abrensch / brouter

configurable OSM offline router with elevation awareness, Java + Android
MIT License
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Tolls vs Vehicle Type #639

Open MotoUKRider opened 8 months ago

MotoUKRider commented 8 months ago

Following from this discussion on the Cruiser app group here, is there an allowance for routing across a toll road when the OSM suggest that the vehicle in question (a motorcycle) does not pay a toll?

It seems that "Avoid Toll" is absolute, regardless of vehicle type and toll property.

My thinking is that if I have "Avoid Toll" on a motorcycle profile within Cruiser app, I should be able to route over any toll road where a motorcycle passes for free.

devemux86 commented 8 months ago

To clarify, BRouter does not seem to include the toll:motorcycle in the routing data? So this tag cannot be used in profiles, we get the message "unknown lookup name: toll:motorcycle".

For example this bridge with toll=yes and toll:motorcycle=no: https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/4063883

afischerdev commented 8 months ago

I hvae added this to #458 fro the next generation lookups

devemux86 commented 8 months ago

@afischerdev many thanks!

MotoUKRider commented 4 months ago

According to this post the motorcycle-toll feature still hasn't been added. There seems to be some kind of addition of the motorcycle-toll parameter to the project but I'm not very savvy with "who did what, pending, commit, push/pull" etc or whether there needs to be a full release before developers can make use of the "engine" for their apps.

For recap, this is using the Cruiser app with "internal BRouter".

devemux86 commented 4 months ago


This is related to the download data of BRouter (not the code). There is a large data update that has not yet been merged here: