abrensch / brouter

configurable OSM offline router with elevation awareness, Java + Android
MIT License
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Success message on routing #706

Open mhoehme opened 1 month ago

mhoehme commented 1 month ago

I am using Brouter-App with Osmand on Android.

  1. However, I am a bit confused by the success message of the router. This success message should be renamed into something like "up and running".
  2. I would like to have some kind of feedback message that a route has been caclulated, for example a popup window displaying the last few reqests
afischerdev commented 1 month ago

Sorry for the delay. I'm not sure, but I guess you mean this dialog?


Please tell us what is the benefit for replace Success with up and running. I can't see one. BRouter has finished the work and tells you some details. And here comes the second question for the second wish: some feedback? This dialog box has some info and offer you to share the generated GPX. What more do you need?

In my understanding BRouter is a tool that user doesn't see in the 'normal' use. Other apps like OsmAnd use it in the background and offer you the results. It may be necessary to download the routing segments if the apps do not offer this directly.

mhoehme commented 1 month ago

Maybe we are talking about different messages. I am talking about this message that appears after starting and configuring brouter-app in server mode:


EssBee59 commented 4 weeks ago

2. I would like to have some kind of feedback message that a route has been caclulated, for example a popup window displaying the last few reqests

Hello, In Osmand you see on the map whether the route were calculated properly.. or you get an error message. If you need more (details of the routing) create a file named "debug.txt" in the directory of the Brouter-app, each request is then documented in this file (incl. the name of the profile used)

About the mapping for the profile: If you use Osmand 4.7.1 or higher you can now in Osmand select the profile to be used in Brouter-app

See section "OsmAnd version 4.7.1" in https://osmand.net/docs/user/navigation/routing/brouter When using this new mapping you do not have to configure a profile-mapping in the brouter-app itself


afischerdev commented 4 weeks ago

@mhoehme Thanks for the clearing. But again, in my eyes the dialog does what it was 'designed' for: The config has changed and you see the result and can control it. In addition, the defined nogos and a parameter marker for parameter changes are displayed - when changed.

@EssBee59 Thanks for the OsmAnd hint, I didn't know that or I don't have it present.