Open EssBee59 opened 1 year ago
I'm sorry for the delay.
It's not that I haven't heard the wishes. But all my resources are in the 'final stages' for the 1.6.4 library. And usually I want to have sampled some code snippets before making a statement/commitment.
So all I can say is: yes, I'm interested, I find it useful, it might start for me after 1.6.4
I'm sorry for the delay.
It's not that I haven't heard the wishes. But all my resources are in the 'final stages' for the 1.6.4 library. And usually I want to have sampled some code snippets before making a statement/commitment.
So all I can say is: yes, I'm interested, I find it useful, it might start for me after 1.6.4
Thank for your reply and interest! As the extention is not urgent, no problem to wait... As I am not able to help in "1.6.4" library, I try to start some tests with new tags... the main challenge for me is to generate a rd5 file with new tags ... (if some one can help!) regards
I think, my prototype using the new tag "estimated_noise" is now running! my first tests are interesting... two good news:
What did you do for that?
I had some time in longer train runs. So I started investigation on this issue as well.
Enclosed a short description of my first tasks (add "estimated_noise_class") how_to_create_noise_tags.txt
I had only to create this new script to add the new tag in OSM (perhaps you can reuse the programm used by Arndt for "estimated_traffic_class" , but it was for me simpler to use a new script)
Further tags (river, forest..) are also prepared... This week, I try tp create the RD5 for full Germany (I could create the "noise" data in 20 minutes, but the "forest" need much longer time) till yet only a part of Hesse is available, but I could send these RD5 if you are interested to test Regards
perhaps you can reuse the programm used by Arndt for "estimated_traffic_class"
estimated_traffic_class is injected in the "WayLinker" step, the very last step of preprocessing, but the first step where the ways and their geometry are together. But at this step, the way-id is no longer present.
There's another step where I inject pseudo-tags (the relation-pseudo-tags):
At this step there is no geometry, but there is the way-id. So if you have a preprocessor that generates pseudo-tags connected to the osm-way-id, then that' proabably the best location to inject them.
estimated_traffic_class is not a succes story. I had a hard time integrating it into the preprocesor without adding too much latency, I has problems with a "noisy" behaviour blowing up the rd5-delta files. And I never achieved world-coverage, but only europe.
So if you have a preprocessor that generates pseudo-tags connected to the osm-way-id, then that' proabably the best location to inject them.
sorry if you have your data ready the best location i of course the very first step of preprocessing ( see OsmCutter.generatePseudoTags )
Relation merging must be done in a later step because when reading the PBF-File, the relations appear after the ways.
@EssBee59 Thanks for the description.
I started an other way - the BRouter classic way. Ground class is an ExtraDataCollector. It contains the definition we like to collect e.g. natural=wood The OsmCutter greps all the extra data and writes it to an extra data file. An ExtraDataCutter5 splits it as usual. The WayLinker checks if a way has an ExtraData entry and add a new variable like 'estimated_noise' and its value. I do this on the test osm file - it is readable in an editor and has fast results - no speed tests at the moment, growing only a few bytes.
At the moment I thinking about the relation problem @abrensch annouced. E.g. Dreieich: relation id 6831654 has natural=scrub definition. The member way 263958248 has no definition tags at all. So it will never get into our way data tiles. I would like to do a pre-process for relationships. And then the member ways shall inherit the tags - if needed. The question for me is should the childs get other tags as well? E.g. a relation could have a maxspeed info. When a member way has no maxspeed, should it get this relation value?
The repo follows.
Hello afischerdev, I am not real expert in OSM, so I can not help about relationship.. Of course the way I choosed with spatial SQL ist complex, but the "geometry" (distance between the lines / polygons) was a good solution:
as example above, does a relation allready exist in osm between the cycleway and the motorway? (With spatial SQL, the intersection surfaces are used to estimate a tag value)
I could create now the RD5 for full Germany. (A challange was the processing time for "forest" data in postgreesql) So I had to redesign the database (table and indexes( and the SQL...
the processing times... (rough results)
processing full germany (pbf of 4 GB) time in minutes (first version), time in minutes (2 nd version)
1- import "pbf" in postgresql using osm2psql 30 30 2- redesign database / create new tables na 30 4- create noise data 30 30 5- create river data >600 10 6- create forest data 900 30 7- add the new tags in osm file 16 16 8- generate RD5 (as input 70 GB osm file) 10 10
I could generate RD5 files for Germany containing the new tags (noise, river and forest) If any body intend to test and evaluate the real use of the new tags, I could deliver these files + lookups + new profiles... or I could install a new brouter test-instance on the server! (my user "essbee" has allready a test instance fpr brouter-web but not for brouter itself)
orry if you have your data ready the best location i of course the very first step of preprocessing ( see OsmCutter.generatePseudoTags )
@ abrensch:
Thank for the help! So instead of adding the new tags in a preprocessing step with a perl script I could extend the standard OsmCutter for this task.
