absinthe-graphql / absinthe

The GraphQL toolkit for Elixir
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`import_sdl` could not parse SDL #1317

Closed thecristen closed 1 week ago

thecristen commented 4 months ago

If submitting a bug, please provide the following:


Expected behavior

No errors in compilation

Actual behavior

== Compilation error in file lib/open_trip_planner_client/schema.ex ==
** (Absinthe.Schema.Notation.Error) `import_sdl` could not parse SDL:
An unknown error occurred during parsing: errors were found at the given arguments:

  * 1st argument: not an already existing atom
    lib/open_trip_planner_client/schema.ex:10: (module)

Relevant Schema/Middleware Code

Adding this file with import_sdl: https://github.com/opentripplanner/OpenTripPlanner/blob/dev-2.x/src/main/resources/org/opentripplanner/apis/gtfs/schema.graphqls

benwilson512 commented 4 months ago

Hi @thecristen can you also show the Elixir module you had which was importing this SDL?

thecristen commented 2 months ago

Hello! It happens with this barebones setup:

defmodule OpenTripPlannerClient.Schema do
  use Absinthe.Schema

  import_sdl __DIR__ |> Path.join("../../../otp-deploy/otp/src/main/resources/org/opentripplanner/apis/gtfs/schema.graphqls") |> Path.expand() |> File.read!()


Same with using import_sdl path: __DIR__ |> Path.join("../../../otp-deploy/otp/src/main/resources/org/opentripplanner/apis/gtfs/schema.graphqls") |> Path.expand() And same if I hardcode the whole path name.

thecristen commented 2 months ago

So far I've been able to narrow it down a bit after running Absinthe.Phase.Parse.run() on the contents on my file:

{:ok, #Inspect.Error<
  got MatchError with message:

      no match of right hand side value: %Absinthe.Blueprint{operations: [], directives: [], fragments: [], name: nil, schema_definitions: [], schema: nil, prototype_schema: nil, adapter: nil, initial_phases: [], telemetry: %{}, flags: %{}, errors: [], input: %Absinthe.Language.Document{definitions: [%Absinthe.Language.DirectiveDefinition{name: "async", description: "Use an asynchronous data fetcher on a separate thread for this field.\n\nThis is useful when adding several queries in the same HTTP request, for example by using a batch: Those\nfields annotated with this directive run in parallel.\n\nThis is only worth it when the execution is long running, i.e. more than ~50 milliseconds, so this doesn't happen by default.", arguments: [], directives: [], locations: [:field_definition], loc: %{line: 9, column: 1}, repeatable: false}, %Absinthe.Language.SchemaDeclaration{description: nil, directives: [], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "query", description: nil, arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "QueryType", loc: %{line: 12, column: 12}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 12, column: 5}}], loc: %{line: 11, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "Agency", description: "A public transport agency", directives: [], interfaces: [%Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Node", loc: %{line: 16, column: 24}}], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "id", description: "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "ID", loc: %{line: 20, column: 9}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 20, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "gtfsId", description: "Agency feed and id", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 23, column: 13}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 23, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "name", description: "Name of the agency", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 26, column: 11}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 26, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "url", description: "URL to the home page of the agency", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 29, column: 10}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 29, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "timezone", description: "ID of the time zone which this agency operates on", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 32, column: 15}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 32, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "lang", description: nil, arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 34, column: 11}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 34, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "phone", description: "Phone number which customers can use to contact this agency", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 37, column: 12}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 37, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "fareUrl", description: "URL to a web page which has information of fares used by this agency", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 40, column: 14}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 40, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "routes", description: "List of routes operated by this agency", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.ListType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Route", loc: %{line: 43, column: 14}}, loc: %{line: 43, column: 13}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 43, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "alerts", description: "By default, list of alerts which have an effect on all operations of the agency (e.g. a strike).\nIt's also possible to return other relevant alerts through defining types.", arguments: [%Absinthe.Language.InputValueDefinition{name: "types", type: %Absinthe.Language.ListType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "AgencyAlertType", loc: %{line: 54, column: 17}}, loc: %{line: 54, column: 16}}, description: "Returns alerts for these types that are relevant for the agency.\nBy default only returns alerts that have an effect on all operations of the agency (e.g. a strike).", default_value: nil, directives: [], loc: %{line: 54, column: 9}}], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.ListType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Alert", loc: %{line: 55, column: 9}}, loc: %{line: 55, column: 8}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 49, column: 5}}], loc: %{line: 16, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumTypeDefinition{name: "AgencyAlertType", description: "Entities, which are relevant for an agency and can contain alerts", values: [%Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "AGENCY", description: "Alerts affecting the agency.", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "ROUTES", description: "Alerts affecting agency's routes", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "ROUTE_TYPES", description: "Alerts affecting the different route types of the agency.\nAlerts that affect route types on all agencies can be fetched through Feed.", directives: [], loc: nil}], directives: [], loc: %{line: 59, column: 6}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "Alert", description: "Alert of a current or upcoming disruption in public transportation", directives: [], interfaces: [%Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Node", loc: %{line: 74, column: 23}}], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "id", description: "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "ID", loc: %{line: 78, column: 9}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 78, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "alertHash", description: "hashcode from the original GTFS-RT alert", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Int", loc: %{line: 81, column: 16}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 81, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "feed", description: "The feed in which this alert was published", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 84, column: 11}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 84, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "agency", description: "Agency affected by the disruption. Note that this value is present only if the\ndisruption has an effect on all operations of the agency (e.g. in case of a strike).", arguments: [], directives: [%Absinthe.Language.Directive{name: "deprecated", arguments: [%Absinthe.Language.Argument{name: "reason", value: %Absinthe.Language.StringValue{value: "Alert can have multiple affected entities now instead of there being duplicate alerts\nfor different entities. This will return only one of the affected agencies.\nUse entities instead.", loc: %{line: 91, column: 8}}, loc: %{line: 90, column: 32}}], loc: %{line: 90, column: 20}}], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Agency", loc: %{line: 90, column: 13}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 90, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "route", description: "Route affected by the disruption", arguments: [], directives: [%Absinthe.Language.Directive{name: "deprecated", arguments: [%Absinthe.Language.Argument{name: "reason", value: %Absinthe.Language.StringValue{value: "Alert can have multiple affected entities now instead of there being duplicate alerts\nfor different entities. This will return only one of the affected routes.\nUse entities instead.", loc: %{line: 100, column: 8}}, loc: %{line: 99, column: 30}}], loc: %{line: 99, column: 18}}], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Route", loc: %{line: 99, column: 12}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 99, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "trip", description: "Trip affected by the disruption", arguments: [], directives: [%Absinthe.Language.Directive{name: "deprecated", arguments: [%Absinthe.Language.Argument{name: "reason", value: %Absinthe.Language.StringValue{value: "Alert can have multiple affected entities now instead of there being duplicate alerts\nfor different entities. This will return only one of the affected trips.\nUse entities instead.", loc: %{line: 109, column: 8}}, loc: %{line: 108, column: 28}}], loc: %{line: 108, column: 16}}], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Trip", loc: %{line: 108, column: 11}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 108, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "stop", description: "Stop affected by the disruption", arguments: [], directives: [%Absinthe.Language.Directive{name: "deprecated", arguments: [%Absinthe.Language.Argument{name: "reason", value: %Absinthe.Language.StringValue{value: "Alert can have multiple affected entities now instead of there being duplicate alerts\nfor different entities. This will return only one of the affected stops.\nUse entities instead.", loc: %{line: 118, column: 8}}, loc: %{line: 117, column: 28}}], loc: %{line: 117, column: 16}}], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Stop", loc: %{line: 117, column: 11}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 117, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "patterns", description: "Patterns affected by the disruption", arguments: [], directives: [%Absinthe.Language.Directive{name: "deprecated", arguments: [%Absinthe.Language.Argument{name: "reason", value: %Absinthe.Language.StringValue{value: "This will always return an empty list. Use entities instead.", loc: %{line: 126, column: 45}}, loc: %{line: 126, column: 37}}], loc: %{line: 126, column: 25}}], type: %Absinthe.Language.ListType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Pattern", loc: %{line: 126, column: 16}}, loc: %{line: 126, column: 15}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 126, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "alertHeaderText", description: "Header of the alert, if available", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 129, column: 22}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 129, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "alertHeaderTextTranslations", description: "Header of the alert in all different available languages", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.ListType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "TranslatedString", loc: %{line: 132, column: 35}}, loc: nil}, loc: %{line: 132, column: 34}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 132, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "alertDescriptionText", description: "Long description of the alert", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 135, column: 27}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 135, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "alertDescriptionTextTranslations", description: "Long descriptions of the alert in all different available languages", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.ListType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "TranslatedString", loc: %{line: 138, column: 40}}, loc: nil}, loc: %{line: 138, column: 39}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 138, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "alertUrl", description: "Url with more information", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 141, column: 15}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 141, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "alertUrlTranslations", description: "Url with more information in all different available languages", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.ListType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "TranslatedString", loc: %{line: 144, column: 28}}, loc: nil}, loc: %{line: 144, column: 27}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 144, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "alertEffect", description: "Alert effect", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "AlertEffectType", loc: %{line: 147, column: 18}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 147, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "alertCause", description: "Alert cause", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "AlertCauseType", loc: %{line: 150, column: 17}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 150, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "alertSeverityLevel", description: "Alert severity level", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "AlertSeverityLevelType", loc: %{line: 153, column: 25}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 153, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "effectiveStartDate", description: "Time when this alert comes into effect. Format: Unix timestamp in seconds", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Long", loc: %{line: 158, ...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 158, ...}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "effectiveEndDate", description: "Time when this alert is not in effect anymore. Format: Unix timestamp in seconds", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Long", loc: %{...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{...}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "entities", description: "Entities affected by the disruption.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.ListType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{...}, ...}, complexity: nil, ...}], loc: %{line: 74, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumTypeDefinition{name: "AlertCauseType", description: "Cause of a alert", values: [%Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "UNKNOWN_CAUSE", description: "UNKNOWN_CAUSE", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "OTHER_CAUSE", description: "OTHER_CAUSE", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "TECHNICAL_PROBLEM", description: "TECHNICAL_PROBLEM", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "STRIKE", description: "STRIKE", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "DEMONSTRATION", description: "DEMONSTRATION", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "ACCIDENT", description: "ACCIDENT", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "HOLIDAY", description: "HOLIDAY", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "WEATHER", description: "WEATHER", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "MAINTENANCE", description: "MAINTENANCE", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "CONSTRUCTION", description: "CONSTRUCTION", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "POLICE_ACTIVITY", description: "POLICE_ACTIVITY", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "MEDICAL_EMERGENCY", description: "MEDICAL_EMERGENCY", directives: [], loc: nil}], directives: [], loc: %{line: 172, column: 6}}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumTypeDefinition{name: "AlertEffectType", description: "Effect of a alert", values: [%Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "NO_SERVICE", description: "NO_SERVICE", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "REDUCED_SERVICE", description: "REDUCED_SERVICE", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "SIGNIFICANT_DELAYS", description: "SIGNIFICANT_DELAYS", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "DETOUR", description: "DETOUR", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "ADDITIONAL_SERVICE", description: "ADDITIONAL_SERVICE", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "MODIFIED_SERVICE", description: "MODIFIED_SERVICE", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "OTHER_EFFECT", description: "OTHER_EFFECT", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "UNKNOWN_EFFECT", description: "UNKNOWN_EFFECT", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "STOP_MOVED", description: "STOP_MOVED", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "NO_EFFECT", description: "NO_EFFECT", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "ACCESSIBILITY_ISSUE", description: "ACCESSIBILITY_ISSUE", directives: [], loc: nil}], directives: [], loc: %{line: 211, column: 6}}, %Absinthe.Language.UnionTypeDefinition{name: "AlertEntity", description: "Entity related to an alert", directives: [], types: [%Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Agency", loc: %{line: 248, column: 21}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Route", loc: %{line: 248, column: 30}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Pattern", loc: %{line: 248, column: 38}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Stop", loc: %{line: 248, column: 48}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Trip", loc: %{line: 248, column: 55}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "StopOnRoute", loc: %{line: 248, column: 62}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "StopOnTrip", loc: %{line: 248, column: 76}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "RouteType", loc: %{line: 248, column: 89}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Unknown", loc: %{line: 248, column: 101}}], loc: %{line: 248, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumTypeDefinition{name: "AlertSeverityLevelType", description: "Severity level of a alert", values: [%Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "UNKNOWN_SEVERITY", description: "Severity of alert is unknown", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "INFO", description: "Info alerts are used for informational messages that should not have a\nsignificant effect on user's journey, for example: A single entrance to a\nmetro station is temporarily closed.", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "WARNING", description: "Warning alerts are used when a single stop or route has a disruption that can\naffect user's journey, for example: All trams on a specific route are running\nwith irregular schedules.", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "SEVERE", description: "Severe alerts are used when a significant part of public transport services is\naffected, for example: All train services are cancelled due to technical problems.", directives: [], loc: nil}], directives: [], loc: %{line: 251, column: 6}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "OpeningHours", description: nil, directives: [], interfaces: [], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "osm", description: "OSM-formatted string of the opening hours.\n\nThe spec is available at: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:opening_hours", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 282, column: 10}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 282, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "dates", description: "Opening hours for the selected dates using the local time of the parking lot.\nEach date can have multiple time spans.\n\nNote: This is not implemented yet and always returns null.", arguments: [%Absinthe.Language.InputValueDefinition{name: "dates", type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.ListType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 294, column: 17}}, loc: nil}, loc: %{line: 294, column: 16}}, loc: nil}, description: "Opening hours will be returned for these dates. Dates should use YYYYMMDD format.", default_value: nil, directives: [], loc: %{line: 294, column: 9}}], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.ListType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "LocalTimeSpanDate", loc: %{line: 295, column: 9}}, loc: %{line: 295, column: 8}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 290, column: 5}}], loc: %{line: 276, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "BikePark", description: "Bike park represents a location where bicycles can be parked.", directives: [], interfaces: [%Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Node", loc: %{line: 299, column: 26}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "PlaceInterface", loc: %{line: 299, column: 33}}], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "id", description: "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "ID", loc: %{line: 303, column: 9}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 303, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "bikeParkId", description: "ID of the bike park", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 306, column: 17}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 306, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "name", description: "Name of the bike park", arguments: [%Absinthe.Language.InputValueDefinition{name: "language", type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 311, column: 19}}, description: "Returns name with the specified language, if found, otherwise returns with some default language.", default_value: nil, directives: [], loc: %{line: 311, column: 9}}], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 311, column: 28}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 309, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "spacesAvailable", description: "Number of spaces available for bikes", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Int", loc: %{line: 314, column: 22}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 314, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "realtime", description: "If true, value of `spacesAvailable` is updated from a real-time source.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Boolean", loc: %{line: 319, column: 15}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 319, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "lon", description: "Longitude of the bike park (WGS 84)", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Float", loc: %{line: 322, column: 10}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 322, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "lat", description: "Latitude of the bike park (WGS 84)", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Float", loc: %{line: 325, column: 10}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 325, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "tags", description: "Source specific tags of the bike park, which describe the available features.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.ListType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 330, column: 12}}, loc: %{line: 330, column: 11}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 330, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "openingHours", description: "Opening hours of the parking facility", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "OpeningHours", loc: %{line: 333, column: 19}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 333, column: 5}}], loc: %{line: 299, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "VehicleParking", description: "Vehicle parking represents a location where bicycles or cars can be parked.", directives: [], interfaces: [%Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Node", loc: %{line: 337, column: 32}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "PlaceInterface", loc: %{line: 337, column: 39}}], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "id", description: "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "ID", loc: %{line: 341, column: 9}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 341, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "vehicleParkingId", description: "ID of the park", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 344, column: 23}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 344, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "name", description: "Name of the park", arguments: [%Absinthe.Language.InputValueDefinition{name: "language", type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 349, column: 19}}, description: "Returns name with the specified language, if found, otherwise returns with some default language.", default_value: nil, directives: [], loc: %{line: 349, column: 9}}], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 349, column: 28}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 347, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "realtime", description: "If true, value of `spacesAvailable` is updated from a real-time source.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Boolean", loc: %{line: 354, column: 15}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 354, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "lon", description: "Longitude of the bike park (WGS 84)", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Float", loc: %{line: 357, column: 10}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 357, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "lat", description: "Latitude of the bike park (WGS 84)", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Float", loc: %{line: 360, column: 10}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 360, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "detailsUrl", description: "URL which contains details of this vehicle parking.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 365, column: 17}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 365, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "imageUrl", description: "URL of an image which may be displayed to the user showing the vehicle parking.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 370, column: 15}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 370, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "tags", description: "Source specific tags of the vehicle parking, which describe the available features. For example\npark_and_ride, bike_lockers, or static_osm_data.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.ListType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 376, column: 12}}, loc: %{line: 376, column: 11}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 376, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "note", description: "A short translatable note containing details of this vehicle parking.", arguments: [%Absinthe.Language.InputValueDefinition{name: "language", type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 383, ...}}, description: "Returns note with the specified language, if found, otherwise returns with some default language.", default_value: nil, directives: [], ...}], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 383, column: 28}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 381, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "state", description: "The state of this vehicle parking.\nOnly ones in an OPERATIONAL state may be used for Park and Ride.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "VehicleParkingState", loc: %{line: 389, ...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 389, ...}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "bicyclePlaces", description: "Does this vehicle parking have spaces (capacity) for bicycles.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Boolean", loc: %{...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{...}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "anyCarPlaces", description: "Does this vehicle parking have spaces (capacity) for either wheelchair accessible (disabled)\nor normal cars.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Boolean", ...}, complexity: nil, ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "carPlaces", description: "Does this vehicle parking have spaces (capacity) for cars excluding wheelchair accessible spaces.\nUse anyCarPlaces to check if any type of car may use this vehicle parking.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{...}, ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "wheelchairAccessibleCarPlaces", description: "Does this vehicle parking have wheelchair accessible (disabled) car spaces (capacity).", arguments: [], directives: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "capacity", description: "The capacity (maximum available spaces) of this vehicle parking.", arguments: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "availability", description: "The currently available spaces at this vehicle parking.", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "openingHours", ...}], loc: %{line: 337, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumTypeDefinition{name: "VehicleParkingState", description: "The state of the vehicle parking. TEMPORARILY_CLOSED and CLOSED are distinct states so that they\nmay be represented differently to the user.", values: [%Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "OPERATIONAL", description: "May be used for park and ride.", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "TEMPORARILY_CLOSED", description: "Can't be used for park and ride.", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "CLOSED", description: "Can't be used for park and ride.", directives: [], loc: nil}], directives: [], loc: %{line: 431, column: 6}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "VehicleParkingSpaces", description: "The number of spaces by type. null if unknown.", directives: [], interfaces: [], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "bicycleSpaces", description: "The number of bicycle spaces.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Int", loc: %{line: 447, column: 20}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 447, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "carSpaces", description: "The number of car spaces.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Int", loc: %{line: 452, column: 16}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 452, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "wheelchairAccessibleCarSpaces", description: "The number of wheelchair accessible (disabled) car spaces.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Int", loc: %{line: 457, column: 36}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 457, column: 5}}], loc: %{line: 443, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "BikeRentalStation", description: "Bike rental station represents a location where users can rent bicycles for a fee.", directives: [], interfaces: [%Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Node", loc: %{line: 463, column: 35}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "PlaceInterface", loc: %{line: 463, column: 42}}], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "id", description: "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "ID", loc: %{line: 467, column: 9}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 467, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "stationId", description: "ID of the bike rental station", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 470, column: 16}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 470, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "name", description: "Name of the bike rental station", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 473, column: 11}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 473, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "bikesAvailable", description: "Number of bikes currently available on the rental station.\nSee field `allowPickupNow` to know if is currently possible to pick up a bike.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Int", loc: %{line: 479, column: 21}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 479, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "spacesAvailable", description: "Number of free spaces currently available on the rental station.\nNote that this value being 0 does not necessarily indicate that bikes cannot be returned\nto this station, as for example it might be possible to leave the bike in the vicinity of\nthe rental station, even if the bike racks don't have any spaces available.\nSee field `allowDropoffNow` to know if is currently possible to return a bike.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Int", loc: %{line: 488, column: 22}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 488, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "state", description: "A description of the current state of this bike rental station, e.g. \"Station on\"", arguments: [], directives: [%Absinthe.Language.Directive{name: "deprecated", arguments: [%Absinthe.Language.Argument{name: "reason", value: %Absinthe.Language.StringValue{...}, ...}], loc: %{line: 493, column: 19}}], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 493, column: 12}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 493, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "realtime", description: "If true, values of `bikesAvailable` and `spacesAvailable` are updated from a\nreal-time source. If false, values of `bikesAvailable` and `spacesAvailable`\nare always the total capacity divided by two.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Boolean", loc: %{line: 500, column: 15}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 500, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "allowDropoff", description: "If true, bikes can be returned to this station if the station has spaces available\nor allows overloading.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Boolean", loc: %{line: 506, ...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 506, ...}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "allowPickup", description: "If true, bikes can be picked up from this station if the station has bikes available.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Boolean", loc: %{...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{...}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "allowDropoffNow", description: "If true, bikes can be currently returned to this station.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Boolean", ...}, complexity: nil, ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "allowPickupNow", description: "If true, bikes can be currently picked up from this station.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{...}, ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "networks", description: nil, arguments: [], directives: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "lon", description: "Longitude of the bike rental station (WGS 84)", arguments: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "lat", description: "Latitude of the bike rental station (WGS 84)", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "capacity", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{...}, ...], loc: %{line: 463, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "VehicleRentalStation", description: "Vehicle rental station represents a location where users can rent bicycles etc. for a fee.", directives: [], interfaces: [%Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Node", loc: %{line: 545, column: 38}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "PlaceInterface", loc: %{line: 545, column: 45}}], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "id", description: "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "ID", loc: %{line: 549, column: 9}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 549, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "stationId", description: "ID of the vehicle in the format of network:id", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 552, column: 16}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 552, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "name", description: "Name of the vehicle rental station", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 555, column: 11}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 555, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "vehiclesAvailable", description: "Number of vehicles currently available on the rental station.\nSee field `allowPickupNow` to know if is currently possible to pick up a vehicle.", arguments: [], directives: [%Absinthe.Language.Directive{name: "deprecated", arguments: [%Absinthe.Language.Argument{name: "reason", value: %Absinthe.Language.StringValue{value: "Use `availableVehicles` instead, which also contains vehicle types", ...}, loc: %{...}}], loc: %{line: 561, column: 28}}], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Int", loc: %{line: 561, column: 24}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 561, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "spacesAvailable", description: "Number of free spaces currently available on the rental station.\nNote that this value being 0 does not necessarily indicate that vehicles cannot be returned\nto this station, as for example it might be possible to leave the vehicle in the vicinity of\nthe rental station, even if the vehicle racks don't have any spaces available.\nSee field `allowDropoffNow` to know if is currently possible to return a vehicle.", arguments: [], directives: [%Absinthe.Language.Directive{name: "deprecated", arguments: [%Absinthe.Language.Argument{name: "reason", value: %Absinthe.Language.StringValue{...}, ...}], loc: %{line: 570, column: 26}}], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Int", loc: %{line: 570, column: 22}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 570, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "availableVehicles", description: "Number of vehicles currently available on the rental station, grouped by vehicle type.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "RentalVehicleEntityCounts", loc: %{line: 575, column: 24}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 575, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "availableSpaces", description: "Number of free spaces currently available on the rental station, grouped by vehicle type.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "RentalVehicleEntityCounts", loc: %{line: 580, ...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 580, ...}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "realtime", description: "If true, values of `vehiclesAvailable` and `spacesAvailable` are updated from a\nreal-time source. If false, values of `vehiclesAvailable` and `spacesAvailable`\nare always the total capacity divided by two.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Boolean", loc: %{...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{...}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "allowDropoff", description: "If true, vehicles can be returned to this station if the station has spaces available\nor allows overloading.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Boolean", ...}, complexity: nil, ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "allowPickup", description: "If true, vehicles can be picked up from this station if the station has vehicles available.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{...}, ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "allowDropoffNow", description: "If true, vehicles can be currently returned to this station.", arguments: [], directives: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "allowPickupNow", description: "If true, vehicles can be currently picked up from this station.", arguments: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "network", description: "ID of the rental network.", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "lon", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{...}, ...], loc: %{line: 545, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "RentalVehicleEntityCounts", description: nil, directives: [], interfaces: [], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "total", description: "The total number of entities (e.g. vehicles, spaces).", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Int", loc: %{line: 632, column: 12}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 632, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "byType", description: "The number of entities by type", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.ListType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "RentalVehicleTypeCount", loc: %{line: 635, column: 14}}, loc: nil}, loc: %{line: 635, column: 13}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 635, column: 5}}], loc: %{line: 630, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "RentalVehicleTypeCount", description: nil, directives: [], interfaces: [], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "vehicleType", description: "The type of the rental vehicle (scooter, bicycle, car...)", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "RentalVehicleType", loc: %{line: 640, column: 18}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 640, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "count", description: "The number of vehicles of this type", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Int", loc: %{line: 643, column: 12}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 643, column: 5}}], loc: %{line: 638, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "RentalVehicle", description: "Rental vehicle represents a vehicle that belongs to a rental network.", directives: [], interfaces: [%Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Node", loc: %{line: 649, column: 31}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "PlaceInterface", loc: %{line: 649, column: 38}}], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "id", description: "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "ID", loc: %{line: 653, column: 9}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 653, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "vehicleId", description: "ID of the vehicle in the format of network:id", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 656, column: 16}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 656, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "name", description: "Name of the vehicle", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 659, ...}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 659, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "allowPickupNow", description: "If true, vehicle is currently available for renting.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Boolean", loc: %{line: 662, ...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 662, ...}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "network", description: "ID of the rental network.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{...}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "lon", description: "Longitude of the vehicle (WGS 84)", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Float", ...}, complexity: nil, ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "lat", description: "Latitude of the vehicle (WGS 84)", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{...}, ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "rentalUris", description: "Platform-specific URLs to begin the vehicle.", arguments: [], directives: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "operative", description: "If true, vehicle is not disabled.", arguments: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "vehicleType", description: "The type of the rental vehicle (scooter, bicycle, car...)", ...}], loc: %{line: 649, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "BikeRentalStationUris", description: nil, directives: [], interfaces: [], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "android", description: "A URI that can be passed to an Android app with an {@code android.intent.action.VIEW} Android\nintent to support Android Deep Links.\nMay be null if a rental URI does not exist.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 691, column: 14}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 691, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "ios", description: "A URI that can be used on iOS to launch the rental app for this station.\nMay be {@code null} if a rental URI does not exist.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 697, column: 10}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 697, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "web", description: "A URL that can be used by a web browser to show more information about renting a vehicle at\nthis station.\nMay be {@code null} if a rental URL does not exist.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 704, ...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 704, ...}}], loc: %{line: 685, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "VehicleRentalUris", description: nil, directives: [], interfaces: [], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "android", description: "A URI that can be passed to an Android app with an {@code android.intent.action.VIEW} Android\nintent to support Android Deep Links.\nMay be null if a rental URI does not exist.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 713, column: 14}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 713, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "ios", description: "A URI that can be used on iOS to launch the rental app for this rental network.\nMay be {@code null} if a rental URI does not exist.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 719, ...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 719, ...}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "web", description: "A URL that can be used by a web browser to show more information about renting a vehicle.\nMay be {@code null} if a rental URL does not exist.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{...}}], loc: %{line: 707, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "RentalVehicleType", description: nil, directives: [], interfaces: [], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "formFactor", description: "The vehicle's general form factor", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "FormFactor", loc: %{line: 730, ...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 730, ...}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "propulsionType", description: "The primary propulsion type of the vehicle", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "PropulsionType", loc: %{...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{...}}], loc: %{line: 728, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumTypeDefinition{name: "FormFactor", description: nil, values: [%Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "BICYCLE", description: "A bicycle", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "CARGO_BICYCLE", description: "A bicycle with additional space for cargo", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "CAR", description: "An automobile", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "MOPED", description: "A moped that the rider sits on. For a disambiguation see https://github.com/NABSA/gbfs/pull/370#issuecomment-982631989", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "SCOOTER", description: "A kick scooter that the rider either sits or stands on. Will be deprecated in GBFS v3.0.", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "SCOOTER_STANDING", description: "A kick scooter that the rider stands on", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "SCOOTER_SEATED", description: "A kick scooter with a seat", directives: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "OTHER", description: "A vehicle that doesn't fit into any other category", ...}], directives: [], loc: %{line: 736, column: 6}}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumTypeDefinition{name: "PropulsionType", description: nil, values: [%Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "HUMAN", description: "Pedal or foot propulsion", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "ELECTRIC_ASSIST", description: "Provides electric motor assist only in combination with human propulsion - no throttle mode", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "ELECTRIC", description: "Powered by battery-powered electric motor with throttle mode", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "COMBUSTION", description: "Powered by gasoline combustion engine", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "COMBUSTION_DIESEL", description: "Powered by diesel combustion engine", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "HYBRID", description: "Powered by combined combustion engine and battery-powered motor", directives: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "PLUG_IN_HYBRID", description: "Powered by combined combustion engine and battery-powered motor with plug-in charging", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "HYDROGEN_FUEL_CELL", ...}], directives: [], loc: %{line: 755, column: 6}}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumTypeDefinition{name: "BikesAllowed", description: nil, values: [%Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "NO_INFORMATION", description: "There is no bike information for the trip.", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "ALLOWED", description: "The vehicle being used on this particular trip can accommodate at least one bicycle.", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "NOT_ALLOWED", description: "No bicycles are allowed on this trip.", directives: [], loc: nil}], directives: [], loc: %{line: 774, column: 6}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "CarPark", description: "Car park represents a location where cars can be parked.", directives: [], interfaces: [%Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Node", loc: %{line: 788, column: 25}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "PlaceInterface", loc: %{line: 788, column: 32}}], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "id", description: "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query.", arguments: [], directives: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "carParkId", description: "ID of the car park", arguments: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "name", description: "Name of the car park", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "maxCapacity", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{...}, ...], loc: %{line: 788, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "Cluster", description: "Cluster is a list of stops grouped by name and proximity", directives: [], interfaces: [%Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Node", loc: %{line: 832, column: 25}}], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "id", description: "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query.", arguments: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "gtfsId", description: "ID of the cluster", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "name", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{...}, ...], loc: %{line: 832, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "Coordinates", description: nil, directives: [], interfaces: [], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "lat", description: "Latitude (WGS 84)", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "lon", ...}], loc: %{line: 858, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "debugOutput", description: nil, directives: [], interfaces: [], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "totalTime", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{...}, ...], loc: %{line: 866, ...}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "DepartureRow", description: "Departure row is a combination of a pattern and a stop of that pattern.\n\nThey are de-duplicated so for each pattern there will only be a single departure row.\n\nThis is useful if you want to show a list of stop/pattern combinations but want each pattern to be\nlisted only once.", directives: [], interfaces: [%Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Node", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{...}], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{...}, ...], loc: %{...}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "elevationProfileComponent", description: nil, directives: [], interfaces: [], fields: [...], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "Emissions", description: nil, directives: [], interfaces: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "fare", description: "This type is only here for backwards-compatibility and this API will never return it anymore.\nPlease use the leg's `fareProducts` instead.", directives: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "fareComponent", description: "This type is only here for backwards-compatibility and this API will never return it anymore.\nPlease use the leg's `fareProducts` instead.", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "Feed", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumTypeDefinition{...}, ...], loc: nil}, source: nil, execution: %Absinthe.Blueprint.Execution{adapter: nil, schema: nil, fragments: %{}, fields_cache: %{}, validation_errors: [], result: nil, acc: %{}, context: %{}, root_value: %{}}, result: %{}}

