
Using 'user' configuration path for application state data: /home/alex/.config/onedrive

ERROR: Unable to create /var/log/onedrive
ERROR: Please manually create '/var/log/onedrive' and set appropriate permissions to allow write access for your user to this location.
ERROR: The requested client activity log will instead be located in your users home directory

Using the following path to store the runtime application log: /home/alex

DEPRECIATION WARNING: --synchronize has been depreciated in favour of --sync or -s
DEPRECIATION WARNING: Depreciated commands will be removed in a future release.

The item database is incompatible, re-creating database table structures
Deleting the saved application sync status ...
Using IPv4 and IPv6 (if configured) for all network operations
Checking Application Version ...
Attempting to initialise the OneDrive API ...
Configuring Global Azure AD Endpoints
The OneDrive API was initialised successfully
Opening the item database ...
Application Version:  v2.5.0-alpha-5 GitHub version: v2.4.25-80-ge895a11
Account Type:         personal
Default Drive ID:     66d53be8a5056eca
Default Root ID:      66D53BE8A5056ECA!101
Remaining Free Space: 5.00 GB (5368709120 bytes)
Sync Engine Initialised with new Onedrive API instance
All application operations will be performed in the configured local 'sync_dir' directory: /home/alex/OneDrive
Fetching /delta response from the OneDrive API for Drive ID: 66d53be8a5056eca
Processing API Response Bundle: 1 - Quantity of 'changes|items' in this bundle to process: 2
Processing API Response Bundle: 2 - Quantity of 'changes|items' in this bundle to process: 1
Finished processing /delta JSON response from the OneDrive API
No additional changes or items that can be applied were discovered while processing the data received from Microsoft OneDrive
Performing a database consistency and integrity check on locally stored data
Processing DB entries for this Drive ID: 66d53be8a5056eca
Processing ~/OneDrive
The directory has not changed
Scanning the local file system '~/OneDrive' for new data to upload
Skipping item - excluded by sync_list config: ./random_25k_files
OneDrive Client requested to create this directory online: ./α
The requested directory to create was not found on OneDrive - creating remote directory: ./α
Successfully created the remote directory ./α on Microsoft OneDrive
OneDrive Client requested to create this directory online: ./เอกสาร
The requested directory to create was not found on OneDrive - creating remote directory: ./เอกสาร
Successfully created the remote directory ./เอกสาร on Microsoft OneDrive
OneDrive Client requested to create this directory online: ./random_files
The requested directory to create was not found on OneDrive - creating remote directory: ./random_files
Successfully created the remote directory ./random_files on Microsoft OneDrive
OneDrive Client requested to create this directory online: ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne
The requested directory to create was not found on OneDrive - creating remote directory: ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne
Successfully created the remote directory ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne on Microsoft OneDrive
OneDrive Client requested to create this directory online: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr
The requested directory to create was not found on OneDrive - creating remote directory: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr
Successfully created the remote directory ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr on Microsoft OneDrive
OneDrive Client requested to create this directory online: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj
The requested directory to create was not found on OneDrive - creating remote directory: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj
Successfully created the remote directory ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj on Microsoft OneDrive
OneDrive Client requested to create this directory online: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu
The requested directory to create was not found on OneDrive - creating remote directory: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu
Successfully created the remote directory ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu on Microsoft OneDrive
OneDrive Client requested to create this directory online: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8
The requested directory to create was not found on OneDrive - creating remote directory: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8
Successfully created the remote directory ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8 on Microsoft OneDrive
OneDrive Client requested to create this directory online: ./large_iso_file
The requested directory to create was not found on OneDrive - creating remote directory: ./large_iso_file
Successfully created the remote directory ./large_iso_file on Microsoft OneDrive
New items to upload to OneDrive: 26
Total New Data to Upload:        3244 MB
Uploading: ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne/file1.data ... 0%   |  ETA    --:--:--
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file2.data ... 0%   |  ETA    --:--:--
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Uploading: ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne/file0.data ... 14%  |  ETA    00:01:30
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Uploading: ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne/file3.data ... 100% | DONE in 00:00:18
Uploading new file ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne/file3.data ... done.
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file0.data ... 25%  |  ETA    00:01:09
Uploading: ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne/file0.data ... 28%  |  ETA    00:01:08
Uploading: ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne/file1.data ... 14%  |  ETA    00:02:54
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Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file2.data ... 7%   |  ETA    00:06:12
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file1.data ... 22%  |  ETA    00:01:49
Uploading: ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne/file4.data ... 100% | DONE in 00:00:34
Uploading new file ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne/file4.data ... done.
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Uploading new file ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne/file2.data ... done.
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file0.data ... 100% | DONE in 00:01:01
Uploading new file ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file0.data ... done.
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Uploading: ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne/file1.data ... 35%  |  ETA    00:01:57
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Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file2.data ... 23%  |  ETA    00:03:44
