abrensch / brouter

configurable OSM offline router with elevation awareness, Java + Android
MIT License
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Unknown lookup name: estimated_noise_class #580

Closed devemux86 closed 3 months ago

devemux86 commented 1 year ago

New BRouter installation: route calculations with fastbike or trekking or hiking-mountain profiles fail with the following exceptions.

It seems BRouter downloads profiles that already have the new rules not compatible with the database?

ParseException /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/btools.routingapp/brouter/profiles2/fastbike.brf at line 198: unknown lookup name: estimated_noise_class

ParseException /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/btools.routingapp/brouter/profiles2/trekking.brf at line 193: unknown lookup name: estimated_noise_class

ParseException /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/btools.routingapp/brouter/profiles2/hiking-mountain.brf at line 323: unknown lookup name: estimated_noise_class

afischerdev commented 1 year ago

@devemux86 Did you have a look at the lookups.dat version number? It should be 10.14 When you update your rd5 tiles the first step is downloading a new lookups.dat and/or standard profiles.

devemux86 commented 1 year ago

Did you have a look at the lookups.dat version number? It should be 10.14

I see (new installation):

afischerdev commented 1 year ago

@devemux86 Yes, at a new installation you get the lookups.dat from apk assets. But when you load your first rd5 tile, you should get an update on the lookups. Load rd5 means from server, not via usb.

devemux86 commented 1 year ago

After the new installation of BRouter there were not any rd5 files. So I downloaded a rd5 tile with BRouter app, but the lookups.dat has not changed.

afischerdev commented 1 year ago

Hm, you are right. When I test this now, new lookups.dat become only a lookups.dat.tmp file I got my version 10.14 last week on all my phones. So I thought everything is fine.

devemux86 commented 1 year ago

When I test this now, new lookups.dat become only a lookups.dat.tmp file

@afischerdev indeed, I have a lookups.dat.tmp file with version 10.14 and the new content.

afischerdev commented 1 year ago

I've found the reason, a problem in single download. When downloading all rd5 tiles lookups.dat is handled as expected.