(with a new “OsmCutter.generateSpecialTags” and using a JDBC connection to postgresql to get the new tags)
Example for Germany map, into 17.831.000 “highway” objects 10.405.000 new tags are added
(6.250.000 for forest, 1.656.000 for river and 2,456,000 for noise)
The processing time (including generation of the rd5 in the last step) was about 50 minutes (first version with 1 sql per way),
in a second version (load all tags in 3 hast tables with 3sql) the time was reduced to 12 minutes (but it cot some memory!)
(of course, the new tags were previously created within the database)
new documentation for the tag-calculation:
Thanks for update and for the report, sounds good.
I'm still fixed on the Dreieich test data. But I'm not happy with it. At the end all needed points are controlled to the possible points. That give a feeling like an endless loop - when using it in bigger pbfs. So I think I'll give up this part for now. Pre computering seems to be the better way.
I'm now prepared to use database export/import. The import for BRouter is file based, so no extra library is needed and the database generation of import files could be placed on an other server then rd5 generation.
Used this 'green' filter for import - should be discussed:
highway not in ('motorway', 'motorway_link', 'trunk', 'trunk_link', 'primary', 'primary_link', 'secondary')
landuse in ('forest', 'allotments', 'flowerbed', 'orchard', 'vineyard', 'recreation_ground', 'village_green')
leisure in ( 'park', 'nature_reserve')
natural in ( 'grassland', 'meadow', 'scrub', 'wood' )
I ended up in the same problems with timing. Used some examples for optimization from here - database gives us the chance of index, but wasn't very happy with this.
No profile with extra data for now. I only control on output. brouter_trekking_0.geojson.txt
Please see my repository
@EssBee59 What did you do for speedup?
Yes, the green filter for import is a good idea, as it will reduce the size of the planet_osm_table. (reducing the load time of the database, but I think, it will nor reduce the processing time of the tags)
my tasks / test in the last weeks:
A- I could install a “test” instance with 3 new tags on the BRouter server
Restriction: currently only the rd5 from Germany are installed Feature: 2 scripts (fastbike-verylowtraffic and trekking-essbee) were extended to support the new tags (consider_noise, consider_river & consider_forest)
My prefered test cases:
B- I also tried to generate the new tags for “Europe”
Size of the pbf file: 28 GB
Platform: note book with windows 11 (AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX and 16 GB RAM)
Load time (osm2pgsql) 9:30 hours
Generation of the noise tags 4 hours
Generation of the river tags no ending …
Generation of the forest tags not ending…
I think 2 problems occur there: 16 GB of RAM is definitely not enough for the job! It seems, the postgresql database do not scale lineary
Test database parameter: I tested with 6, 8 and 10 GB of memory (example shared_buffers = 8240MB), but the SQL´s were very very slow / not ending + paging
To minimize the memory need I tried to work without “parallel seq scan” (by ==> adding max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0), but same result as whis parallel scan.
I will try another way: split the big pbf file (Europe or planet), as example with squares of max 10 degres, calculate the new tags for each square and concatenate the results in a single table. It could be then possible to run OsmCutter for any part of the planet (or the full planet by need) by using the final table above.
Could this be a way to proceed?
(I made some changes in the sql´s and in do you need the last versions to test?)
Could this be a way to proceed?
Yes, I think so. A bounding box for the database generation is needed. I already have a database function for the BRouter tile index logic (see OsmCutter.getNameForTile) to split BRouter incoming extra data files. But we should use only Europa as target. Means planet file with European extra data.
(I made some changes in the sql´s and in do you need the last versions to test?)
Would be nice, please let me know.
Here the sql and java! 2 java versions:
noise.sql.txt river.sql.txt forest.sql.txt all_tags.sql.txt
About splitting... I thougt, it could be made with osmconvert (-b parameter), but if you have a running solution, I would test with it!
Thanks for the files. You didn't use an extra index is that correct?