Uploading: ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne/file1.data ... 42%  |  ETA    00:01:39
Uploading: ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne/file0.data ... 85%  |  ETA    00:00:13
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Uploading: ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne/file0.data ... 100% | DONE in 00:01:19
Uploading new file ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne/file0.data ... done.
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file2.data ... 30%  |  ETA    00:03:00
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Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file1.data ... 100% | DONE in 00:01:30
Uploading new file ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file1.data ... done.
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Uploading: ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne/file1.data ... 85%  |  ETA    00:00:17
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Uploading: ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne/file1.data ... 100% | DONE in 00:01:45
Uploading new file ./random_files/Pnj8W0B2860fm52yeXmscRel9lyz98ne/file1.data ... done.
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Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file2.data ... 76%  |  ETA    00:00:34
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Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file2.data ... 100% | DONE in 00:02:01
Uploading new file ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file2.data ... done.
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Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file3.data ... 50%  |  ETA    00:00:23
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file0.data ... 10%  |  ETA    00:03:27
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file3.data ... 15%  |  ETA    00:02:12
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file1.data ... 12%  |  ETA    00:03:09
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file4.data ... 8%   |  ETA    00:04:57
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file2.data ... 18%  |  ETA    00:02:11
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file0.data ... 50%  |  ETA    00:00:30
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file4.data ... 15%  |  ETA    00:03:07
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file3.data ... 23%  |  ETA    00:02:04
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file2.data ... 27%  |  ETA    00:01:52
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file3.data ... 100% | DONE in 00:00:43
Uploading new file ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file3.data ... done.
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file0.data ... 75%  |  ETA    00:00:15
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file0.data ... 20%  |  ETA    00:03:00
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file3.data ... 30%  |  ETA    00:01:51
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file4.data ... 16%  |  ETA    00:04:05
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file0.data ... 100% | DONE in 00:00:51
Uploading new file ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file0.data ... done.
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file1.data ... 25%  |  ETA    00:02:33
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file2.data ... 36%  |  ETA    00:01:33
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file4.data ... 23%  |  ETA    00:02:57
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file3.data ... 38%  |  ETA    00:01:36
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file0.data ... 30%  |  ETA    00:02:27
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file2.data ... 45%  |  ETA    00:01:16
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file4.data ... 25%  |  ETA    00:03:15
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file4.data ... 30%  |  ETA    00:02:33
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file1.data ... 37%  |  ETA    00:01:54
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file3.data ... 46%  |  ETA    00:01:23
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file2.data ... 54%  |  ETA    00:01:03
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file0.data ... 40%  |  ETA    00:02:02
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file1.data ... 50%  |  ETA    00:01:21
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file3.data ... 53%  |  ETA    00:01:10
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file4.data ... 38%  |  ETA    00:02:12
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file2.data ... 63%  |  ETA    00:00:49
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file4.data ... 33%  |  ETA    00:02:54
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file3.data ... 61%  |  ETA    00:00:57
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file2.data ... 72%  |  ETA    00:00:36
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file4.data ... 46%  |  ETA    00:01:51
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file0.data ... 50%  |  ETA    00:01:39
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file1.data ... 62%  |  ETA    00:01:01
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file3.data ... 69%  |  ETA    00:00:45
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file2.data ... 81%  |  ETA    00:00:23
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file4.data ... 41%  |  ETA    00:02:29
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file4.data ... 53%  |  ETA    00:01:34
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file3.data ... 76%  |  ETA    00:00:34
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file2.data ... 90%  |  ETA    00:00:12
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file0.data ... 60%  |  ETA    00:01:18
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file1.data ... 75%  |  ETA    00:00:39
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file2.data ... 100% | DONE in 00:01:57
Uploading new file ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file2.data ... done.
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file3.data ... 84%  |  ETA    00:00:22
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file4.data ... 50%  |  ETA    00:02:02
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file4.data ... 61%  |  ETA    00:01:17
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Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file1.data ... 87%  |  ETA    00:00:19
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file3.data ... 92%  |  ETA    00:00:12
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file3.data ... 100% | DONE in 00:02:15
Uploading new file ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file3.data ... done.
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file4.data ... 69%  |  ETA    00:01:01
