abrensch / brouter

configurable OSM offline router with elevation awareness, Java + Android
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Roundabouts and Slip-Roads #545

Closed MotoUKRider closed 1 year ago

MotoUKRider commented 1 year ago

Hello - Cruiser user here.

I've just updated to v1.7 and found that a Route didn't load - further investigation reveals it boils down to roundabouts and slip-roads as starting points - replicated in several places on a map using duplicate "preferences" on 2 devices, the other using the previous BRouter from GooglePlay Store.

If you attempt to start from a roundabout (ie: a place where fuel/services may be) then it won't "route". The on/off-ramp/slip-road does not route, either. You have to start the Route on the main carriageway or a little back from the roundabout.

See example below: It will "route" on the main A15 towards the Humber Bridge, but not on the entry-ramp, so you have to find a "clear" piece of road. cruiser-brouter-issue

MotoUKRider commented 1 year ago

Update: a further test suggests that it's only the Start point causing a problem. A Route with a Shaping-Point in the same place was able to route correctly.

afischerdev commented 1 year ago

I've tried to get the fail with your description. And used it with this sample - I always need exact data for producing an error. I have no web server with 1.7.0 lib but in offline generation this is the result.


Seems alright for me. It starts on ramp (near your point). Do I miss something?

PS this also work when I come from the Lidl parking space to bridge.

MotoUKRider commented 1 year ago

Just to clarify, I'm using the Cruiser navigation app (Mapsforge maps) with the latest 1.7 "offline" BRouter on my Android device. If I switch to "online" within the app, BRouter performs as expected. "In browser" BRouter is fine :)

I have since tried other roundabouts/slip-roads around the UK and reproduced the same issue.

devemux86 commented 1 year ago


Can you export a small route example in the (offline) GPX navigation gpx format?

Then I can check the parameters sent to the BRouter app and @afischerdev can see what's happening in BRouter.

afischerdev commented 1 year ago

@MotoUKRider I got that. Anyway on my phone this is Cruiser and BRouter last versions:


Still not see the problem. May be you can tell us more about your settings? e.g. your profile - I use car-fast in this sample

devemux86 commented 1 year ago

@MotoUKRider @afischerdev

What routing settings do you use?

So we can see what BRouter profile and extra parameters are called.

MotoUKRider commented 1 year ago

Sure, here's a short working route - obviously Cruiser won't let me export a "non" route, but if I move the Start Point to those bad places, it won't "route". Very odd. I can even "Start" in the field away from the road and BRouter snaps to the road nearby, so it's working up to a point - but just doesn't like roundabouts/slip-roads :(

Cruiser: "Car" Navigation Profile, "Fastest" Route Type, no avoidances BRouter: "car-fast" and selecting "motocar_fast" Server-Mode in BRouter

It's about as "stock" as I can get - just the update stopped it working. Bizarre, I know!


afischerdev commented 1 year ago

Same as mem just as it comes out of the box. Download tiles are from today as this is not my area.

devemux86 commented 1 year ago

@MotoUKRider thanks for the sample. :+1:

The issue is in Cruiser reader of the BRouter responses. The 1st trkpt contains:


Usually we expect in the 1st trkpt:


Is the BRouter response correct or we need to adjust the Cruiser reader?

afischerdev commented 1 year ago

That's it. In my test -0.455417,53.680995;-0.449084,53.695384 I got an unexpected roundabout_e2 at the first point. But when I control the 'old' export with waypoints I get the same result also on first point:

<wpt lat="53.680993" lon="-0.455413"><ele>43</ele><name>Take exit 2</name></wpt>

A beautiful sample.

Who tells us what is the right form?

devemux86 commented 1 year ago

cc @0709wiwiwi

It should be valid to have a turn instruction at the 1st point (start) of a route. Mostly it is a simple "straight", but in some cases it can even be a u-turn.

The old format has a different structure. In the new format we use a limited number of tags, we have to fit everything in them.

0709wiwiwi commented 1 year ago
  1. Surely this is a rare and rather surprising discovery.
  2. The snap to street action causes the start to fall on the roundabout.
  3. Roundabout indication locations are where the oncoming road connects to the roundabout.
  4. So if you only start at the roundabout itself, the condition 3 is not present.
  5. You start on a "crooked" road and so the indication should be "pass_place".
    (Compare with the first (rtept) route(way)point but here it is one that snapped to the nearest road).
  6. Where you leave that "crooked" road then, a standard L/R directional indication is expected. But admittedly that expectation may be a bit too high anyway ;-)

By the last Beta the BRouterAPP 1.6.4l-release this issue did and does not occur. And also the GH offline router engine in Cruiser handles this fine. A normal start is so possible at the roundabout. (Confirmed by test). Start location (before the snap to street action) placed at the parking lot of a pharmacy near a roundabout. image Start_rotonde_gh.gpx.txt

devemux86 commented 1 year ago

For now I will make Cruiser reader more flexible in the next update, so it has no problem reading such responses.

afischerdev commented 1 year ago

@0709wiwiwi I also tested the GH router inside Cruiser with our sample above. My result is: A15_gh Shows GH also delivers roundabout logic. When I export this to GPX I get a similar result as you in your gpx file. The start point is inside but no turn instruction. But this is not a fall back from roundabout to 'normal' turn instruction logic. For me it seems to be the conflict between start point vs. voice hint goes to the start point. And on a fall back I would expect a right on 1. exit and and a left on 2. exit.

When you export this as a kurviger file you have the 'take exit 2' inside at position index 0.

@devemux86 Yes, we have a different structure now. But the output format changes not the routing logic. All other export formats accept a turn instruction on the first point.

afischerdev commented 1 year ago

Anyway, we have a problem in this example:

The result of the roundabout is RNDB2 for right-hand traffic. It should be RNLB2 on the left side.

0709wiwiwi commented 1 year ago

Alex, Surprising was the modified behavior compared to the Beta. What is important is that a routing start up is not blocked.

Cruiser and Locus handle imports of trkpt sym with type Via_Shaping slightly different. In Cruiser any trkpt sym turn with a type Via or Shaping is accepted as routing reference. In Locus only the sym pass-place is usefully to be used as via point routing reference.

devemux86 commented 1 year ago

For now I will make Cruiser reader more flexible in the next update, so it has no problem reading such responses.

- https://github.com/devemux86/cruiser/discussions/150

It works properly in Cruiser 3.0.19.

quaelnix commented 1 year ago

@devemux86, is there anything left to do, or can we close this?

devemux86 commented 1 year ago

@quaelnix thanks for asking, I have already updated the reader in Cruiser.

So we can close this issue, as a turn instruction in the first trkpt is valid.