abrensch / brouter

configurable OSM offline router with elevation awareness, Java + Android
MIT License
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Routing issue using Stairs #631

Closed smallpixelStefan closed 1 year ago

smallpixelStefan commented 1 year ago

Hello, when trying to route using this link https://brouter.de/brouter-web/#map=18/50.87640/6.02425/osm-mapnik-german_style&lonlats=6.021119,50.877315;6.025829,50.875839;6.027653,50.873266

Is there a way to get the information which element was used for the routing? Maybe the routing uses the highway=pedestrian tag, but there are only stairs available. The question is, the problem caused by "wrong" tags or by another point.

Thx Stefan

zod commented 1 year ago

BRouter calculates a cost for each way and the way with the least cost is used for routing. The cost can be calculated using different tags on a way, so it's not a single tag which causes a way to be used or not

You can see the cost of a way using the data tab in the right sidebar.

In this case the area around the steps is mapped as highway=pedestrian without any additional tags. It doesn't route over the steps.

poutnikl commented 1 year ago

Rather, BRouter throws away all ways when it realizes they cannot have their final cost smaller than the best one from the sub-optimal but quick first pass. It speeds up routing and saves computation resources. See more in https://github.com/poutnikl/Brouter-profiles/wiki/Glossary about A-star algorithm and Pass1Coeeficient.

smallpixelStefan commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much for the quick response. I have updated the tags. Should be fine after the next update.