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file1.data ... 100% | DONE in 00:02:16
Uploading new file ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file1.data ... done.
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file4.data ... 58%  |  ETA    00:01:38
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file0.data ... 80%  |  ETA    00:00:35
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file4.data ... 76%  |  ETA    00:00:43
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file4.data ... 66%  |  ETA    00:01:12
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file0.data ... 90%  |  ETA    00:00:17
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file4.data ... 84%  |  ETA    00:00:28
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file0.data ... 100% | DONE in 00:02:30
Uploading new file ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file0.data ... done.
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file4.data ... 75%  |  ETA    00:00:51
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file4.data ... 92%  |  ETA    00:00:13
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file4.data ... 83%  |  ETA    00:00:31
Uploading: ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file4.data ... 100% | DONE in 00:02:37
Uploading new file ./random_files/HPfstCG70B20OGcEJVrdSosMJET2Iyqr/file4.data ... done.
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file4.data ... 91%  |  ETA    00:00:15
Uploading: ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file4.data ... 100% | DONE in 00:02:41
Uploading new file ./random_files/KR5gwAG4nMsuIHLH0210gx9sePtt6Gbj/file4.data ... done.
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file2.data ... 0%   |  ETA    --:--:--
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file1.data ... 0%   |  ETA    --:--:--
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file2.data ... 0%   |  ETA    --:--:--
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Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file3.data ... 0%   |  ETA    --:--:--
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file1.data ... 0%   |  ETA    --:--:--
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file3.data ... 0%   |  ETA    --:--:--
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file4.data ... 0%   |  ETA    --:--:--
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file2.data ... 7%   |  ETA    00:02:24
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file3.data ... 10%  |  ETA    00:02:24
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file2.data ... 50%  |  ETA    00:00:17
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file0.data ... 8%   |  ETA    00:03:18
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file4.data ... 11%  |  ETA    00:02:40
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file1.data ... 12%  |  ETA    00:02:27
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file3.data ... 9%   |  ETA    00:03:40
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file2.data ... 15%  |  ETA    00:02:23
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file3.data ... 20%  |  ETA    00:01:52
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file2.data ... 100% | DONE in 00:00:30
Uploading new file ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file2.data ... done.
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file0.data ... 16%  |  ETA    00:02:50
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file2.data ... 23%  |  ETA    00:02:00
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file4.data ... 22%  |  ETA    00:02:13
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file3.data ... 30%  |  ETA    00:01:31
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file3.data ... 18%  |  ETA    00:02:56
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file1.data ... 25%  |  ETA    00:01:57
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file2.data ... 30%  |  ETA    00:01:42
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file0.data ... 25%  |  ETA    00:02:21
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file3.data ... 40%  |  ETA    00:01:17
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file4.data ... 33%  |  ETA    00:01:48
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file2.data ... 38%  |  ETA    00:01:28
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file3.data ... 27%  |  ETA    00:02:30
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file1.data ... 37%  |  ETA    00:01:34
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file1.data ... 12%  |  ETA    00:06:39
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file0.data ... 33%  |  ETA    00:02:04
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file3.data ... 50%  |  ETA    00:01:03
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file2.data ... 46%  |  ETA    00:01:22
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file4.data ... 44%  |  ETA    00:01:28
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file3.data ... 36%  |  ETA    00:02:08
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file1.data ... 50%  |  ETA    00:01:14
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file0.data ... 41%  |  ETA    00:01:47
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file3.data ... 60%  |  ETA    00:00:52
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file2.data ... 53%  |  ETA    00:01:11
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file4.data ... 55%  |  ETA    00:01:09
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file3.data ... 70%  |  ETA    00:00:38
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file0.data ... 50%  |  ETA    00:01:29
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file3.data ... 45%  |  ETA    00:01:47
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file1.data ... 62%  |  ETA    00:00:56
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file2.data ... 61%  |  ETA    00:00:58
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file3.data ... 80%  |  ETA    00:00:25
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file0.data ... 58%  |  ETA    00:01:13
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file4.data ... 66%  |  ETA    00:00:51
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file2.data ... 69%  |  ETA    00:00:46
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file3.data ... 54%  |  ETA    00:01:30
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file1.data ... 75%  |  ETA    00:00:36
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file3.data ... 90%  |  ETA    00:00:13
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file3.data ... 100% | DONE in 00:01:53
Uploading new file ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file3.data ... done.
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file0.data ... 66%  |  ETA    00:00:57
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file2.data ... 76%  |  ETA    00:00:35
