abrimo / TinyMCE-Autocomplete-Plugin

Twitter/Facebook style inline autocomplete for the TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor
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Display Problem of Completion Box #8

Open JJ-Author opened 11 years ago

JJ-Author commented 11 years ago

As you can see on the image below. I've got a problem with the Completion box. It is not displayed inside the box and the style is not correct. I've got this problems in Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer (Windows 7). I'm not sure wheter I configured the css correctly ( I just copied it into contents.css) Please have a look at my configuration here http://pcai042.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/~swp11-6/tinymce.zip (tinymce 3.5.7 , configuration in examples folder)
Is my configuration wrong or does that problem occur in new version of tinymce?


JJ-Author commented 11 years ago

Finally solved it by copying the autocomplete css stuff into jscripts\tiny_mce\themes\advanced\skins\default\ui.css