My focus at the moment is to reduce database size ( imports only used columns) and make some index to decrease the import speed. But it's still a lame duck in my eyes.
Please see scripts in misc folder
Hello afischerdev,
As I was not satisfied with the behaviour of the database qith big tables ( select's hang often) I redesigned my database and the sql´s. No real problem now to generate "europe" within a run (of course, with 16 GB RAM it takes 24 h, as paging slows down the system) I will send the new sql´s later...
A question: Some years ago I had a discussion with Arndt about "town" (How to avoid routing through a big town?) Now with the database a solution is introducing a 4th tags "estimated_town_class".
Do you see a need for this tag? (you see, the import-filter should be adapted)
Nice idea. I had a short check on my Hessen data. I found only two towns with more then 80000. And Darmstadt has a lot of green areas around.
I enabled population in my scripts ( and brouter_start.sql).
Nice idea. I had a short check on my Hessen data. I found only two towns with more then 80000.
strange, in the table planet_osm_polygon only few cities are stored using the "default" import: As example for Germany I did not found this city...which is in the osm data.
<node id="27418664" lat="50.1106444" lon="8.6820917">
<tag k="alt_name" v="Mainhattan;FFM;Frankfurt a. M."/>
<tag k="alt_name:en" v="Frankfort"/>
<tag k="ele" v="112"/>
<tag k="name" v="Frankfurt am Main"/>
<tag k="name:an" v="Frankfurt d'o Main"/>
<tag k="name:ar" v="ÙرانكÙورت"/>
<tag k="name:ca" v="Frankfurt del Main"/>
<tag k="name:cs" v="Frankfurt nad Mohanem"/>
<tag k="name:de" v="Frankfurt am Main"/>
<tag k="name:el" v="ΦÏανκφοÏÏτη"/>
<tag k="name:en" v="Frankfurt"/>
<tag k="name:eo" v="Frankfurto"/>
<tag k="name:es" v="Fráncfort del Meno"/>
<tag k="name:fr" v="Francfort-sur-le-Main"/>
<tag k="name:he" v="×¤×¨× ×§×¤×•×¨×˜"/>
<tag k="name:hr" v="Frankfurt na Majni"/>
<tag k="name:hsb" v="Frankobrod nad Mohanom"/>
<tag k="name:hu" v="Frankfurt am Main"/>
<tag k="name:it" v="Francoforte sul Meno"/>
<tag k="name:ja" v="フランクフルト・アム・マイン"/>
<tag k="name:ko" v="프랑í¬í‘¸ë¥´íŠ¸"/>
<tag k="name:la" v="Francofurtum ad Moenum"/>
<tag k="name:lt" v="Frankfurtas prie Maino"/>
<tag k="name:lv" v="Frankfurte pie Mainas"/>
<tag k="name:mk" v="Франкфурт на Мајна"/>
<tag k="name:ms" v="Frankfurt"/>
<tag k="name:nds" v="Frankfort an’n Main"/>
<tag k="name:pl" v="Frankfurt nad Menem"/>
<tag k="name:ro" v="Frankfurt pe Main"/>
<tag k="name:ru" v="Франкфурт-на-Майне"/>
<tag k="name:sk" v="Frankfurt nad Mohanom"/>
<tag k="name:sl" v="Frankfurt na Majni"/>
<tag k="name:sr" v="Франкфурт на Мајни"/>
<tag k="name:uk" v="Франкфурт-на-Майні"/>
<tag k="name:ur" v="ÙرینکÙرٹ آم مین"/>
<tag k="name:zh-Hans" v="ç¾Žå› æ²³ç•”æ³•å…°å…‹ç¦"/>
<tag k="name:zh-Hant" v="美茵河畔法è˜å…‹ç¦"/>
<tag k="official_name" v="Frankfurt am Main"/>
<tag k="place" v="city"/>
<tag k="population" v="701350"/>
<tag k="ref:LOCODE" v="DEFRA"/>
<tag k="reg_name" v="Frankfurt"/>
<tag k="short_name" v="Frankfurt"/>
<tag k="wikidata" v="Q1794"/>
<tag k="wikipedia" v="de:Frankfurt am Main"/>
we have possibly to make changes in the import of osm2pgsql?