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file4.data ... 77%  |  ETA    00:00:33
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file1.data ... 25%  |  ETA    00:05:54
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file3.data ... 63%  |  ETA    00:01:10
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file1.data ... 87%  |  ETA    00:00:18
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file2.data ... 84%  |  ETA    00:00:23
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file0.data ... 75%  |  ETA    00:00:42
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file4.data ... 88%  |  ETA    00:00:16
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file1.data ... 100% | DONE in 00:02:10
Uploading new file ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file1.data ... done.
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file2.data ... 92%  |  ETA    00:00:12
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file3.data ... 72%  |  ETA    00:00:51
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file2.data ... 100% | DONE in 00:02:16
Uploading new file ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file2.data ... done.
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file0.data ... 83%  |  ETA    00:00:28
Uploading: ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file4.data ... 100% | DONE in 00:02:17
Uploading new file ./random_files/qXDjXPVaNTumm7Aq2l4SOCTqP660iyQu/file4.data ... done.
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file0.data ... 91%  |  ETA    00:00:13
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file3.data ... 81%  |  ETA    00:00:32
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file0.data ... 100% | DONE in 00:02:22
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Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file3.data ... 90%  |  ETA    00:00:15
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file3.data ... 100% | DONE in 00:02:25
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Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file1.data ... 37%  |  ETA    00:04:32
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file1.data ... 50%  |  ETA    00:03:35
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file1.data ... 62%  |  ETA    00:02:45
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file1.data ... 75%  |  ETA    00:01:37
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file1.data ... 87%  |  ETA    00:00:43
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file1.data ... 100% | DONE in 00:05:40
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Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file4.data ... 0%   |  ETA    --:--:--
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Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file4.data ... 50%  |  ETA    00:00:05
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 0%   |  ETA    00:11:00
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 1%   |  ETA    00:10:55
Uploading: ./random_files/RKtXGduNulNucRCdkdehqtRO64idmyT8/file4.data ... 100% | DONE in 00:00:10
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Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 2%   |  ETA    00:08:40
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 3%   |  ETA    00:08:04
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 3%   |  ETA    00:07:16
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 4%   |  ETA    00:07:04
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 5%   |  ETA    00:06:54
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 6%   |  ETA    00:06:31
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 6%   |  ETA    00:06:26
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 7%   |  ETA    00:06:09
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 8%   |  ETA    00:06:06
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 9%   |  ETA    00:06:03
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 9%   |  ETA    00:05:51
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 10%  |  ETA    00:05:49
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 11%  |  ETA    00:05:39
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 12%  |  ETA    00:05:37
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 12%  |  ETA    00:05:42
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 13%  |  ETA    00:05:33
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 14%  |  ETA    00:05:30
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 15%  |  ETA    00:05:23
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 15%  |  ETA    00:05:20
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 16%  |  ETA    00:05:18
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 17%  |  ETA    00:05:11
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 18%  |  ETA    00:05:09
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 18%  |  ETA    00:05:03
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 19%  |  ETA    00:05:01
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 20%  |  ETA    00:04:59
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 21%  |  ETA    00:04:53
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 21%  |  ETA    00:04:51
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 22%  |  ETA    00:04:45
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 23%  |  ETA    00:04:43
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 24%  |  ETA    00:04:38
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 24%  |  ETA    00:04:36
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 25%  |  ETA    00:04:34
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 26%  |  ETA    00:04:32
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 27%  |  ETA    00:04:27
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 27%  |  ETA    00:04:25
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 28%  |  ETA    00:04:23
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 29%  |  ETA    00:04:18
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 30%  |  ETA    00:04:16
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 30%  |  ETA    00:04:12
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 31%  |  ETA    00:04:10
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 32%  |  ETA    00:04:07
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 33%  |  ETA    00:04:03
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 33%  |  ETA    00:04:01
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 34%  |  ETA    00:03:57
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 35%  |  ETA    00:03:55
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 36%  |  ETA    00:03:51
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 36%  |  ETA    00:03:48
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 37%  |  ETA    00:03:46
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 38%  |  ETA    00:03:42