  while inspecting:

        flags: %{},
        input: [[[REDACTED pretty-printed input]]]
        name: nil,
        result: %{},
        source: nil,
        __struct__: Absinthe.Blueprint,
        errors: [],
        telemetry: %{},
        schema: nil,
        prototype_schema: nil,
        execution: %Absinthe.Blueprint.Execution{
          adapter: nil,
          schema: nil,
          fragments: %{},
          fields_cache: %{},
          validation_errors: [],
          result: nil,
          acc: %{},
          context: %{},
          root_value: %{}
        directives: [],
        adapter: nil,
        fragments: [],
        initial_phases: [],
        operations: [],
        schema_definitions: []


    (absinthe 1.7.6) lib/absinthe/schema/notation/sdl_render.ex:39: Absinthe.Schema.Notation.SDL.Render.render/2
    (absinthe 1.7.6) lib/absinthe/schema/notation/sdl_render.ex:12: Absinthe.Schema.Notation.SDL.Render.inspect/2
    (elixir 1.16.0) lib/inspect/algebra.ex:347: Inspect.Algebra.to_doc/2
    (elixir 1.16.0) lib/inspect/algebra.ex:478: Inspect.Algebra.container_each/6
    (elixir 1.16.0) lib/inspect/algebra.ex:455: Inspect.Algebra.container_doc/6
    (elixir 1.16.0) lib/kernel.ex:2351: Kernel.inspect/2
    (iex 1.16.0) lib/iex/evaluator.ex:375: IEx.Evaluator.io_inspect/1
    (iex 1.16.0) lib/iex/evaluator.ex:334: IEx.Evaluator.eval_and_inspect/3

without redactions - sorry, it's a hefty schema I guess ``` {:ok, #Inspect.Error< got MatchError with message: """ no match of right hand side value: %Absinthe.Blueprint{operations: [], directives: [], fragments: [], name: nil, schema_definitions: [], schema: nil, prototype_schema: nil, adapter: nil, initial_phases: [], telemetry: %{}, flags: %{}, errors: [], input: %Absinthe.Language.Document{definitions: [%Absinthe.Language.DirectiveDefinition{name: "async", description: "Use an asynchronous data fetcher on a separate thread for this field.\n\nThis is useful when adding several queries in the same HTTP request, for example by using a batch: Those\nfields annotated with this directive run in parallel.\n\nThis is only worth it when the execution is long running, i.e. more than ~50 milliseconds, so this doesn't happen by default.", arguments: [], directives: [], locations: [:field_definition], loc: %{line: 9, column: 1}, repeatable: false}, %Absinthe.Language.SchemaDeclaration{description: nil, directives: [], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "query", description: nil, arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "QueryType", loc: %{line: 12, column: 12}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 12, column: 5}}], loc: %{line: 11, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "Agency", description: "A public transport agency", directives: [], interfaces: [%Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Node", loc: %{line: 16, column: 24}}], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "id", description: "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "ID", loc: %{line: 20, column: 9}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 20, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "gtfsId", description: "Agency feed and id", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 23, column: 13}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 23, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "name", description: "Name of the agency", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 26, column: 11}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 26, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "url", description: "URL to the home page of the agency", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 29, column: 10}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 29, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "timezone", description: "ID of the time zone which this agency operates on", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 32, column: 15}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 32, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "lang", description: nil, arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 34, column: 11}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 34, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "phone", description: "Phone number which customers can use to contact this agency", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 37, column: 12}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 37, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "fareUrl", description: "URL to a web page which has information of fares used by this agency", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 40, column: 14}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 40, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "routes", description: "List of routes operated by this agency", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.ListType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Route", loc: %{line: 43, column: 14}}, loc: %{line: 43, column: 13}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 43, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "alerts", description: "By default, list of alerts which have an effect on all operations of the agency (e.g. a strike).\nIt's also possible to return other relevant alerts through defining types.", arguments: [%Absinthe.Language.InputValueDefinition{name: "types", type: %Absinthe.Language.ListType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "AgencyAlertType", loc: %{line: 54, column: 17}}, loc: %{line: 54, column: 16}}, description: "Returns alerts for these types that are relevant for the agency.\nBy default only returns alerts that have an effect on all operations of the agency (e.g. a strike).", default_value: nil, directives: [], loc: %{line: 54, column: 9}}], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.ListType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Alert", loc: %{line: 55, column: 9}}, loc: %{line: 55, column: 8}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 49, column: 5}}], loc: %{line: 16, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumTypeDefinition{name: "AgencyAlertType", description: "Entities, which are relevant for an agency and can contain alerts", values: [%Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "AGENCY", description: "Alerts affecting the agency.", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "ROUTES", description: "Alerts affecting agency's routes", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "ROUTE_TYPES", description: "Alerts affecting the different route types of the agency.\nAlerts that affect route types on all agencies can be fetched through Feed.", directives: [], loc: nil}], directives: [], loc: %{line: 59, column: 6}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "Alert", description: "Alert of a current or upcoming disruption in public transportation", directives: [], interfaces: [%Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Node", loc: %{line: 74, column: 23}}], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "id", description: "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "ID", loc: %{line: 78, column: 9}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 78, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "alertHash", description: "hashcode from the original GTFS-RT alert", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Int", loc: %{line: 81, column: 16}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 81, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "feed", description: "The feed in which this alert was published", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 84, column: 11}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 84, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "agency", description: "Agency affected by the disruption. Note that this value is present only if the\ndisruption has an effect on all operations of the agency (e.g. in case of a strike).", arguments: [], directives: [%Absinthe.Language.Directive{name: "deprecated", arguments: [%Absinthe.Language.Argument{name: "reason", value: %Absinthe.Language.StringValue{value: "Alert can have multiple affected entities now instead of there being duplicate alerts\nfor different entities. This will return only one of the affected agencies.\nUse entities instead.", loc: %{line: 91, column: 8}}, loc: %{line: 90, column: 32}}], loc: %{line: 90, column: 20}}], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Agency", loc: %{line: 90, column: 13}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 90, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "route", description: "Route affected by the disruption", arguments: [], directives: [%Absinthe.Language.Directive{name: "deprecated", arguments: [%Absinthe.Language.Argument{name: "reason", value: %Absinthe.Language.StringValue{value: "Alert can have multiple affected entities now instead of there being duplicate alerts\nfor different entities. This will return only one of the affected routes.\nUse entities instead.", loc: %{line: 100, column: 8}}, loc: %{line: 99, column: 30}}], loc: %{line: 99, column: 18}}], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Route", loc: %{line: 99, column: 12}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 99, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "trip", description: "Trip affected by the disruption", arguments: [], directives: [%Absinthe.Language.Directive{name: "deprecated", arguments: [%Absinthe.Language.Argument{name: "reason", value: %Absinthe.Language.StringValue{value: "Alert can have multiple affected entities now instead of there being duplicate alerts\nfor different entities. This will return only one of the affected trips.\nUse entities instead.", loc: %{line: 109, column: 8}}, loc: %{line: 108, column: 28}}], loc: %{line: 108, column: 16}}], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Trip", loc: %{line: 108, column: 11}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 108, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "stop", description: "Stop affected by the disruption", arguments: [], directives: [%Absinthe.Language.Directive{name: "deprecated", arguments: [%Absinthe.Language.Argument{name: "reason", value: %Absinthe.Language.StringValue{value: "Alert can have multiple affected entities now instead of there being duplicate alerts\nfor different entities. This will return only one of the affected stops.\nUse entities instead.", loc: %{line: 118, column: 8}}, loc: %{line: 117, column: 28}}], loc: %{line: 117, column: 16}}], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Stop", loc: %{line: 117, column: 11}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 117, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "patterns", description: "Patterns affected by the disruption", arguments: [], directives: [%Absinthe.Language.Directive{name: "deprecated", arguments: [%Absinthe.Language.Argument{name: "reason", value: %Absinthe.Language.StringValue{value: "This will always return an empty list. Use entities instead.", loc: %{line: 126, column: 45}}, loc: %{line: 126, column: 37}}], loc: %{line: 126, column: 25}}], type: %Absinthe.Language.ListType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Pattern", loc: %{line: 126, column: 16}}, loc: %{line: 126, column: 15}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 126, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "alertHeaderText", description: "Header of the alert, if available", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 129, column: 22}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 129, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "alertHeaderTextTranslations", description: "Header of the alert in all different available languages", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.ListType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "TranslatedString", loc: %{line: 132, column: 35}}, loc: nil}, loc: %{line: 132, column: 34}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 132, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "alertDescriptionText", description: "Long description of the alert", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 135, column: 27}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 135, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "alertDescriptionTextTranslations", description: "Long descriptions of the alert in all different available languages", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.ListType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "TranslatedString", loc: %{line: 138, column: 40}}, loc: nil}, loc: %{line: 138, column: 39}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 138, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "alertUrl", description: "Url with more information", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 141, column: 15}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 141, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "alertUrlTranslations", description: "Url with more information in all different available languages", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.ListType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "TranslatedString", loc: %{line: 144, column: 28}}, loc: nil}, loc: %{line: 144, column: 27}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 144, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "alertEffect", description: "Alert effect", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "AlertEffectType", loc: %{line: 147, column: 18}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 147, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "alertCause", description: "Alert cause", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "AlertCauseType", loc: %{line: 150, column: 17}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 150, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "alertSeverityLevel", description: "Alert severity level", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "AlertSeverityLevelType", loc: %{line: 153, column: 25}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 153, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "effectiveStartDate", description: "Time when this alert comes into effect. Format: Unix timestamp in seconds", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Long", loc: %{line: 158, ...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 158, ...}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "effectiveEndDate", description: "Time when this alert is not in effect anymore. Format: Unix timestamp in seconds", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Long", loc: %{...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{...}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "entities", description: "Entities affected by the disruption.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.ListType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{...}, ...}, complexity: nil, ...}], loc: %{line: 74, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumTypeDefinition{name: "AlertCauseType", description: "Cause of a alert", values: [%Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "UNKNOWN_CAUSE", description: "UNKNOWN_CAUSE", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "OTHER_CAUSE", description: "OTHER_CAUSE", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "TECHNICAL_PROBLEM", description: "TECHNICAL_PROBLEM", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "STRIKE", description: "STRIKE", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "DEMONSTRATION", description: "DEMONSTRATION", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "ACCIDENT", description: "ACCIDENT", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "HOLIDAY", description: "HOLIDAY", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "WEATHER", description: "WEATHER", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "MAINTENANCE", description: "MAINTENANCE", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "CONSTRUCTION", description: "CONSTRUCTION", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "POLICE_ACTIVITY", description: "POLICE_ACTIVITY", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "MEDICAL_EMERGENCY", description: "MEDICAL_EMERGENCY", directives: [], loc: nil}], directives: [], loc: %{line: 172, column: 6}}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumTypeDefinition{name: "AlertEffectType", description: "Effect of a alert", values: [%Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "NO_SERVICE", description: "NO_SERVICE", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "REDUCED_SERVICE", description: "REDUCED_SERVICE", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "SIGNIFICANT_DELAYS", description: "SIGNIFICANT_DELAYS", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "DETOUR", description: "DETOUR", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "ADDITIONAL_SERVICE", description: "ADDITIONAL_SERVICE", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "MODIFIED_SERVICE", description: "MODIFIED_SERVICE", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "OTHER_EFFECT", description: "OTHER_EFFECT", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "UNKNOWN_EFFECT", description: "UNKNOWN_EFFECT", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "STOP_MOVED", description: "STOP_MOVED", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "NO_EFFECT", description: "NO_EFFECT", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "ACCESSIBILITY_ISSUE", description: "ACCESSIBILITY_ISSUE", directives: [], loc: nil}], directives: [], loc: %{line: 211, column: 6}}, %Absinthe.Language.UnionTypeDefinition{name: "AlertEntity", description: "Entity related to an alert", directives: [], types: [%Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Agency", loc: %{line: 248, column: 21}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Route", loc: %{line: 248, column: 30}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Pattern", loc: %{line: 248, column: 38}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Stop", loc: %{line: 248, column: 48}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Trip", loc: %{line: 248, column: 55}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "StopOnRoute", loc: %{line: 248, column: 62}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "StopOnTrip", loc: %{line: 248, column: 76}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "RouteType", loc: %{line: 248, column: 89}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Unknown", loc: %{line: 248, column: 101}}], loc: %{line: 248, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumTypeDefinition{name: "AlertSeverityLevelType", description: "Severity level of a alert", values: [%Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "UNKNOWN_SEVERITY", description: "Severity of alert is unknown", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "INFO", description: "Info alerts are used for informational messages that should not have a\nsignificant effect on user's journey, for example: A single entrance to a\nmetro station is temporarily closed.", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "WARNING", description: "Warning alerts are used when a single stop or route has a disruption that can\naffect user's journey, for example: All trams on a specific route are running\nwith irregular schedules.", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "SEVERE", description: "Severe alerts are used when a significant part of public transport services is\naffected, for example: All train services are cancelled due to technical problems.", directives: [], loc: nil}], directives: [], loc: %{line: 251, column: 6}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "OpeningHours", description: nil, directives: [], interfaces: [], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "osm", description: "OSM-formatted string of the opening hours.\n\nThe spec is available at: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:opening_hours", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 282, column: 10}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 282, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "dates", description: "Opening hours for the selected dates using the local time of the parking lot.\nEach date can have multiple time spans.\n\nNote: This is not implemented yet and always returns null.", arguments: [%Absinthe.Language.InputValueDefinition{name: "dates", type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.ListType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 294, column: 17}}, loc: nil}, loc: %{line: 294, column: 16}}, loc: nil}, description: "Opening hours will be returned for these dates. Dates should use YYYYMMDD format.", default_value: nil, directives: [], loc: %{line: 294, column: 9}}], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.ListType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "LocalTimeSpanDate", loc: %{line: 295, column: 9}}, loc: %{line: 295, column: 8}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 290, column: 5}}], loc: %{line: 276, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "BikePark", description: "Bike park represents a location where bicycles can be parked.", directives: [], interfaces: [%Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Node", loc: %{line: 299, column: 26}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "PlaceInterface", loc: %{line: 299, column: 33}}], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "id", description: "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "ID", loc: %{line: 303, column: 9}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 303, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "bikeParkId", description: "ID of the bike park", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 306, column: 17}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 306, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "name", description: "Name of the bike park", arguments: [%Absinthe.Language.InputValueDefinition{name: "language", type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 311, column: 19}}, description: "Returns name with the specified language, if found, otherwise returns with some default language.", default_value: nil, directives: [], loc: %{line: 311, column: 9}}], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 311, column: 28}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 309, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "spacesAvailable", description: "Number of spaces available for bikes", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Int", loc: %{line: 314, column: 22}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 314, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "realtime", description: "If true, value of `spacesAvailable` is updated from a real-time source.