I promised my new SQL version! (interesting if you want to generate europe in one step with few RAM)
Note/ prerequisites to generate europe:
500 GB free storage (230 GB database + 160 GB tmp tables!)
my database config:
shared_buffers = 12240MB
max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0 (no parallel actions to limit the memory usage)
I think we could make an update on the polygon data. Something like this
SELECT pt.osm_id,,, pt.population pop, x.admin_level
FROM planet_osm_point pt
SELECT member AS osm_id, id, p.admin_level
SELECT unnest(parts) AS member, id
FROM planet_osm_rels
WHERE NOT ARRAY['population'] <@ tags
) u, planet_osm_polygon p
WHERE p.osm_id*-1 =
) x
WHERE pt.population is not null
ORDER by pt.population::decimal desc
But this is also covered with questions: We would include Hessen as area. So I added admin_level to select. Please see admin_level Is not equal in use in every country. Will not be the end.
A note on relations:
From the 'Dreieich' data I focused on relation 6831654 and way 148463112. The relation contains four ways and two of them have no tags. In the past I have tried to generate these. Now on database use I see the database import already give a path to the relation. I like that feature. It doesn't require a second pass and is ready to use.
But another 'little problem' arises. If a relation has a tagged way, the same constellation appears twice. (tag changes by hand)
w_id | p_id | road | green_factor
-----------+-----------+---------+---------------- ----
148463112 | -6831654 | tracks | 0.9965243870745802
148463112 | 263958233 | tracks | 0.4062599369714373
148463112 | 263958248 | tracks | 0.9965243870745802
Other remark on 'green factor'
A way inside a forest like 1082304710 this is the best we can reach. A way on the forest border 1082304706 is semi optimal but can reach a higher level then the inside forest way. It gets values from forest and other
w_id | p_id | highway | green_factor
1082304710 | -6833156 | path | 0.9955203890731116
1082304710 | 39306205 | path | 0.0771948143192361
w_id | p_id | highway | green_factor
1082304706 | -6833156 | track | 0.9694724948047176
1082304706 | 251920267 | track | 0.3863178127417932
1082304706 | 251920283 | track | 0.3163575831981074
1082304706 | 251920285 | track | 0.1501170101172784
1082304706 | 251920305 | track | 0.3283513763800288
1082304706 | 251920307 | track | 0.9527799094096389
1082304706 | 251920331 | track | 0.36070424194288164
1082304706 | 251920334 | track | 0.2382312526047835
One more remark on Darmstadt.
I collected all greens inside the Darmstadt polygon and wrote it to an extra table:
SELECT p.osm_id p_id, l.osm_id l_id,, l.landuse, l.way
into table pop_sub
FROM planet_osm_polygon AS l
LEFT JOIN planet_osm_polygon AS p
ON ST_DWithin(l.way, p.way, 70)
where p.osm_id=-62581
and l.landuse in ('forest','allotments','flowerbed','meadow','orchard','vineyard','recreation_ground','village_green')
And then the difference from the original Darmstadt polygon gives this geojson file - view at file import. darmstadt.geojson.txt
thank for the update! a lot of material, I need time to analyze, as I follow another way now using "lua" config file for import.. (it seems helpfull for flexibility and better performances as only the needed data can be generated)
curently I get for Germany the following cities order by population: town_li.log
my first result for town tags (region francfort with Frankfurt + Offenbach + Darmstadt)
looks fine... only the official / administrative surface for Darmstadt has a part in forest ... ("all greens" could be eliminated as you commented above) so not perfect... (but calculation should only apply on big towns to avoid that)
My first problem was to find also Frankfurt and Offenbach, and this could be solved
hello, this sql removes all "town" tags where a green tag exists: delete from town_tags where losmid in (SELECT losmid FROM forest_tags);
(nearly 1 of 3 tags are deleted for Darmstadt!) not perfect... but much better as before...
@EssBee59 Great idea, I like it. No more area different selection, very elegant.
I think, we also could substract the ways at river side... this allowing to cross a big town along a river (example Frankfurt from ost to east am "Mainufer")
I will upload the sources in th next days.
question: For quality assurance I am using "overpass turbo" to visualize the tags: example: [out:json];way(id: 744822181, 985593873, 7988297, ..... 896410953, 209044931 );out geom;
but I liked to generate a different color for each class (for each way we have a class with a value between 1 and 6) could be some thing like this example: rel[type=boundary] [boundary=administrative]
[name~"^(Frankfurt am Main|Darmstadt)$"]; out geom;
relation[name=Frankfurt] { color:blue; fill-color:red; }
relation[name=Darmstadt] { color:red; fill-color:red; }
Can any body /overpass turbo expert) help?
I think, we also could substract the ways at river side... this allowing to cross a big town along a river (example Frankfurt from ost to east am "Mainufer")
Good idea as well.
No idea on overpass api, I didn't found styles in there.
the new "town" tags for Darmstadt (problem with missed forest solved) (to be compared with above)
My new version is now available!
changes: 1- osm2pgsql is now using own import filters (defined in a *.lua file) 2- a new tag was implemented ("town")
1- LUA Filter Using the standard osm2pgsql filters was not optimal:
all of this problems are solved by using an own filter. Flexibility (future requirements) and transparency are further advantages.
2- new tag "town" This tag is intended for bikers who like to bypass cities adn big towns. Each highway within the administrative surface of the city/town get a tag "estimated_town_class" between 1 and 6. Exceptions: Highways having a tag such as "estimated_river_class" or "estimated_forest_class" are not considered, this eliminated areas of the town which are in forests or at river sides.
minor changes in the sql's was also applied (noise depending on maxspeed) etc..
status / open themes:
a- some warnings comes from "" during the generation of the RD5's
** relation access conflict for wid = 26988069 tags:highway=motorway_link surface=asphalt lit=unknown lanes=1 sidewalk=right oneway=yes estimated_noise_class=6 estimated_forest_class=6 (ok=false)
b- The JDBC URL is currently hard coded in, should be improved
c- the strategy to generate the tags for the planet should be defined (splitting Y/N and how) Using splitting the generation is fast -for Germany all steps 1 hour 22 minutes- with parallel processing in the DB (max_parallel_workers_per_gather NOT = 0!) Without splitting a lot of RAM should be available (>= 64 GB), also consider by need single processing in the DB to reduce the need.
d- tests tests are possible on my test instance. Only for Germany and only 3 scripts are prepared for the new tags: fastbike-verylowtraffic and trekking_SB / trekking_SB_elev. The settings for the penalties is provisory.
Great, that is really fast. I adjusted my scripts. Only add an export sql to fill my input files.
We have good status but before we do a PR some talking points:
Value calculation: I ran some tests using max instead of the sum function. This has another problem, ways with 40% forest and 60% park are not 100% green. We should keep it like it is and normalize in the second sql run.
Naming variables:
I would prefer a shorter form and a name nearer to the meaning
estimated_noise - no idea here, it also has other unhealthy aspects
Water polygons: What do you think to reduce the entries by using the way_area in planet_osm_polygon, (way_area > 100 removes smaller ponds)
Server admins: Do we have any chance to get online with this?
Generation way: We have two ways at the moment for the OsmCutter injection : one over a database connection (jdbc) and one via file system. What do you prefer?
- Value calculation:
Hello, Yes, the calculation can be improved: As example for noise the results were not really good. I am testing a new version (using "ST_Union" instead of sum or max that gave not the best results) Now it seems fine, I send the change as soon my tests are closed.
- Naming variables:
feel free to choose the names you prefer (or save space!) (my first version was based on "estimated_traffic_class as created by Arndt)
- Water polygons:
If you have a solution to reduce the storage, well! (as explained, using the own lua filter, the storage space was allready reduced a lot)
- Change of the lookups.dat is needed
yes, of course! also the profiles have to be extended... (I forgot the new löookups.dat in my last change, but the names depends on the names you intend to give)
- Generation way:
Yes, I prefer the JDBC way: it is a bit slower, but save memory (hash tables would become very large for the planet!)
The important decision is splitting y/n and how... I do not know the available ressources (RAM) on your server, so I have no recommandation yet...
(using JDBC, I think it is easier to concatenate the new tags after generation with splitting)
Sorry, I had no time to clarify how the generation is done yet .... (is there any documentation about this, also for the "update" strategy )
- Water polygons: What do you think to reduce the entries by using the way_area in planet_osm_polygon, (way_area > 100 removes smaller ponds)
I understand now your idea: very good, as this example shows:
(way_ID 537268875 ) 3 very small water surfaces, and the current river_class is = 5 ! Two changes are possible: 1- add "where ST_Area(p.way) > 31400" in the select (eliminating very small polygons) 2- replace the "sum" with "ST_Union" by the calculation (in order to consider the extended (by 50 m) water surfaces only once)
OLD sum( st_area(st_intersection(m.way, q.way)) / st_area(m.way) )
NEW: st_area(st_intersection(m.way, ST_Union( q.way))) / st_area(m.way)
The changes are now implemented:
On my test-instance the new tags are available for Germany and France.
The waterway tag follows the possible routing line. The natural=water+water=river show the water area.
What do you think do we still need the river/canal line selection? Or is the area enough for our proposal?
Thank for the link! I was not aware of that and was "positively" suprised, that also the Rhin (with 400 m width) was considered...!!
If I right understand: For big rivers (Rhin, Main) we have 2 items for the same segment in the database: 1- a line (waterway=river) 2- AND a multipolygon (coming from a relation) with (natural=water)
Right? But by normal rivers (Gersprenz) we have only a line ? So I would prefer to keep the selection (union) as it is... (very small rivers are mapped as "stream" and are not included in the select)
@EssBee59, first of all, great work so far! The results I achieve in the test instance with minimal modifications to my gravel profile are extremely promising.
The only thing that doesn't quite satisfy me yet is the town classification:
Hobrechtstraße | Haubachweg |
estimated_town_class=3 estimated_forest_class= |
estimated_town_class= estimated_forest_class=1 |
Hello quaelnix! Thank a lot for your comments and tests!
The initial goal of the "town" tag is to bypass big cities and towns for bikers: Which kind of metric would you prefer? (I have no other idea currently: reflecting the population in the class allows the profile developper to decide wich towns he liked to bypass)
About forest and river substraction: In your both examples only alone "trees" are mapped in OSM closed to your segments (and they are not considered as forest!) But the "Haubachweg" is near the "Felsenwaldchen", that for it has estimated_forest_class=1 and the segment is not considered as town...
But I think these "limit cases" should not be a real problem for Brouter to bypass or not a city ... (the tag should be used for a widely routing)
Anyway: any remark is welcomed!
The initial goal of the "town" tag is to bypass big cities and towns
Ok, I never thought about it this way, but I guess that makes sense.
Which kind of metric would you prefer?
Intuitively routing through a cozy suburb of a big city, should not be more expensive than routing through an ugly small town. Maybe we should try to take population density into account? I don't know. I'll have to think about it some more.
But I think these "limit cases" should not be a real problem for Brouter to bypass or not a city
They are problematic even if the OSM data was perfect, which is almost always not the case.
We should also try to make sure that industrial areas are not incorrectly classified as just river or forest (examples: Industriestraße, Güterhallenstraße).
I see two possible solutions:
In my opinion we should not drop the information that any of these ways are inside of a town, because a profile developer can easily exclude them by doing the following:
or ( not estimated_forest_class= ) ( not estimated_river_class= ) ...
But he cannot recover the lost information that the way segment is in a city.
For quality assurance I have now a solution using "overpass turbo":
The colors:
blue ==> ways with a tag for river / see
red ==> ways with a tag for noise
green ==> ways with a tag for forest
The colors are modified according to the "class" value: bright ==> "low" class (starting with 1), dark ==> "high" class (till class 6)
Thanks for the .pdf, nice to see how good things are working already and a good way to ask some questions.
Hello, I would like to discuss extensions in the brouter! Many enhancement-requests are already posted, here some examples: Noise Green area Round trip
In the following I will consider (as example) these 3 enhancements: -consider the noise / pollution on the route -consider a river or see on the side of the route -consider the "green" aspect of the route (within a forest or park…) The basic idea is to introduce new calculated (or estimated) tags in the RD5 files. (in a similar way as the existing tag „estimated_traffic_class»)
Of course, the routing engine have also to be extended in order to support these tags, and the profiles have to use them according to the preferred route.
1- The first challenge is to calculate / estimate the tag values for the concerned highways: I started some tests and this seems possible(see documentation in pdf file):
documentation was updated
2- Extension of the RD5 files with the new tags 3- Extension of the routing engine to support the new tags (+ lookups.dat) 4- Extension of profiles Next steps: A first look at the results of the spatial-SQL´s (GIS) is very promising: the calculated values for the new tags seems good and usable. -a decision, which tags exactly should be implemented, can be made later -a further challenge is the calculation of the tag value for the planet, as it will take a lot of time! So I suggest next to test the impact of the tags « noise » and « river » on the routing within a regional osm-map (as example 30 km * 30 km).
The tags values are available, but implementing Extension(2) and (3) is prerequisite to start “real” tests. Is anybody ready to work on this extension / to create a prototype for testing(Extensions 2 and 3)?