abrochard / emacs-habitica

Emacs Extension for Habitica
GNU General Public License v3.0
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token doesn't work #10

Closed itslijohnny closed 7 years ago

itslijohnny commented 7 years ago

I am currently using spacemacs. it works perfectly with the emacs-habitica. However, when I put (setq habitica-uid "xxx") (setq habitica-token "xxxxx") in .spacemacs it ask me to type in username and password again. When i type in the username and password it says "wrong type argument"...

abrochard commented 7 years ago

Hmm, I don't use spacemacs at all, but I can try taking a look. Just to make sure I understand:

The second case is weird because I specifically wrote

(if (or (not habitica-uid) (not habitica-token))
  (call-interactively 'habitica-login))

in the habitica-tasks function, so if they are both set properly you should never be prompted.

itslijohnny commented 7 years ago

sorry about my language, but yes you were right. BTW, did you do any modification today? the login problem solved. but the interface shows:

* Habits :habit: ** TODO xxxx(my fist babit): :PROPERTIES: :ID: 26f74ee4-1483-.....(i delete the rest number, in case it is sensitive) :END:

abrochard commented 7 years ago

The login worked? That's weird. I didn't change anything. I also can't reproduce the problem.

And yes it's normal to see that id. I use org-mode properties to store the task id for when I'm calling the API. It's not sensitive. Normally, org-content gets called and hides it away.

itslijohnny commented 7 years ago

i mean it only showed my first TODO and kind of showing the id. Before the login didn't work. it was show the full list. I will try delete .spacemacs and restore it to see the problem.

itslijohnny commented 7 years ago

I delete the .spacesmacs and setup spacesmacs again and it worked. I think there must be some conflict with other packages.

abrochard commented 7 years ago

oh wow. I know really nothing about spacemacs. Where do you think it could be coming from?

itslijohnny commented 7 years ago

i think there must be some conflicts with org-mode configuration.As long as I uncommon org in "dotspacemacs-configuration-layers" it has the problem. it shows "Symbol's function definition is void: org-link-types." But once I put (setq org-directory "~/xxxxxx/l") in .spacemacs file the habitica interface shows, but only showed my first TODO .

itslijohnny commented 7 years ago

I wish I know more about programming. I find out that in terminal everything works just fine. I really have no idea. Hope the information can help you find out the problem. Thanks for the response and patience.

abrochard commented 7 years ago

No worries. Give me a bit of time and I'll install spacemacs and try it out myself.

itslijohnny commented 7 years ago

Thanks a lot. Here's some update. I tried delete everything and install back several times in the weekend. Some how it worked. I suspect emoji layer is the reason. because this is the one layer I didn't install. And since I don't know how I make everything works, I will not try to install emoji layer again, in case something wrong.

abrochard commented 7 years ago

Still trying to work my way through spacemacs. Have you seen those two issues in spacemacs?

https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/issues/8334 https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/issues/8074

Can you try to call package-initialize in init.el before the org-mode code gets evaluated? It seems to be a fix for a few users.

itslijohnny commented 7 years ago

I'm now sure emoji layer cause the problem. I installed emoji and it has the problem. I delete the emoji and everything works just fine.