Currently, the VHDL entities generated by Fletchgen are not namespaced in any way; for instance, the mantle is always named Mantle. This gets rather annoying when using multiple Fletchgen-based kernels in a single design. You could solve this by compiling the different kernels in different VHDL libraries, but it would be easier for 99% of the cases if all generated entity names were simply namespaced by prefixing the kernel name.
Currently, the VHDL entities generated by Fletchgen are not namespaced in any way; for instance, the mantle is always named
. This gets rather annoying when using multiple Fletchgen-based kernels in a single design. You could solve this by compiling the different kernels in different VHDL libraries, but it would be easier for 99% of the cases if all generated entity names were simply namespaced by prefixing the kernel name.