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 39%  |  ETA    00:03:40
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 39%  |  ETA    00:03:38
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 40%  |  ETA    00:03:34
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 41%  |  ETA    00:03:32
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 42%  |  ETA    00:03:28
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 42%  |  ETA    00:03:26
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 43%  |  ETA    00:03:24
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 44%  |  ETA    00:03:20
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 45%  |  ETA    00:03:18
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 45%  |  ETA    00:03:14
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 46%  |  ETA    00:03:12
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 47%  |  ETA    00:03:09
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 48%  |  ETA    00:03:06
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 48%  |  ETA    00:03:04
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 49%  |  ETA    00:03:00
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 50%  |  ETA    00:02:58
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 51%  |  ETA    00:02:55
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 51%  |  ETA    00:02:52
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 52%  |  ETA    00:02:50
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 53%  |  ETA    00:02:47
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 54%  |  ETA    00:02:44
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 54%  |  ETA    00:02:42
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 55%  |  ETA    00:02:39
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 56%  |  ETA    00:02:37
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 57%  |  ETA    00:02:34
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 57%  |  ETA    00:02:32
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 58%  |  ETA    00:02:29
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 59%  |  ETA    00:02:26
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 60%  |  ETA    00:02:24
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 60%  |  ETA    00:02:21
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 61%  |  ETA    00:02:19
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 62%  |  ETA    00:02:15
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 63%  |  ETA    00:02:13
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 63%  |  ETA    00:02:10
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 64%  |  ETA    00:02:07
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 65%  |  ETA    00:02:05
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 66%  |  ETA    00:02:02
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 66%  |  ETA    00:01:59
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 67%  |  ETA    00:01:57
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 68%  |  ETA    00:01:54
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 69%  |  ETA    00:01:51
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 69%  |  ETA    00:01:48
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 70%  |  ETA    00:01:45
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 71%  |  ETA    00:01:43
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 72%  |  ETA    00:01:40
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 72%  |  ETA    00:01:37
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 73%  |  ETA    00:01:35
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 74%  |  ETA    00:01:32
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 75%  |  ETA    00:01:29
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 75%  |  ETA    00:01:26
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 76%  |  ETA    00:01:24
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 77%  |  ETA    00:01:21
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 78%  |  ETA    00:01:18
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 78%  |  ETA    00:01:16
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 79%  |  ETA    00:01:13
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 80%  |  ETA    00:01:10
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 81%  |  ETA    00:01:08
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 81%  |  ETA    00:01:05
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 82%  |  ETA    00:01:02
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 83%  |  ETA    00:01:00
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 84%  |  ETA    00:00:57
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 84%  |  ETA    00:00:54
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 85%  |  ETA    00:00:51
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 86%  |  ETA    00:00:49
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 87%  |  ETA    00:00:46
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 87%  |  ETA    00:00:43
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 88%  |  ETA    00:00:41
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 89%  |  ETA    00:00:38
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 90%  |  ETA    00:00:35
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 90%  |  ETA    00:00:33
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 91%  |  ETA    00:00:30
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 92%  |  ETA    00:00:27
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 93%  |  ETA    00:00:25
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 93%  |  ETA    00:00:22
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 94%  |  ETA    00:00:19
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 95%  |  ETA    00:00:17
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 96%  |  ETA    00:00:14
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 96%  |  ETA    00:00:11
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 97%  |  ETA    00:00:09
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 98%  |  ETA    00:00:06
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 99%  |  ETA    00:00:03
Uploading: ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... 100% | DONE in 00:05:55
Uploading new file ./large_iso_file/CentOS-6.10-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ... done.
Performing a last examination of the most recent online data within Microsoft OneDrive to complete the reconciliation process
Fetching /delta response from the OneDrive API for Drive ID: 66d53be8a5056eca
Processing API Response Bundle: 1 - Quantity of 'changes|items' in this bundle to process: 36
Finished processing /delta JSON response from the OneDrive API
Processing 35 applicable changes and items received from Microsoft OneDrive
Processing OneDrive JSON item batch [1/1] to ensure consistent local state

Sync with Microsoft OneDrive is complete
Waiting for all internal threads to complete before exiting application


It potentially also sounds to me like the connection to OneDrive is silently being closed in your environment. How long is the 'upload process' taking on the large file before it fails?

If this is taking > 1hr (3600 seconds) , consider changing the operation_timeout value - refer to: https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive/blob/master/docs/USAGE.md#operation_timeout for assistance.

If this is failing well before 3600 seconds, you need to look at your network path to Microsoft OneDrive and start your investigations there as to why something in that path is potentially closing the connection. To do this, you will need to look at performing HTTPS Debug Logging - please read: https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive/wiki/Generate-https-debug-log-for-support

The next suggestion here is to drop from HTTP2 to using HTTP1.1 for all operations. Please read the last section of https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive/blob/master/docs/USAGE.md#curl-compatibility to understand how to change this for your client operations - something in your network path to Microsoft OneDrive may not be entirely compatible with HTTP2.

The last suggestion here is, given you will need to manually compile the 'current master' to generate the performance profile information (to validate what is causing your 100% CPU - if coming from the 'onedrive' client), it would be then worth you testing 'alpha-5' in it's current state. Please read:

The code in 'alpha-5' has been 100% re-written , has many fixes and changes (this is alpha code, but has the maturity of 12 months already). The point here is - any bug in v2.4.x will not be fixed. If the issue is seen in 'alpha-5' then it can be looked at.

Regardless of this, at the moment it all points to environmental factors | network factors unique to your environment and not a bug with this client - sorry. As such, this bug is not a bug that can be replicated (see my evidence above) and it is 100% most likely something environmental to your setup which you need to diagnose further. I am happy to communicate via email with the applicable debug logs / performance data to try and assist you diagnose this further.

SteMoeller commented 4 months ago

wow... never estimated such quick and long and helpful response... I whish microsoft would one day be able to be only 10% as fast and accurate on problems... Timout is not an issue, upload is > 10mb/sec... the http-11 thing did the trick... If I add --force-http-11 on the onedrive sync command everything runs smooth... the 800mb file gets uploaded in under 40 seconds... Perfect... Now I can include the whole thing into my backup startegy and I am fine!

THANK YOU SO MUCH for that wonderful piece of software and your afford!

abraunegg commented 4 months ago

This issue has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue for related bugs.