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Boolean", loc: %{line: 319, column: 15}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 319, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "lon", description: "Longitude of the bike park (WGS 84)", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Float", loc: %{line: 322, column: 10}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 322, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "lat", description: "Latitude of the bike park (WGS 84)", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Float", loc: %{line: 325, column: 10}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 325, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "tags", description: "Source specific tags of the bike park, which describe the available features.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.ListType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 330, column: 12}}, loc: %{line: 330, column: 11}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 330, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "openingHours", description: "Opening hours of the parking facility", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "OpeningHours", loc: %{line: 333, column: 19}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 333, column: 5}}], loc: %{line: 299, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "VehicleParking", description: "Vehicle parking represents a location where bicycles or cars can be parked.", directives: [], interfaces: [%Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Node", loc: %{line: 337, column: 32}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "PlaceInterface", loc: %{line: 337, column: 39}}], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "id", description: "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "ID", loc: %{line: 341, column: 9}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 341, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "vehicleParkingId", description: "ID of the park", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 344, column: 23}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 344, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "name", description: "Name of the park", arguments: [%Absinthe.Language.InputValueDefinition{name: "language", type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 349, column: 19}}, description: "Returns name with the specified language, if found, otherwise returns with some default language.", default_value: nil, directives: [], loc: %{line: 349, column: 9}}], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 349, column: 28}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 347, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "realtime", description: "If true, value of `spacesAvailable` is updated from a real-time source.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Boolean", loc: %{line: 354, column: 15}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 354, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "lon", description: "Longitude of the bike park (WGS 84)", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Float", loc: %{line: 357, column: 10}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 357, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "lat", description: "Latitude of the bike park (WGS 84)", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Float", loc: %{line: 360, column: 10}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 360, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "detailsUrl", description: "URL which contains details of this vehicle parking.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 365, column: 17}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 365, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "imageUrl", description: "URL of an image which may be displayed to the user showing the vehicle parking.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 370, column: 15}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 370, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "tags", description: "Source specific tags of the vehicle parking, which describe the available features. For example\npark_and_ride, bike_lockers, or static_osm_data.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.ListType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 376, column: 12}}, loc: %{line: 376, column: 11}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 376, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "note", description: "A short translatable note containing details of this vehicle parking.", arguments: [%Absinthe.Language.InputValueDefinition{name: "language", type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 383, ...}}, description: "Returns note with the specified language, if found, otherwise returns with some default language.", default_value: nil, directives: [], ...}], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 383, column: 28}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 381, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "state", description: "The state of this vehicle parking.\nOnly ones in an OPERATIONAL state may be used for Park and Ride.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "VehicleParkingState", loc: %{line: 389, ...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 389, ...}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "bicyclePlaces", description: "Does this vehicle parking have spaces (capacity) for bicycles.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Boolean", loc: %{...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{...}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "anyCarPlaces", description: "Does this vehicle parking have spaces (capacity) for either wheelchair accessible (disabled)\nor normal cars.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Boolean", ...}, complexity: nil, ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "carPlaces", description: "Does this vehicle parking have spaces (capacity) for cars excluding wheelchair accessible spaces.\nUse anyCarPlaces to check if any type of car may use this vehicle parking.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{...}, ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "wheelchairAccessibleCarPlaces", description: "Does this vehicle parking have wheelchair accessible (disabled) car spaces (capacity).", arguments: [], directives: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "capacity", description: "The capacity (maximum available spaces) of this vehicle parking.", arguments: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "availability", description: "The currently available spaces at this vehicle parking.", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "openingHours", ...}], loc: %{line: 337, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumTypeDefinition{name: "VehicleParkingState", description: "The state of the vehicle parking. TEMPORARILY_CLOSED and CLOSED are distinct states so that they\nmay be represented differently to the user.", values: [%Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "OPERATIONAL", description: "May be used for park and ride.", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "TEMPORARILY_CLOSED", description: "Can't be used for park and ride.", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "CLOSED", description: "Can't be used for park and ride.", directives: [], loc: nil}], directives: [], loc: %{line: 431, column: 6}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "VehicleParkingSpaces", description: "The number of spaces by type. null if unknown.", directives: [], interfaces: [], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "bicycleSpaces", description: "The number of bicycle spaces.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Int", loc: %{line: 447, column: 20}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 447, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "carSpaces", description: "The number of car spaces.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Int", loc: %{line: 452, column: 16}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 452, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "wheelchairAccessibleCarSpaces", description: "The number of wheelchair accessible (disabled) car spaces.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Int", loc: %{line: 457, column: 36}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 457, column: 5}}], loc: %{line: 443, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "BikeRentalStation", description: "Bike rental station represents a location where users can rent bicycles for a fee.", directives: [], interfaces: [%Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Node", loc: %{line: 463, column: 35}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "PlaceInterface", loc: %{line: 463, column: 42}}], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "id", description: "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "ID", loc: %{line: 467, column: 9}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 467, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "stationId", description: "ID of the bike rental station", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 470, column: 16}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 470, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "name", description: "Name of the bike rental station", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 473, column: 11}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 473, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "bikesAvailable", description: "Number of bikes currently available on the rental station.\nSee field `allowPickupNow` to know if is currently possible to pick up a bike.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Int", loc: %{line: 479, column: 21}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 479, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "spacesAvailable", description: "Number of free spaces currently available on the rental station.\nNote that this value being 0 does not necessarily indicate that bikes cannot be returned\nto this station, as for example it might be possible to leave the bike in the vicinity of\nthe rental station, even if the bike racks don't have any spaces available.\nSee field `allowDropoffNow` to know if is currently possible to return a bike.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Int", loc: %{line: 488, column: 22}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 488, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "state", description: "A description of the current state of this bike rental station, e.g. \"Station on\"", arguments: [], directives: [%Absinthe.Language.Directive{name: "deprecated", arguments: [%Absinthe.Language.Argument{name: "reason", value: %Absinthe.Language.StringValue{...}, ...}], loc: %{line: 493, column: 19}}], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 493, column: 12}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 493, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "realtime", description: "If true, values of `bikesAvailable` and `spacesAvailable` are updated from a\nreal-time source. If false, values of `bikesAvailable` and `spacesAvailable`\nare always the total capacity divided by two.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Boolean", loc: %{line: 500, column: 15}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 500, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "allowDropoff", description: "If true, bikes can be returned to this station if the station has spaces available\nor allows overloading.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Boolean", loc: %{line: 506, ...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 506, ...}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "allowPickup", description: "If true, bikes can be picked up from this station if the station has bikes available.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Boolean", loc: %{...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{...}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "allowDropoffNow", description: "If true, bikes can be currently returned to this station.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Boolean", ...}, complexity: nil, ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "allowPickupNow", description: "If true, bikes can be currently picked up from this station.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{...}, ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "networks", description: nil, arguments: [], directives: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "lon", description: "Longitude of the bike rental station (WGS 84)", arguments: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "lat", description: "Latitude of the bike rental station (WGS 84)", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "capacity", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{...}, ...], loc: %{line: 463, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "VehicleRentalStation", description: "Vehicle rental station represents a location where users can rent bicycles etc. for a fee.", directives: [], interfaces: [%Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Node", loc: %{line: 545, column: 38}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "PlaceInterface", loc: %{line: 545, column: 45}}], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "id", description: "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "ID", loc: %{line: 549, column: 9}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 549, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "stationId", description: "ID of the vehicle in the format of network:id", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 552, column: 16}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 552, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "name", description: "Name of the vehicle rental station", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 555, column: 11}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 555, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "vehiclesAvailable", description: "Number of vehicles currently available on the rental station.\nSee field `allowPickupNow` to know if is currently possible to pick up a vehicle.", arguments: [], directives: [%Absinthe.Language.Directive{name: "deprecated", arguments: [%Absinthe.Language.Argument{name: "reason", value: %Absinthe.Language.StringValue{value: "Use `availableVehicles` instead, which also contains vehicle types", ...}, loc: %{...}}], loc: %{line: 561, column: 28}}], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Int", loc: %{line: 561, column: 24}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 561, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "spacesAvailable", description: "Number of free spaces currently available on the rental station.\nNote that this value being 0 does not necessarily indicate that vehicles cannot be returned\nto this station, as for example it might be possible to leave the vehicle in the vicinity of\nthe rental station, even if the vehicle racks don't have any spaces available.\nSee field `allowDropoffNow` to know if is currently possible to return a vehicle.", arguments: [], directives: [%Absinthe.Language.Directive{name: "deprecated", arguments: [%Absinthe.Language.Argument{name: "reason", value: %Absinthe.Language.StringValue{...}, ...}], loc: %{line: 570, column: 26}}], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Int", loc: %{line: 570, column: 22}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 570, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "availableVehicles", description: "Number of vehicles currently available on the rental station, grouped by vehicle type.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "RentalVehicleEntityCounts", loc: %{line: 575, column: 24}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 575, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "availableSpaces", description: "Number of free spaces currently available on the rental station, grouped by vehicle type.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "RentalVehicleEntityCounts", loc: %{line: 580, ...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 580, ...}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "realtime", description: "If true, values of `vehiclesAvailable` and `spacesAvailable` are updated from a\nreal-time source. If false, values of `vehiclesAvailable` and `spacesAvailable`\nare always the total capacity divided by two.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Boolean", loc: %{...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{...}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "allowDropoff", description: "If true, vehicles can be returned to this station if the station has spaces available\nor allows overloading.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Boolean", ...}, complexity: nil, ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "allowPickup", description: "If true, vehicles can be picked up from this station if the station has vehicles available.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{...}, ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "allowDropoffNow", description: "If true, vehicles can be currently returned to this station.", arguments: [], directives: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "allowPickupNow", description: "If true, vehicles can be currently picked up from this station.", arguments: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "network", description: "ID of the rental network.", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "lon", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{...}, ...], loc: %{line: 545, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "RentalVehicleEntityCounts", description: nil, directives: [], interfaces: [], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "total", description: "The total number of entities (e.g. vehicles, spaces).", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Int", loc: %{line: 632, column: 12}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 632, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "byType", description: "The number of entities by type", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.ListType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "RentalVehicleTypeCount", loc: %{line: 635, column: 14}}, loc: nil}, loc: %{line: 635, column: 13}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 635, column: 5}}], loc: %{line: 630, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "RentalVehicleTypeCount", description: nil, directives: [], interfaces: [], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "vehicleType", description: "The type of the rental vehicle (scooter, bicycle, car...)", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "RentalVehicleType", loc: %{line: 640, column: 18}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 640, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "count", description: "The number of vehicles of this type", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Int", loc: %{line: 643, column: 12}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 643, column: 5}}], loc: %{line: 638, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "RentalVehicle", description: "Rental vehicle represents a vehicle that belongs to a rental network.", directives: [], interfaces: [%Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Node", loc: %{line: 649, column: 31}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "PlaceInterface", loc: %{line: 649, column: 38}}], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "id", description: "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "ID", loc: %{line: 653, column: 9}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 653, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "vehicleId", description: "ID of the vehicle in the format of network:id", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 656, column: 16}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 656, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "name", description: "Name of the vehicle", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NonNullType{type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 659, ...}}, loc: nil}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 659, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "allowPickupNow", description: "If true, vehicle is currently available for renting.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Boolean", loc: %{line: 662, ...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 662, ...}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "network", description: "ID of the rental network.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{...}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "lon", description: "Longitude of the vehicle (WGS 84)", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Float", ...}, complexity: nil, ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "lat", description: "Latitude of the vehicle (WGS 84)", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{...}, ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "rentalUris", description: "Platform-specific URLs to begin the vehicle.", arguments: [], directives: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "operative", description: "If true, vehicle is not disabled.", arguments: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "vehicleType", description: "The type of the rental vehicle (scooter, bicycle, car...)", ...}], loc: %{line: 649, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "BikeRentalStationUris", description: nil, directives: [], interfaces: [], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "android", description: "A URI that can be passed to an Android app with an {@code android.intent.action.VIEW} Android\nintent to support Android Deep Links.\nMay be null if a rental URI does not exist.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 691, column: 14}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 691, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "ios", description: "A URI that can be used on iOS to launch the rental app for this station.\nMay be {@code null} if a rental URI does not exist.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 697, column: 10}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 697, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "web", description: "A URL that can be used by a web browser to show more information about renting a vehicle at\nthis station.\nMay be {@code null} if a rental URL does not exist.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 704, ...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 704, ...}}], loc: %{line: 685, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "VehicleRentalUris", description: nil, directives: [], interfaces: [], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "android", description: "A URI that can be passed to an Android app with an {@code android.intent.action.VIEW} Android\nintent to support Android Deep Links.\nMay be null if a rental URI does not exist.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 713, column: 14}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 713, column: 5}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "ios", description: "A URI that can be used on iOS to launch the rental app for this rental network.\nMay be {@code null} if a rental URI does not exist.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{line: 719, ...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 719, ...}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "web", description: "A URL that can be used by a web browser to show more information about renting a vehicle.\nMay be {@code null} if a rental URL does not exist.", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "String", loc: %{...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{...}}], loc: %{line: 707, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "RentalVehicleType", description: nil, directives: [], interfaces: [], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "formFactor", description: "The vehicle's general form factor", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "FormFactor", loc: %{line: 730, ...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{line: 730, ...}}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "propulsionType", description: "The primary propulsion type of the vehicle", arguments: [], directives: [], type: %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "PropulsionType", loc: %{...}}, complexity: nil, loc: %{...}}], loc: %{line: 728, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumTypeDefinition{name: "FormFactor", description: nil, values: [%Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "BICYCLE", description: "A bicycle", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "CARGO_BICYCLE", description: "A bicycle with additional space for cargo", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "CAR", description: "An automobile", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "MOPED", description: "A moped that the rider sits on. For a disambiguation see https://github.com/NABSA/gbfs/pull/370#issuecomment-982631989", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "SCOOTER", description: "A kick scooter that the rider either sits or stands on. Will be deprecated in GBFS v3.0.", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "SCOOTER_STANDING", description: "A kick scooter that the rider stands on", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "SCOOTER_SEATED", description: "A kick scooter with a seat", directives: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "OTHER", description: "A vehicle that doesn't fit into any other category", ...}], directives: [], loc: %{line: 736, column: 6}}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumTypeDefinition{name: "PropulsionType", description: nil, values: [%Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "HUMAN", description: "Pedal or foot propulsion", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "ELECTRIC_ASSIST", description: "Provides electric motor assist only in combination with human propulsion - no throttle mode", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "ELECTRIC", description: "Powered by battery-powered electric motor with throttle mode", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "COMBUSTION", description: "Powered by gasoline combustion engine", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "COMBUSTION_DIESEL", description: "Powered by diesel combustion engine", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "HYBRID", description: "Powered by combined combustion engine and battery-powered motor", directives: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "PLUG_IN_HYBRID", description: "Powered by combined combustion engine and battery-powered motor with plug-in charging", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "HYDROGEN_FUEL_CELL", ...}], directives: [], loc: %{line: 755, column: 6}}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumTypeDefinition{name: "BikesAllowed", description: nil, values: [%Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "NO_INFORMATION", description: "There is no bike information for the trip.", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "ALLOWED", description: "The vehicle being used on this particular trip can accommodate at least one bicycle.", directives: [], loc: nil}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumValueDefinition{value: "NOT_ALLOWED", description: "No bicycles are allowed on this trip.", directives: [], loc: nil}], directives: [], loc: %{line: 774, column: 6}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "CarPark", description: "Car park represents a location where cars can be parked.", directives: [], interfaces: [%Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Node", loc: %{line: 788, column: 25}}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "PlaceInterface", loc: %{line: 788, column: 32}}], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "id", description: "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query.", arguments: [], directives: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "carParkId", description: "ID of the car park", arguments: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "name", description: "Name of the car park", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "maxCapacity", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{...}, ...], loc: %{line: 788, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "Cluster", description: "Cluster is a list of stops grouped by name and proximity", directives: [], interfaces: [%Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Node", loc: %{line: 832, column: 25}}], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "id", description: "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query.", arguments: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "gtfsId", description: "ID of the cluster", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "name", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{...}, ...], loc: %{line: 832, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "Coordinates", description: nil, directives: [], interfaces: [], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "lat", description: "Latitude (WGS 84)", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "lon", ...}], loc: %{line: 858, column: 1}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "debugOutput", description: nil, directives: [], interfaces: [], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{name: "totalTime", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{...}, ...], loc: %{line: 866, ...}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "DepartureRow", description: "Departure row is a combination of a pattern and a stop of that pattern.\n\nThey are de-duplicated so for each pattern there will only be a single departure row.\n\nThis is useful if you want to show a list of stop/pattern combinations but want each pattern to be\nlisted only once.", directives: [], interfaces: [%Absinthe.Language.NamedType{name: "Node", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.NamedType{...}], fields: [%Absinthe.Language.FieldDefinition{...}, ...], loc: %{...}}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "elevationProfileComponent", description: nil, directives: [], interfaces: [], fields: [...], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "Emissions", description: nil, directives: [], interfaces: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "fare", description: "This type is only here for backwards-compatibility and this API will never return it anymore.\nPlease use the leg's `fareProducts` instead.", directives: [], ...}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "fareComponent", description: "This type is only here for backwards-compatibility and this API will never return it anymore.\nPlease use the leg's `fareProducts` instead.", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.ObjectTypeDefinition{name: "Feed", ...}, %Absinthe.Language.EnumTypeDefinition{...}, ...], loc: nil}, source: nil, execution: %Absinthe.Blueprint.Execution{adapter: nil, schema: nil, fragments: %{}, fields_cache: %{}, validation_errors: [], result: nil, acc: %{}, context: %{}, root_value: %{}}, result: %{}} """ while inspecting: %{ flags: %{}, input: """ Use an asynchronous data fetcher on a separate thread for this field. This is useful when adding several queries in the same HTTP request, for example by using a batch: Those fields annotated with this directive run in parallel. This is only worth it when the execution is long running, i.e. more than ~50 milliseconds, so this doesn't happen by default. """ directive @async on FIELD_DEFINITION schema { query: QueryType } "A public transport agency" type Agency implements Node { "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query." id: ID! "Agency feed and id" gtfsId: String! "Name of the agency" name: String! "URL to the home page of the agency" url: String! "ID of the time zone which this agency operates on" timezone: String! lang: String "Phone number which customers can use to contact this agency" phone: String "URL to a web page which has information of fares used by this agency" fareUrl: String "List of routes operated by this agency" routes: [Route] """ By default, list of alerts which have an effect on all operations of the agency (e.g. a strike). It's also possible to return other relevant alerts through defining types. """ alerts( """ Returns alerts for these types that are relevant for the agency. By default only returns alerts that have an effect on all operations of the agency (e.g. a strike). """ types: [AgencyAlertType] ): [Alert] } "Entities, which are relevant for an agency and can contain alerts" enum AgencyAlertType { "Alerts affecting the agency." AGENCY "Alerts affecting agency's routes" ROUTES """ Alerts affecting the different route types of the agency. Alerts that affect route types on all agencies can be fetched through Feed. """ ROUTE_TYPES } "Alert of a current or upcoming disruption in public transportation" type Alert implements Node { "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query." id: ID! "hashcode from the original GTFS-RT alert" alertHash: Int "The feed in which this alert was published" feed: String """ Agency affected by the disruption. Note that this value is present only if the disruption has an effect on all operations of the agency (e.g. in case of a strike). """ agency: Agency @deprecated(reason: """ Alert can have multiple affected entities now instead of there being duplicate alerts for different entities. This will return only one of the affected agencies. Use entities instead. """) "Route affected by the disruption" route: Route @deprecated(reason: """ Alert can have multiple affected entities now instead of there being duplicate alerts for different entities. This will return only one of the affected routes. Use entities instead. """) "Trip affected by the disruption" trip: Trip @deprecated(reason: """ Alert can have multiple affected entities now instead of there being duplicate alerts for different entities. This will return only one of the affected trips. Use entities instead. """) "Stop affected by the disruption" stop: Stop @deprecated(reason: """ Alert can have multiple affected entities now instead of there being duplicate alerts for different entities. This will return only one of the affected stops. Use entities instead. """) "Patterns affected by the disruption" patterns: [Pattern] @deprecated(reason: "This will always return an empty list. Use entities instead.") "Header of the alert, if available" alertHeaderText: String "Header of the alert in all different available languages" alertHeaderTextTranslations: [TranslatedString!]! "Long description of the alert" alertDescriptionText: String! "Long descriptions of the alert in all different available languages" alertDescriptionTextTranslations: [TranslatedString!]! "Url with more information" alertUrl: String "Url with more information in all different available languages" alertUrlTranslations: [TranslatedString!]! "Alert effect" alertEffect: AlertEffectType "Alert cause" alertCause: AlertCauseType "Alert severity level" alertSeverityLevel: AlertSeverityLevelType "Time when this alert comes into effect. Format: Unix timestamp in seconds" effectiveStartDate: Long "Time when this alert is not in effect anymore. Format: Unix timestamp in seconds" effectiveEndDate: Long "Entities affected by the disruption." entities: [AlertEntity] } "Cause of a alert" enum AlertCauseType { "UNKNOWN_CAUSE" UNKNOWN_CAUSE "OTHER_CAUSE" OTHER_CAUSE "TECHNICAL_PROBLEM" TECHNICAL_PROBLEM "STRIKE" STRIKE "DEMONSTRATION" DEMONSTRATION "ACCIDENT" ACCIDENT "HOLIDAY" HOLIDAY "WEATHER" WEATHER "MAINTENANCE" MAINTENANCE "CONSTRUCTION" CONSTRUCTION "POLICE_ACTIVITY" POLICE_ACTIVITY "MEDICAL_EMERGENCY" MEDICAL_EMERGENCY } "Effect of a alert" enum AlertEffectType { "NO_SERVICE" NO_SERVICE "REDUCED_SERVICE" REDUCED_SERVICE "SIGNIFICANT_DELAYS" SIGNIFICANT_DELAYS "DETOUR" DETOUR "ADDITIONAL_SERVICE" ADDITIONAL_SERVICE "MODIFIED_SERVICE" MODIFIED_SERVICE "OTHER_EFFECT" OTHER_EFFECT "UNKNOWN_EFFECT" UNKNOWN_EFFECT "STOP_MOVED" STOP_MOVED "NO_EFFECT" NO_EFFECT "ACCESSIBILITY_ISSUE" ACCESSIBILITY_ISSUE } "Entity related to an alert" union AlertEntity = Agency | Route | Pattern | Stop | Trip | StopOnRoute | StopOnTrip | RouteType | Unknown "Severity level of a alert" enum AlertSeverityLevelType { "Severity of alert is unknown" UNKNOWN_SEVERITY """ Info alerts are used for informational messages that should not have a significant effect on user's journey, for example: A single entrance to a metro station is temporarily closed. """ INFO """ Warning alerts are used when a single stop or route has a disruption that can affect user's journey, for example: All trams on a specific route are running with irregular schedules. """ WARNING """ Severe alerts are used when a significant part of public transport services is affected, for example: All train services are cancelled due to technical problems. """ SEVERE } type OpeningHours { """ OSM-formatted string of the opening hours. The spec is available at: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:opening_hours """ osm: String """ Opening hours for the selected dates using the local time of the parking lot. Each date can have multiple time spans. Note: This is not implemented yet and always returns null. """ dates( "Opening hours will be returned for these dates. Dates should use YYYYMMDD format." dates: [String!]! ): [LocalTimeSpanDate] } "Bike park represents a location where bicycles can be parked." type BikePark implements Node & PlaceInterface { "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query." id: ID! "ID of the bike park" bikeParkId: String "Name of the bike park" name( "Returns name with the specified language, if found, otherwise returns with some default language." language: String ): String! "Number of spaces available for bikes" spacesAvailable: Int "If true, value of `spacesAvailable` is updated from a real-time source." realtime: Boolean "Longitude of the bike park (WGS 84)" lon: Float "Latitude of the bike park (WGS 84)" lat: Float "Source specific tags of the bike park, which describe the available features." tags: [String] "Opening hours of the parking facility" openingHours: OpeningHours } "Vehicle parking represents a location where bicycles or cars can be parked." type VehicleParking implements Node & PlaceInterface { "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query." id: ID! "ID of the park" vehicleParkingId: String "Name of the park" name( "Returns name with the specified language, if found, otherwise returns with some default language." language: String ): String! "If true, value of `spacesAvailable` is updated from a real-time source." realtime: Boolean "Longitude of the bike park (WGS 84)" lon: Float "Latitude of the bike park (WGS 84)" lat: Float "URL which contains details of this vehicle parking." detailsUrl: String "URL of an image which may be displayed to the user showing the vehicle parking." imageUrl: String """ Source specific tags of the vehicle parking, which describe the available features. For example park_and_ride, bike_lockers, or static_osm_data. """ tags: [String] "A short translatable note containing details of this vehicle parking." note( "Returns note with the specified language, if found, otherwise returns with some default language." language: String ): String """ The state of this vehicle parking. Only ones in an OPERATIONAL state may be used for Park and Ride. """ state: VehicleParkingState "Does this vehicle parking have spaces (capacity) for bicycles." bicyclePlaces: Boolean """ Does this vehicle parking have spaces (capacity) for either wheelchair accessible (disabled) or normal cars. """ anyCarPlaces: Boolean """ Does this vehicle parking have spaces (capacity) for cars excluding wheelchair accessible spaces. Use anyCarPlaces to check if any type of car may use this vehicle parking. """ carPlaces: Boolean "Does this vehicle parking have wheelchair accessible (disabled) car spaces (capacity)." wheelchairAccessibleCarPlaces: Boolean "The capacity (maximum available spaces) of this vehicle parking." capacity: VehicleParkingSpaces "The currently available spaces at this vehicle parking." availability: VehicleParkingSpaces "Opening hours of the parking facility" openingHours: OpeningHours } """ The state of the vehicle parking. TEMPORARILY_CLOSED and CLOSED are distinct states so that they may be represented differently to the user. """ enum VehicleParkingState { "May be used for park and ride." OPERATIONAL "Can't be used for park and ride." TEMPORARILY_CLOSED "Can't be used for park and ride." CLOSED } "The number of spaces by type. null if unknown." type VehicleParkingSpaces { "The number of bicycle spaces." bicycleSpaces: Int "The number of car spaces." carSpaces: Int "The number of wheelchair accessible (disabled) car spaces." wheelchairAccessibleCarSpaces: Int } "Bike rental station represents a location where users can rent bicycles for a fee." type BikeRentalStation implements Node & PlaceInterface { "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query." id: ID! "ID of the bike rental station" stationId: String "Name of the bike rental station" name: String! """ Number of bikes currently available on the rental station. See field `allowPickupNow` to know if is currently possible to pick up a bike. """ bikesAvailable: Int """ Number of free spaces currently available on the rental station. Note that this value being 0 does not necessarily indicate that bikes cannot be returned to this station, as for example it might be possible to leave the bike in the vicinity of the rental station, even if the bike racks don't have any spaces available. See field `allowDropoffNow` to know if is currently possible to return a bike. """ spacesAvailable: Int "A description of the current state of this bike rental station, e.g. \"Station on\"" state: String @deprecated(reason: "Use operative instead") """ If true, values of `bikesAvailable` and `spacesAvailable` are updated from a real-time source. If false, values of `bikesAvailable` and `spacesAvailable` are always the total capacity divided by two. """ realtime: Boolean """ If true, bikes can be returned to this station if the station has spaces available or allows overloading. """ allowDropoff: Boolean "If true, bikes can be picked up from this station if the station has bikes available." allowPickup: Boolean "If true, bikes can be currently returned to this station." allowDropoffNow: Boolean "If true, bikes can be currently picked up from this station." allowPickupNow: Boolean networks: [String] "Longitude of the bike rental station (WGS 84)" lon: Float "Latitude of the bike rental station (WGS 84)" lat: Float "Nominal capacity (number of racks) of the rental station." capacity: Int "If true, bikes can be returned even if spacesAvailable is zero or bikes > capacity." allowOverloading: Boolean "Platform-specific URLs to begin renting a bike from this station." rentalUris: BikeRentalStationUris "If true, station is on and in service." operative: Boolean } "Vehicle rental station represents a location where users can rent bicycles etc. for a fee." type VehicleRentalStation implements Node & PlaceInterface { "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query." id: ID! "ID of the vehicle in the format of network:id" stationId: String "Name of the vehicle rental station" name: String! """ Number of vehicles currently available on the rental station. See field `allowPickupNow` to know if is currently possible to pick up a vehicle. """ vehiclesAvailable: Int @deprecated(reason: "Use `availableVehicles` instead, which also contains vehicle types") """ Number of free spaces currently available on the rental station. Note that this value being 0 does not necessarily indicate that vehicles cannot be returned to this station, as for example it might be possible to leave the vehicle in the vicinity of the rental station, even if the vehicle racks don't have any spaces available. See field `allowDropoffNow` to know if is currently possible to return a vehicle. """ spacesAvailable: Int @deprecated(reason: "Use `availableSpaces` instead, which also contains the space vehicle types") "Number of vehicles currently available on the rental station, grouped by vehicle type." availableVehicles: RentalVehicleEntityCounts "Number of free spaces currently available on the rental station, grouped by vehicle type." availableSpaces: RentalVehicleEntityCounts """ If true, values of `vehiclesAvailable` and `spacesAvailable` are updated from a real-time source. If false, values of `vehiclesAvailable` and `spacesAvailable` are always the total capacity divided by two. """ realtime: Boolean """ If true, vehicles can be returned to this station if the station has spaces available or allows overloading. """ allowDropoff: Boolean "If true, vehicles can be picked up from this station if the station has vehicles available." allowPickup: Boolean "If true, vehicles can be currently returned to this station." allowDropoffNow: Boolean "If true, vehicles can be currently picked up from this station." allowPickupNow: Boolean "ID of the rental network." network: String "Longitude of the vehicle rental station (WGS 84)" lon: Float "Latitude of the vehicle rental station (WGS 84)" lat: Float "Nominal capacity (number of racks) of the rental station." capacity: Int "If true, vehicles can be returned even if spacesAvailable is zero or vehicles > capacity." allowOverloading: Boolean "Platform-specific URLs to begin renting a vehicle from this station." rentalUris: VehicleRentalUris "If true, station is on and in service." operative: Boolean } type RentalVehicleEntityCounts { "The total number of entities (e.g. vehicles, spaces)." total: Int! "The number of entities by type" byType: [RentalVehicleTypeCount!]! } type RentalVehicleTypeCount { "The type of the rental vehicle (scooter, bicycle, car...)" vehicleType: RentalVehicleType! "The number of vehicles of this type" count: Int! } "Rental vehicle represents a vehicle that belongs to a rental network." type RentalVehicle implements Node & PlaceInterface { "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query." id: ID! "ID of the vehicle in the format of network:id" vehicleId: String "Name of the vehicle" name: String! "If true, vehicle is currently available for renting." allowPickupNow: Boolean "ID of the rental network." network: String "Longitude of the vehicle (WGS 84)" lon: Float "Latitude of the vehicle (WGS 84)" lat: Float "Platform-specific URLs to begin the vehicle." rentalUris: VehicleRentalUris "If true, vehicle is not disabled." operative: Boolean "The type of the rental vehicle (scooter, bicycle, car...)" vehicleType: RentalVehicleType } type BikeRentalStationUris { """ A URI that can be passed to an Android app with an {@code android.intent.action.VIEW} Android intent to support Android Deep Links. May be null if a rental URI does not exist. """ android: String """ A URI that can be used on iOS to launch the rental app for this station. May be {@code null} if a rental URI does not exist. """ ios: String """ A URL that can be used by a web browser to show more information about renting a vehicle at this station. May be {@code null} if a rental URL does not exist. """ web: String } type VehicleRentalUris { """ A URI that can be passed to an Android app with an {@code android.intent.action.VIEW} Android intent to support Android Deep Links. May be null if a rental URI does not exist. """ android: String """ A URI that can be used on iOS to launch the rental app for this rental network. May be {@code null} if a rental URI does not exist. """ ios: String """ A URL that can be used by a web browser to show more information about renting a vehicle. May be {@code null} if a rental URL does not exist. """ web: String } type RentalVehicleType { "The vehicle's general form factor" formFactor: FormFactor "The primary propulsion type of the vehicle" propulsionType: PropulsionType } enum FormFactor { "A bicycle" BICYCLE "A bicycle with additional space for cargo" CARGO_BICYCLE "An automobile" CAR "A moped that the rider sits on. For a disambiguation see https:\/\/github.com\/NABSA\/gbfs\/pull\/370#issuecomment-982631989" MOPED "A kick scooter that the rider either sits or stands on. Will be deprecated in GBFS v3.0." SCOOTER "A kick scooter that the rider stands on" SCOOTER_STANDING "A kick scooter with a seat" SCOOTER_SEATED "A vehicle that doesn't fit into any other category" OTHER } enum PropulsionType { "Pedal or foot propulsion" HUMAN "Provides electric motor assist only in combination with human propulsion - no throttle mode" ELECTRIC_ASSIST "Powered by battery-powered electric motor with throttle mode" ELECTRIC "Powered by gasoline combustion engine" COMBUSTION "Powered by diesel combustion engine" COMBUSTION_DIESEL "Powered by combined combustion engine and battery-powered motor" HYBRID "Powered by combined combustion engine and battery-powered motor with plug-in charging" PLUG_IN_HYBRID "Powered by hydrogen fuel cell powered electric motor" HYDROGEN_FUEL_CELL } enum BikesAllowed { "There is no bike information for the trip." NO_INFORMATION "The vehicle being used on this particular trip can accommodate at least one bicycle." ALLOWED "No bicycles are allowed on this trip." NOT_ALLOWED } "Car park represents a location where cars can be parked." type CarPark implements Node & PlaceInterface { "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query." id: ID! "ID of the car park" carParkId: String "Name of the car park" name( "Returns name with the specified language, if found, otherwise returns with some default language." language: String ): String! "Number of parking spaces at the car park" maxCapacity: Int "Number of currently available parking spaces at the car park" spacesAvailable: Int "If true, value of `spacesAvailable` is updated from a real-time source." realtime: Boolean "Longitude of the car park (WGS 84)" lon: Float "Latitude of the car park (WGS 84)" lat: Float "Source specific tags of the car park, which describe the available features." tags: [String] """ Opening hours for the selected dates using the local time of the park. Each date can have multiple time spans. """ openingHours: OpeningHours } "Cluster is a list of stops grouped by name and proximity" type Cluster implements Node { "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query." id: ID! "ID of the cluster" gtfsId: String! "Name of the cluster" name: String! "Latitude of the center of this cluster (i.e. average latitude of stops in this cluster)" lat: Float! "Longitude of the center of this cluster (i.e. average longitude of stops in this cluster)" lon: Float! "List of stops in the cluster" stops: [Stop!] } type Coordinates { "Latitude (WGS 84)" lat: Float "Longitude (WGS 84)" lon: Float } type debugOutput { totalTime: Long pathCalculationTime: Long precalculationTime: Long renderingTime: Long timedOut: Boolean } """ Departure row is a combination of a pattern and a stop of that pattern. They are de-duplicated so for each pattern there will only be a single departure row. This is useful if you want to show a list of stop/pattern combinations but want each pattern to be listed only once. """ type DepartureRow implements Node & PlaceInterface { "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query." id: ID! "Stop from which the departures leave" stop: Stop "Latitude of the stop (WGS 84)" lat: Float "Longitude of the stop (WGS 84)" lon: Float "Pattern of the departure row" pattern: Pattern "Departures of the pattern from the stop" stoptimes( "Return rows departing after this time. Time format: Unix timestamp in seconds. Default: current time." startTime: Long = 0 "How many seconds ahead to search for departures. Default is one day." timeRange: Int = 86400 "Maximum number of departures to return." numberOfDepartures: Int = 1 "If true, only those departures which allow boarding are returned" omitNonPickups: Boolean = false "If false, returns also canceled trips" omitCanceled: Boolean = true ): [Stoptime] } type elevationProfileComponent { "The distance from the start of the step, in meters." distance: Float "The elevation at this distance, in meters." elevation: Float } type Emissions { "CO₂ emissions in grams." co2: Grams } """ This type is only here for backwards-compatibility and this API will never return it anymore. Please use the leg's `fareProducts` instead. """ type fare { type: String @deprecated "ISO 4217 currency code" currency: String @deprecated """ Fare price in cents. **Note:** this value is dependent on the currency used, as one cent is not necessarily ¹/₁₀₀ of the basic monerary unit. """ cents: Int @deprecated "Components which this fare is composed of" components: [fareComponent] @deprecated } """ This type is only here for backwards-compatibility and this API will never return it anymore. Please use the leg's `fareProducts` instead. """ type fareComponent { "ID of the ticket type. Corresponds to `fareId` in **TicketType**." fareId: String @deprecated "ISO 4217 currency code" currency: String @deprecated """ Fare price in cents. **Note:** this value is dependent on the currency used, as one cent is not necessarily ¹/₁₀₀ of the basic monerary unit. """ cents: Int @deprecated "List of routes which use this fare component" routes: [Route] @deprecated } "A feed provides routing data (stops, routes, timetables, etc.) from one or more public transport agencies." type Feed { "ID of the feed" feedId: String! "List of agencies which provide data to this feed" agencies: [Agency] "Alerts relevant for the feed." alerts( "Returns alerts for these types that are relevant for the feed." types: [FeedAlertType!] ): [Alert] } "Entities, which are relevant for a feed and can contain alerts" enum FeedAlertType { "Alerts affecting the feed's agencies" AGENCIES """ Alerts affecting the route types across the feed. There might be alerts that only affect route types within an agency of the feed, and those can be fetched through the Agency. """ ROUTE_TYPES } enum FilterPlaceType { """ Stops. NOTE: if this is selected at the same time as `STATION`, stops that have a parent station will not be returned but their parent stations will be returned instead. """ STOP "Departure rows" DEPARTURE_ROW "Old value for VEHICLE_RENT" BICYCLE_RENT @deprecated( reason: "Use VEHICLE_RENT instead as it's clearer that it also returns rental scooters, cars..." ) "Vehicle (bicycles, scooters, cars ...) rental stations and vehicles" VEHICLE_RENT "Parking lots (not rental stations) that contain spaces for bicycles" BIKE_PARK "Parking lots that contain spaces for cars" CAR_PARK """ Stations. NOTE: if this is selected at the same time as `STOP`, stops that have a parent station will not be returned but their parent stations will be returned instead. """ STATION } type Geometry { "The number of points in the string" length: Int """ List of coordinates of in a Google encoded polyline format (see https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/utilities/polylinealgorithm) """ points: Polyline } scalar GeoJson scalar Grams type StopGeometries { "Representation of the stop geometries as GeoJSON (https:\/\/geojson.org\/)" geoJson: GeoJson """ Representation of a stop as a series of polylines. Polygons of flex stops are represented as linear rings (lines where the first and last point are the same). Proper stops are represented as single point "lines". """ googleEncoded: [Geometry] } input InputBanned { "A comma-separated list of banned route ids" routes: String "A comma-separated list of banned agency ids" agencies: String "A comma-separated list of banned trip ids" trips: String """ A comma-separated list of banned stop ids. Note that these stops are only banned for boarding and disembarking vehicles — it is possible to get an itinerary where a vehicle stops at one of these stops """ stops: String """ A comma-separated list of banned stop ids. Only itineraries where these stops are not travelled through are returned, e.g. if a bus route stops at one of these stops, that route will not be used in the itinerary, even if the stop is not used for boarding or disembarking the vehicle. """ stopsHard: String } input InputCoordinates { "Latitude of the place (WGS 84)" lat: Float! "Longitude of the place (WGS 84)" lon: Float! "The name of the place. If specified, the place name in results uses this value instead of `\"Origin\"` or `\"Destination\"`" address: String "The amount of time, in seconds, to spend at this location before venturing forth." locationSlack: Int } input InputFilters { "Stops to include by GTFS id." stops: [String] "Stations to include by GTFS id." stations: [String] "Routes to include by GTFS id." routes: [String] "Bike rentals to include by id (without network identifier)." bikeRentalStations: [String] "Bike parks to include by id." bikeParks: [String] "Car parks to include by id." carParks: [String] } input InputModeWeight { "The weight of TRAM traverse mode. Values over 1 add cost to tram travel and values under 1 decrease cost" TRAM: Float "The weight of SUBWAY traverse mode. Values over 1 add cost to subway travel and values under 1 decrease cost" SUBWAY: Float "The weight of RAIL traverse mode. Values over 1 add cost to rail travel and values under 1 decrease cost" RAIL: Float "The weight of BUS traverse mode. Values over 1 add cost to bus travel and values under 1 decrease cost" BUS: Float "The weight of FERRY traverse mode. Values over 1 add cost to ferry travel and values under 1 decrease cost" FERRY: Float "The weight of CABLE_CAR traverse mode. Values over 1 add cost to cable car travel and values under 1 decrease cost" CABLE_CAR: Float "The weight of GONDOLA traverse mode. Values over 1 add cost to gondola travel and values under 1 decrease cost" GONDOLA: Float "The weight of FUNICULAR traverse mode. Values over 1 add cost to funicular travel and values under 1 decrease cost" FUNICULAR: Float "The weight of AIRPLANE traverse mode. Values over 1 add cost to airplane travel and values under 1 decrease cost" AIRPLANE: Float } input InputPreferred { "A comma-separated list of ids of the routes preferred by the user." routes: String "A comma-separated list of ids of the agencies preferred by the user." agencies: String """ Penalty added for using every route that is not preferred if user set any route as preferred. We return number of seconds that we are willing to wait for preferred route. """ otherThanPreferredRoutesPenalty: Int } "Preferences for parking facilities used during the routing." input VehicleParkingInput { """ Selection filters to include or exclude parking facilities. An empty list will include all facilities in the routing search. """ filters: [ParkingFilter] """ If `preferred` is non-empty, using a parking facility that doesn't contain at least one of the preferred conditions, will receive this extra cost and therefore avoided if preferred options are available. """ unpreferredCost: Int """ If non-empty every parking facility that doesn't match this set of conditions will receive an extra cost (defined by `unpreferredCost`) and therefore avoided. """ preferred: [ParkingFilter] } input ParkingFilterOperation { "Filter parking facilities based on their tag" tags: [String] } """ The filter definition to include or exclude parking facilities used during routing. Logically, the filter algorithm work as follows: - The starting point is the set of all facilities, lets call it `A`. - Then all `select` filters are applied to `A`, potentially reducing the number of facilities used. Let's call the result of this `B`. An empty `select` will lead to `A` being equal to `B`. - Lastly, the `not` filters are applied to `B`, reducing the set further. Lets call this final set `C`. An empty `not` will lead to `B` being equal to `C`. - The remaining parking facilities in `C` are used for routing. """ input ParkingFilter { """ Exclude parking facilities based on their properties. If empty nothing is excluded from the initial set of facilities but may be filtered down further by the `select` filter. """ not: [ParkingFilterOperation!] """ Include parking facilities based on their properties. If empty everything is included from the initial set of facilities but may be filtered down further by the `not` filter. """ select: [ParkingFilterOperation!] } """ Relative importances of optimization factors. Only effective for bicycling legs. Invariant: `timeFactor + slopeFactor + safetyFactor == 1` """ input InputTriangle { "Relative importance of safety" safetyFactor: Float "Relative importance of flat terrain" slopeFactor: Float "Relative importance of duration" timeFactor: Float } input InputUnpreferred { "A comma-separated list of ids of the routes unpreferred by the user." routes: String "A comma-separated list of ids of the agencies unpreferred by the user." agencies: String """ An cost function used to calculate penalty for an unpreferred route/agency. Function should return number of seconds that we are willing to wait for unpreferred route/agency. String must be of the format: `A + B x`, where A is fixed penalty and B is a multiplier of transit leg travel time x. For example: `600 + 2.0 x` """ unpreferredCost: String """ Penalty added for using route that is unpreferred, i.e. number of seconds that we are willing to wait for route that is unpreferred. Deprecated: Use `unpreferredCost` instead. """ useUnpreferredRoutesPenalty: Int @deprecated(reason: "Use unpreferredCost instead") } enum RoutingErrorCode { """ No transit connection was found between the origin and destination within the operating day or the next day, not even sub-optimal ones. """ NO_TRANSIT_CONNECTION """ A transit connection was found, but it was outside the search window. See the metadata for a token for retrieving the result outside the search window. """ NO_TRANSIT_CONNECTION_IN_SEARCH_WINDOW """ The date specified is outside the range of data currently loaded into the system as it is too far into the future or the past. The specific date range of the system is configurable by an administrator and also depends on the input data provided. """ OUTSIDE_SERVICE_PERIOD """ The coordinates are outside the geographic bounds of the transit and street data currently loaded into the system and therefore cannot return any results. """ OUTSIDE_BOUNDS """ The specified location is not close to any streets or transit stops currently loaded into the system, even though it is generally within its bounds. This can happen when there is only transit but no street data coverage at the location in question. """ LOCATION_NOT_FOUND """ No stops are reachable from the start or end locations specified. You can try searching using a different access or egress mode, for example cycling instead of walking, increase the walking/cycling/driving speed or have an administrator change the system's configuration so that stops further away are considered. """ NO_STOPS_IN_RANGE """ Transit connections were requested and found but because it is easier to just walk all the way to the destination they were removed. If you want to still show the transit results, you need to make walking less desirable by increasing the walk reluctance. """ WALKING_BETTER_THAN_TRANSIT } enum InputField { DATE_TIME FROM TO } "Description of the reason, why the planner did not return any results" type RoutingError { "An enum describing the reason" code: RoutingErrorCode! "An enum describing the field which should be changed, in order for the search to succeed" inputField: InputField "A textual description of why the search failed. The clients are expected to have their own translations based on the code, for user visible error messages." description: String! } "Category of riders a fare product applies to, for example students or pensioners." type RiderCategory { "ID of the category" id: String! "Human readable name of the category." name: String } "A 'medium' that a fare product applies to, for example cash, 'Oyster Card' or 'DB Navigator App'." type FareMedium { "ID of the medium" id: String! "Human readable name of the medium." name: String } "A container for both a fare product (a ticket) and its relationship to the itinerary." type FareProductUse { """ Represents the use of a single instance of a fare product throughout the itinerary. It can be used to cross-reference and de-duplicate fare products that are applicable for more than one leg. If you want to uniquely identify the fare product itself (not its use) use the product's `id`. ### Example: Day pass The day pass is valid for both legs in the itinerary. It is listed as the applicable `product` for each leg, and the same FareProductUse id is shown, indicating that only one pass was used/bought. **Illustration** ```yaml itinerary: leg1: fareProducts: id: "AAA" // id of a FareProductUse instance product: id: "day-pass" // product id name: "Day Pass" leg2: fareProducts: id: "AAA" // identical to leg1. the passenger needs to buy ONE pass, not two. product: id: "day-pass" // product id name: "Day Pass" ``` **It is the responsibility of the API consumers to display the day pass as a product for the entire itinerary rather than two day passes!