abred / DeepSPM

A machine learning approach allowing to acquire and classify data autonomously in multi-day Scanning Probe Microscopy experiments
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Issues with TCP/IP Server V2 (Missing Vis, and Recursive reference in non-reentrant VI) #11

Open BrianTang012 opened 7 months ago

BrianTang012 commented 7 months ago

Good evening,

As spoken on LinkedIn, I cloned the whole repository in the hope of implementing this DeepSPM software model to my STM in the lab. However, I am currently facing an issue under the 'Instrument Control Sever', where I was told to clone and then run TCP/IP Server V2 on the local LabVIEW installed. My LabVIEW version is the 2024 Q1. I tried to run the TCP/IP server on my local PC, which is not connected to any Nanonis software, and ran into the following errors. I have uploaded the screenshot of the errors as link instead as there is an error uploading jpg files on GitHub.

https://ibb.co/yPMCkKf https://ibb.co/mXZYmWK https://ibb.co/qgNymQk

abred commented 7 months ago

Hi Brian, the links don't work for me unfortunately ("That page doesn't exist")

BrianTang012 commented 7 months ago

Hi, I can upload the images on LinkedIn instead.

davizuru commented 1 month ago

Hi abred, I also downloaded the code, put it in a Labview project and got conflicts for two vis, printscreen of project attached.

Not sure if you resolved the issues over LinkedIn, or want to fix it and update here on GitHub. Best, David

abred commented 1 month ago

Error 3 Error 2 Error 1 for reference, those are the screenshots I received on linkedin

@ckrull @alex-krull any ideas?

davizuru commented 1 month ago

Thanks abred for those screenshots. As information I'm working at Nanonis and we received the question from Brian about the broken vis as well. The screenshots attached seem mostly due to different paths of the Nanonis Labview API. In general the Nanonis Labview API package is installed by the JKI VI Package Manager, and then the package gets installed in the user.lib folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2015\user.lib\Nanonis Prog Interface V5".

The two vis I asked for "param (SubVI).vi, wait.vi" I'm not sure what went wrong, probably as it's 4 years ago or more this was released, the vi path has changed. I downloaded the package from github, put it in a labview project, backsaved to LV2015 as that's the version in which we are running the Nanonis V5 version and relinked all Nanonis Labview API vis. Some are quite older vis that need to be searched in the _Legacy folder.

Attached 2 screenshots how I replaced the vis, as well as a zip of the labview project with the vis and re-linked Nanonis Labview API vis. DeepSPM-master - 1 - Find Nanonis LV API - e g  in Z-Controller folder DeepSPM-master - 2 - Find Nanonis LV API - Legacy VIs Nanonis Server - DeepSPM-master LabVIEW2015 Nanonis SPM V5 32bit 20240725-2.zip