Closed Zartris closed 3 years ago
I need to learn reading the config file... It says freaking ID!
Hi @Zartris, I'm stuck at the same point. Can you explain it with more detail: What is the difference between the "id" and the "color" mask, I still don't get it? And which config-file do you mean?
Either you have to make your own config file or retrieve the id's from the existing. Go under (tool > save config file) and find a place to save the default config file. Mine looks something like:
"labels": {
"bicycle": {
"categorie": "vehicle",
"color": [
"id": 33,
"id_categorie": 7,
"name": "bicycle"
"bridge": {
"categorie": "construction",
"color": [
"id": 15,
"id_categorie": 2,
"name": "bridge"
Here you can see the ID's are specified for each class.
So I wanted to make a script that converts my already trained model to give the input for the PixelAnnotationTool (So generate x_mask.png, x_color_mask.png). This will enable me to just correct the labels instead of creating them from scratch.
But these mask id's inside x_mask.png seem a little random to me. They are consistent between images and I think it has something to do with the config file, but I would love to reproduce this logic inside my script.
My script is as follows: