abrensch / brouter

configurable OSM offline router with elevation awareness, Java + Android
MIT License
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Harmonization of elevation data sources #558

Open zod opened 1 year ago

zod commented 1 year ago

BRouter currently has four elevation sources

The .rd5 segments currently use two datasources

As it's rather complicated (and undocumented) and uses some confusing names we should rename and remove some parts.

Most of the information is from reading the source or older issues, so maybe @abrensch can confirm if I'm correct.

abrensch commented 1 year ago

Most of the information is from reading the source or older issues, so maybe @abrensch can confirm if I'm correct.

Ja sure, the first part is correct and the "should" part depends on your motivation...

A good source is my 2015 Fossgis Presentation where, starting from Minute 16:34, I talked about the usage of srtm data: https://av.tib.eu/media/17557

Some additional facts from my fading memory:

afischerdev commented 1 year ago

.bef files should use the same naming scheme as .rd5 instead of mimicking as SRTM tiles

Good idea, this is the main feature for me. The current naming includes only 60N to 60S in a proper way, so e.g. a tile named srtm_39_01.bef has the neighbour tiles in North srtm_39_00, then srtm_39_-01 and so on.

Other naming For me, SRTM is a collective term for satellite raster data may be completed with some other values. There are serveral output formats like ascii, binary or bitmap data. And this can have different resolution. May be different internal logic. The formats are our focus. Not the organisation they come from.

srtm as part of the name indicates what the classes are for. ElevationRaster is good and neutral in your sense but also very general.

Perhaps one converter class could handle the different formats. e.g. SrtmTileConverter Or one class for each general format, like SrtmAsciiTileConverter, SrtmBinaryTileConverter, SrtmBitmapTileConverter

abrensch commented 1 year ago

In order to deploy the master branch as a pre-processor I had to comment out the query for hgt-style files in "PosUnifier"

Reason was a performance Bottle-neck from doing expensive ops on a per-node basis like File.exists and String.format

Maybe we can radically cleanup the "PosUnifier" to use only a normalized format (5x5 befs with 30m resolution and hgt-style names) and put all the magic in the converter tool that then should be able to create befs from mixed sources, putting lidar where available and falling back to cgiar srtm where not?

zod commented 1 year ago

Ja sure, the first part is correct and the "should" part depends on your motivation...

I think it would be sensible to cleanup some stuff while my memory is still fresh. But let's see how much time I can devote to this.

A good source is my 2015 Fossgis Presentation where, starting from Minute 16:34, I talked about the usage of srtm data: https://av.tib.eu/media/17557

Thanks, that's quite helpful.

* CGIAR SRTM Data are 6001 x 6001 Pixels so they have a common pixel line between neigbouring Tiles, which makes linear interpolation in a 4-pixel-square easy: you never have to access 2 Files to do that. There exists also srtm files with 6000 x 6000 pixels (or 3600 x 3600 for 30m/1 degree) that do not have this common line

I've downloaded SRTM 90m DEM Version 4 from https://srtm.csi.cgiar.org/download but it seems those files are 6000 x 6000 (ncols and nrows are both 6000 and each row contains 6000 values).

* In "BEF", I included the possibility to have a "border" of more than one pixel in order to do interpolations accessing more than 4 pixels but still accessing only one file.

By looking at the code this handling doesn't seem related to "BEF" which just contains coordinates and a grid. I think the border handling is in ConvertLidarTile.

srtm as part of the name indicates what the classes are for. ElevationRaster is good and neutral in your sense but also very general.

Maybe we should use DemRaster, which should be correct, regardless of it's DTM or DSM and how this data is obtained (e.g. LiDAR or Radar)

Maybe we can radically cleanup the "PosUnifier" to use only a normalized format (5x5 befs with 30m resolution and hgt-style names) and put all the magic in the converter tool that then should be able to create befs from mixed sources, putting lidar where available and falling back to cgiar srtm where not?

This would be a clean solution but would also break functionality for existing users which create rd5 files directly from "Ersi ASCII" files.