abresler / nbastatR

NBA Stats API Wrapper and more for R
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Synergy(season_types = c("Playoffs")) not working #26

Closed Henryjean closed 5 years ago

Henryjean commented 5 years ago

Despite adding "Playoffs" to season_types, synergy() will only pull regular season data.

abresler commented 5 years ago

Again, this is not the package this is the NBA not releasing the data as of now, if they ever do.

Henryjean commented 5 years ago

Maybe i'm misunderstanding because the function does retrieve the data for the regular season.

Just not the postseason

I'm referring specifically to this data: https://stats.nba.com/players/isolation/

abresler commented 5 years ago

Again, the way this calls the data it does not exist.


The NBA may have changed their query and right now I am not modifying the package so if you need this data I recommend you write your own function

ssal23 commented 5 years ago

Quick question, I saw you said above that the NBA doesn't release the playoff data to synergy , but when I'm on synergy's platform there is playoff data, so is this an issue w the current iteration of package? Regardless, thanks for making this package public, it's super useful and I appreciate it