abresee / geoaggregate

taking things and putting them together
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Land Use USGS #3

Open JGravelin opened 11 years ago

JGravelin commented 11 years ago


Files for all US (?)

JGravelin commented 11 years ago



All states available. Seems to be most accurate in dense areas and less in rural / suburbs. Although most data is at a moderate level of granularity.

Work on these categories:

Administration Areas(Boundaries): Level 02 = National Level 06 = County Level 08 = Town


Water, Waterways

Buildings (these seem more accurate in dense urban areas, many missing pieces in rural areas)

Roads, Railways, railway stations,

Powerlines: point file marks location of many telephone wire poles and creates an electric wire flow across the state.

There isn't a great tree cover map here we will need to add that from somewhere else. Some data is patchy but it should provide us with a decent amount of site specific data.

abresee commented 11 years ago

@JGravelin Hey look I mentioned you in a comment.

If you can assemble a list of data types for land use data (population, housing units, etc) that are important, I can focus on integrating those first :dancers:

JGravelin commented 11 years ago

Depository of world maps


US Land Cover: http://www.cec.org/Page.asp?PageID=924&ContentID=2819&AA_SiteLanguageID=1

US Forest Cover: http://geodata.grid.unep.ch/results.php

US Forest and Land Cover: http://landcover.usgs.gov/landcoverdata.php#na

US Urban Areas: http://www.naturalearthdata.com/downloads/50m-cultural-vectors/

US Hazards: http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/chrr/research/hotspots/coredata.html

US Animal Data: http://www.natureserve.org/getData/animalData.jsp