abreits / amqp-ts

AmqpSimple, a RabbitMQ tested Amqp library written in and for Typescript
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what about createChannel ? #19

Open empitegayan opened 7 years ago

empitegayan commented 7 years ago

i'm trying to convert native this code using amqp-ts

amqp.connect(configuration.amqpUrl, function (err: any, conn: any) {
        conn.createChannel(function (err: any, ch: any) {
            ch.assertQueue('', { exclusive: true }, function (err: any, q: any) {
                let corr = uuid.v4();
                ch.consume(q.queue, function (msg: any) {
                    if (msg.properties.correlationId == corr && msg.content != null) {
                        let resData = JSON.parse(msg.content);
                }, { noAck: true });

                ch.sendToQueue(queue, new Buffer(JSON.stringify(req)), { correlationId: corr, replyTo: q.queue });

but createChannel , assertQueue not implemented or not there ? http://www.squaremobius.net/amqp.node/channel_api.html#model_createChannel

abreits commented 7 years ago

amqp-ts was designed to make it easy to connect to amqp, without the need to create channels or wait for callbacks or promises to resolve before continuing. It uses the library you mention as a base.

The code you give could be written as follows with amqp.ts in typescript:

import * as Amqp from "amqp-ts";

// connect to the amqp server
var connection = new Amqp.Connection(configuration.amqpUrl);

// define a new queue
var queue = connection.declareQueue("", {exclusive: true});

// define the consumer for the queue
queue.activateConsumer( message => {
  let msg = message.getContent();
  if (msg.properties.correlationId == corr && msg.content != null) {
    let resData = JSON.parse(msg.content);
}, {noAck: true});

// send a message to the queue
queue.send(new Message({ correlationId: corr, replyTo: q.queue });

// or, if you want to absolutely make sure that the queue is created before you send something
connection.completeConfiguration().then(() => { 
  queue.send(new Message({ correlationId: corr, replyTo: q.queue });
}).catch(err => {
  console.log("An error occurred: " + err.message);
abreits commented 7 years ago

Oops, just noticed that I messed up. This should be better:

import * as Amqp from "amqp-ts";

// connect to the amqp server
var connection = new Amqp.Connection(configuration.amqpUrl);

// define a new queue
var queue = connection.declareQueue("", {exclusive: true});

let corr = uuid.v4();

// define the consumer for the queue
queue.activateConsumer( msg => {
  let content = msg.getContent();
  if (msg.properties.correlationId == corr && content != null) {
    res.json(content);  // I don't know what this line does
}, {noAck: true});

// send a message to the queue
queue.send(new Message(req, { correlationId: corr, replyTo: q.queue });

// or, if you want to absolutely make sure that the everything is initialized before you send something
connection.completeConfiguration().then(() => { 
  queue.send(new Message(req, { correlationId: corr, replyTo: q.queue });
}).catch(err => {
  console.log("An error occurred: " + err.message);
empitegayan commented 7 years ago

Hello @abreits thanks for the help i'm referring RPC call on my implementation. i have microservice to consume messages on queue. but above implementation api request it self consume the request from queue. but i need something like this

may be using this code it will possible

queue.rpc(num).then(function(result) {
  console.log(' [.] Got ', result.getContent());

but problem was we cannot pass Message to rpc method (cannot pass correlationId, replyTo as properties) or i might understood this in wrong way. could you please help me to undestand.

abreits commented 7 years ago

Do you mean that you have an existing rpc server and you need to write the client, or that you can both write the server and client (if the latter, then you can use the code in tutorial 6:


If however you have an already existing server implementation then you need to do the following:

something like this:

// connect to the reply_to queue
// amqp-ts does not work well with autogenerated queue names, so we generate a name
let responseQueueName = "rpc-response-" + uuid.v4(); 
let rpcResponseQueue = connection.declareQueue(responseQueueName, {exclusive: true});

//create a correlation id (if needed)
let corr = uuid.v4();

// define the consumer function (can also be done inline)
function rpcConsumer (msg: Amqp.Message) {
  rpcResponse = msg.getContent();
    // process rpc response, e.g.
    if (msg.properties.correlationId == corr && rpcResponse != null) {

// connect to consumer to the queue
rpcResponseQueue.activateConsumer(rpcConsumer, {noAck: true});

// connect to the rpc queue
let rpcQueue = connection.declareQueue(rpcQueueName);

// send a message to the rpc queue
let rpcRequest = new Amqp.Message(rpcRequestContent, {correlation_id: corr, reply_to: responseQueueName});
empitegayan commented 7 years ago

Thanks you very much!! That did the job!! thanks again..

empitegayan commented 7 years ago

Sorry for the bothering is there any specific reason to use exclusive = true because server cannot access to exclusive queue to give the response

abreits commented 7 years ago

No reason, I just added it because it was present in your original example. If it causes problems just remove it.

empitegayan commented 7 years ago

when consuming message i'm getting error

error: Queue.onMessage consumer function returned error: content is not a buffer module=amqp-ts

i thought it because of queue option but something else

abreits commented 7 years ago

According to the error something went wrong in your consumer function, try to debug it there.

empitegayan commented 7 years ago

i have dig in to source code and realized i'm calling this function to initialize consumer

var connection = new amqp.Connection(configuration["amqpUrl"]);
        var queueReq = connection.declareQueue(queue, { durable: false });
        queueReq.activateConsumer((message: amqp.Message) => {
            /* some logic go there */

        }, { noAck: true })

but when i call queueReq.activateConsumer as a parameter message typeof Message getting

but in source this line

it again try to create message var message = new Message(msg.content, msg.properties); but msg.content is a already Buffer

abreits commented 7 years ago

That is not a problem, a new Message can be created with a Buffer, it will then be used as is.

see how the content of a new Message object is created: https://github.com/abreits/amqp-ts/blob/master/src/amqp-ts.ts#L327