** ### Example: Several single tickets If you have two legs and need to buy two single tickets they will appear in each leg with the same `FareProduct.id` but different `FareProductUse.id`. **Illustration** ```yaml itinerary: leg1: fareProducts: id: "AAA" // id of a FareProductUse instance, not product id product: id: "single-ticket" // product id name: "Single Ticket" leg2: fareProducts: id: "BBB" // different to leg1. the passenger needs to buy two single tickets. product: id: "single-ticket" // product id name: "Single Ticket" ``` """ id: String! "The purchasable fare product" product: FareProduct } "A fare product (a ticket) to be bought by a passenger" interface FareProduct { "Identifier for the fare product." id: String! "Human readable name of the product, for example example \"Day pass\" or \"Single ticket\"." name: String! "The category of riders this product applies to, for example students or pensioners." riderCategory: RiderCategory """ The 'medium' that this product applies to, for example "Oyster Card" or "Berlin Ticket App". This communicates to riders that a specific way of buying or keeping this product is required. """ medium: FareMedium } """ The standard case of a fare product: it only has a single price to be paid by the passenger and no discounts are applied. """ type DefaultFareProduct implements FareProduct { "Identifier for the fare product." id: String! "Human readable name of the product, for example example \"Day pass\" or \"Single ticket\"." name: String! "The price of the product" price: Money! "The category of riders this product applies to, for example students or pensioners." riderCategory: RiderCategory """ The 'medium' that this product applies to, for example "Oyster Card" or "Berlin Ticket App". This communicates to riders that a specific way of buying or keeping this product is required. """ medium: FareMedium } type Itinerary { "Time when the user leaves from the origin." start: OffsetDateTime "Time when the user leaves arrives at the destination." end: OffsetDateTime "Duration of the trip on this itinerary, in seconds." duration: Long "Generalized cost of the itinerary. Used for debugging search results." generalizedCost: Int "How much time is spent waiting for transit to arrive, in seconds." waitingTime: Long "How much time is spent walking, in seconds." walkTime: Long "How far the user has to walk, in meters." walkDistance: Float "Emissions of this itinerary per traveler." emissionsPerPerson: Emissions """ A list of Legs. Each Leg is either a walking (cycling, car) portion of the itinerary, or a transit leg on a particular vehicle. So a itinerary where the user walks to the Q train, transfers to the 6, then walks to their destination, has four legs. """ legs: [Leg]! "How much elevation is gained, in total, over the course of the itinerary, in meters." elevationGained: Float "How much elevation is lost, in total, over the course of the itinerary, in meters." elevationLost: Float "Does the itinerary end without dropping off the rented bicycle:" arrivedAtDestinationWithRentedBicycle: Boolean """ A list of system notices. Contains debug information for itineraries. One use-case is to run a routing search with 'debugItineraryFilter: true'. This will then tag itineraries instead of removing them from the result. This make it possible to inspect the itinerary-filter-chain. """ systemNotices: [SystemNotice]! """ Computes a numeric accessibility score between 0 and 1. The closer the value is to 1 the better the wheelchair-accessibility of this itinerary is. A value of `null` means that no score has been computed, not that the leg is inaccessible. More information is available in the [feature documentation](https://docs.opentripplanner.org/en/dev-2.x/sandbox/IBIAccessibilityScore/). """ accessibilityScore: Float """ How many transfers are part of this itinerary. Notes: - Interlined/stay-seated transfers do not increase this count. - Transferring from a flex to a fixed schedule trip and vice versa increases this count. """ numberOfTransfers: Int! """ Information about the fares for this itinerary. This is primarily a GTFS Fares V1 interface and always returns an empty list. Use the leg's `fareProducts` instead. """ fares: [fare] @deprecated(reason: "Use the leg's `fareProducts`.") "Time when the user leaves from the origin. Format: Unix timestamp in milliseconds." startTime: Long @deprecated(reason: "Use `start` instead which includes timezone information.") "Time when the user arrives to the destination. Format: Unix timestamp in milliseconds." endTime: Long @deprecated(reason: "Use `end` instead which includes timezone information.") } "A currency" type Currency { "ISO-4217 currency code, for example `USD` or `EUR`." code: String! """ Fractional digits of this currency. A value of 2 would express that in this currency 100 minor units make up one major unit. Expressed more concretely: 100 Euro-cents make up one Euro. Note: Some currencies don't even have any fractional digits, for example the Japanese Yen. See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217#Minor_unit_fractions """ digits: Int! } "An amount of money." type Money { "The currency of this money amount." currency: Currency! """ Money in the major currency unit, so 3.10 USD is represented as `3.1`. If you want to get the minor currency unit (310 cents), multiply with (10 to the power of `currency.digits`). """ amount: Float! } """ An ISO-8601-formatted duration, i.e. `PT2H30M` for 2 hours and 30 minutes. Negative durations are formatted like `-PT10M`. """ scalar Duration @specifiedBy( url: "https:\/\/docs.oracle.com\/en\/java\/javase\/21\/docs\/api\/java.base\/java\/time\/Duration.html#parse(java.lang.CharSequence)" ) type RideHailingProvider { "The ID of the ride hailing provider." id: String! } "An estimate for a ride on a hailed vehicle, like an Uber car." type RideHailingEstimate { "The provider of the ride hailing service." provider: RideHailingProvider! "The lower bound of the price estimate of this ride." minPrice: Money! "The upper bound of the price estimate of this ride." maxPrice: Money! "The estimated time it takes for the vehicle to arrive." arrival: Duration! "The name of the ride, ie. UberX" productName: String } """ An ISO-8601-formatted datetime with offset, i.e. `2023-06-13T14:30+03:00` for 2:30pm on June 13th 2023 at Helsinki's offset from UTC at that time. ISO-8601 allows many different formats but OTP will only return the profile specified in RFC3339. """ scalar OffsetDateTime @specifiedBy(url: "https:\/\/www.rfcreader.com\/#rfc3339") "Real-time estimates for a vehicle at a certain place." type RealTimeEstimate { time: OffsetDateTime! """ The delay or "earliness" of the vehicle at a certain place. If the vehicle is early then this is a negative duration. """ delay: Duration! } """ Time information about a passenger at a certain place. May contain real-time information if available. """ type LegTime { "The scheduled time of the event." scheduledTime: OffsetDateTime! "The estimated time of the event. If no real-time information is available, this is null." estimated: RealTimeEstimate } type Leg { "The time when the leg starts including real-time information, if available." start: LegTime! "The time when the leg ends including real-time information, if available." end: LegTime! "The mode (e.g. `WALK`) used when traversing this leg." mode: Mode "The leg's duration in seconds" duration: Float "Generalized cost of the leg. Used for debugging search results." generalizedCost: Int "The leg's geometry." legGeometry: Geometry "For transit legs, the transit agency that operates the service used for this leg. For non-transit legs, `null`." agency: Agency "Whether there is real-time data about this Leg" realTime: Boolean "State of real-time data" realtimeState: RealtimeState "The distance traveled while traversing the leg in meters." distance: Float "Whether this leg is a transit leg or not." transitLeg: Boolean "Whether this leg is walking with a bike." walkingBike: Boolean "Whether this leg is traversed with a rented bike." rentedBike: Boolean "The Place where the leg originates." from: Place! "The Place where the leg ends." to: Place! "For transit legs, the route that is used for traversing the leg. For non-transit legs, `null`." route: Route "For transit legs, the trip that is used for traversing the leg. For non-transit legs, `null`." trip: Trip "For transit legs, the service date of the trip. Format: YYYYMMDD. For non-transit legs, null." serviceDate: String """ For transit legs, intermediate stops between the Place where the leg originates and the Place where the leg ends. For non-transit legs, null. """ intermediateStops: [Stop] """ For transit legs, intermediate stops between the Place where the leg originates and the Place where the leg ends. For non-transit legs, null. Returns Place type, which has fields for e.g. departure and arrival times """ intermediatePlaces: [Place] "Whether the destination of this leg (field `to`) is one of the intermediate places specified in the query." intermediatePlace: Boolean "The turn-by-turn navigation instructions." steps: [step] """ For transit legs, the headsign that the vehicle shows at the stop where the passenger boards. For non-transit legs, null. """ headsign: String "This is used to indicate if boarding this leg is possible only with special arrangements." pickupType: PickupDropoffType "This is used to indicate if alighting from this leg is possible only with special arrangements." dropoffType: PickupDropoffType """ Interlines with previous leg. This is true when the same vehicle is used for the previous leg as for this leg and passenger can stay inside the vehicle. """ interlineWithPreviousLeg: Boolean """ Special booking information for the drop off stop of this leg if, for example, it needs to be booked in advance. This could be due to a flexible or on-demand service. """ dropOffBookingInfo: BookingInfo """ Special booking information for the pick up stop of this leg if, for example, it needs to be booked in advance. This could be due to a flexible or on-demand service. """ pickupBookingInfo: BookingInfo "Applicable alerts for this leg." alerts: [Alert] "Future legs with same origin and destination stops or stations" nextLegs( """ The number of alternative legs searched. If fewer than the requested number are found, then only the found legs are returned. """ numberOfLegs: Int! """ Transportation modes for which all stops in the parent station are used as possible origin stops for the next legs. For modes not listed, only the exact origin stop of the leg is considered. """ originModesWithParentStation: [TransitMode!] """ Transportation modes for which all stops in the parent station are used as possible destination stops for the next legs. For modes not listed, only the exact destination stop of the leg is considered. """ destinationModesWithParentStation: [TransitMode!] ): [Leg!] "Estimate of a hailed ride like Uber." rideHailingEstimate: RideHailingEstimate """ Computes a numeric accessibility score between 0 and 1. The closer the value is to 1 the better the wheelchair-accessibility of this leg is. A value of `null` means that no score has been computed, not that the itinerary is inaccessible. More information is available in the [feature documentation](https://docs.opentripplanner.org/en/dev-2.x/sandbox/IBIAccessibilityScore/). """ accessibilityScore: Float """ Fare products are purchasable tickets which may have an optional fare container or rider category that limits who can buy them or how. Please read the documentation of `id` very carefully to learn how a single fare product that applies to multiple legs can appear several times. """ fareProducts: [FareProductUse] "The date and time when this leg begins. Format: Unix timestamp in milliseconds." startTime: Long @deprecated(reason: "Use `start.estimated.time` instead which contains timezone information.") "The date and time when this leg ends. Format: Unix timestamp in milliseconds." endTime: Long @deprecated(reason: "Use `end.estimated.time` instead which contains timezone information.") """ For transit leg, the offset from the scheduled departure time of the boarding stop in this leg, i.e. scheduled time of departure at boarding stop = `startTime - departureDelay` """ departureDelay: Int @deprecated(reason: "Use `end.estimated.delay` instead.") """ For transit leg, the offset from the scheduled arrival time of the alighting stop in this leg, i.e. scheduled time of arrival at alighting stop = `endTime - arrivalDelay` """ arrivalDelay: Int @deprecated(reason: "Use `start.estimated.delay` instead.") } "A span of time." type LocalTimeSpan { "The start of the time timespan as seconds from midnight." from: Int! "The end of the timespan as seconds from midnight." to: Int! } "A date using the local timezone of the object that can contain timespans." type LocalTimeSpanDate { "The time spans for this date." timeSpans: [LocalTimeSpan] "The date of this time span. Format: YYYYMMDD." date: String! } "Identifies whether this stop represents a stop or station." enum LocationType { "A location where passengers board or disembark from a transit vehicle." STOP "A physical structure or area that contains one or more stop." STATION ENTRANCE } "Long type" scalar Long enum Mode { "AIRPLANE" AIRPLANE "BICYCLE" BICYCLE "BUS" BUS "CABLE_CAR" CABLE_CAR "CAR" CAR "COACH" COACH "FERRY" FERRY "Enables flexible transit for access and egress legs" FLEX "Enables flexible transit for access and egress legs" FLEXIBLE @deprecated(reason: "Use FLEX instead") "FUNICULAR" FUNICULAR "GONDOLA" GONDOLA "Only used internally. No use for API users." LEG_SWITCH @deprecated "RAIL" RAIL "SCOOTER" SCOOTER "SUBWAY" SUBWAY "TRAM" TRAM "\"Private car trips shared with others." CARPOOL "A taxi, possibly operated by a public transport agency." TAXI "A special transport mode, which includes all public transport." TRANSIT "WALK" WALK "Electric buses that draw power from overhead wires using poles." TROLLEYBUS "Railway in which the track consists of a single rail or a beam." MONORAIL } enum TransitMode { "AIRPLANE" AIRPLANE "BUS" BUS "CABLE_CAR" CABLE_CAR "COACH" COACH "FERRY" FERRY "FUNICULAR" FUNICULAR "GONDOLA" GONDOLA "RAIL" RAIL "SUBWAY" SUBWAY "TRAM" TRAM "\"Private car trips shared with others." CARPOOL "A taxi, possibly operated by a public transport agency." TAXI "Electric buses that draw power from overhead wires using poles." TROLLEYBUS "Railway in which the track consists of a single rail or a beam." MONORAIL } "An object with an ID" interface Node { "The ID of an object" id: ID! } "Optimization type for bicycling legs" enum OptimizeType { "Prefer faster routes" QUICK "Prefer safer routes, i.e. avoid crossing streets and use bike paths when possible" SAFE "Prefer flat terrain" FLAT "GREENWAYS" GREENWAYS "**TRIANGLE** optimization type can be used to set relative preferences of optimization factors. See argument `triangle`." TRIANGLE } "Information about pagination in a connection." type PageInfo { "When paginating forwards, are there more items?" hasNextPage: Boolean! "When paginating backwards, are there more items?" hasPreviousPage: Boolean! "When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue." startCursor: String "When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue." endCursor: String } "Realtime vehicle position" type VehiclePosition { "Feed-scoped ID that uniquely identifies the vehicle in the format FeedId:VehicleId" vehicleId: String "Human-readable label of the vehicle, eg. a publicly visible number or a license plate" label: String "Latitude of the vehicle" lat: Float "Longitude of the vehicle" lon: Float "The current stop where the vehicle will be or is currently arriving." stopRelationship: StopRelationship "Speed of the vehicle in meters\/second" speed: Float """ Bearing, in degrees, clockwise from North, i.e., 0 is North and 90 is East. This can be the compass bearing, or the direction towards the next stop or intermediate location. """ heading: Float "When the position of the vehicle was recorded in seconds since the UNIX epoch." lastUpdated: Long "Which trip this vehicles runs on." trip: Trip! } "Upcoming or current stop and how close the vehicle is to it." type StopRelationship { "How close the vehicle is to `stop`" status: VehicleStopStatus! stop: Stop! } "How close the vehicle is to the stop." enum VehicleStopStatus { "The vehicle is standing at the stop." STOPPED_AT "The vehicle has departed the previous stop and is in transit." IN_TRANSIT_TO "The vehicle is just about to arrive at the stop (on a stop display, the vehicle symbol typically flashes)." INCOMING_AT } """ Pattern is sequence of stops used by trips on a specific direction and variant of a route. Most routes have only two patterns: one for outbound trips and one for inbound trips """ type Pattern implements Node { "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query." id: ID! "The route this pattern runs on" route: Route! """ Direction of the pattern. Possible values: 0, 1 or -1. -1 indicates that the direction is irrelevant, i.e. the route has patterns only in one direction. """ directionId: Int """ Name of the pattern. Pattern name can be just the name of the route or it can include details of destination and origin stops. """ name: String "ID of the pattern" code: String! "Vehicle headsign used by trips of this pattern" headsign: String "Trips which run on this pattern" trips: [Trip!] "Trips which run on this pattern on the specified date" tripsForDate( "Return trips of the pattern active on this date. Format: YYYYMMDD" serviceDate: String ): [Trip!] "List of stops served by this pattern" stops: [Stop!] geometry: [Coordinates] "Coordinates of the route of this pattern in Google polyline encoded format" patternGeometry: Geometry """ Hash code of the pattern. This value is stable and not dependent on the pattern id, i.e. this value can be used to check whether two patterns are the same, even if their ids have changed. """ semanticHash: String """ By default, list of alerts which have directly an effect on just the pattern. It's also possible to return other relevant alerts through defining types. """ alerts( """ Returns alerts for these types that are relevant for the pattern. By default, list of alerts which have directly an effect on just the pattern. """ types: [PatternAlertType] ): [Alert] "Realtime-updated position of vehicles that are serving this pattern." vehiclePositions: [VehiclePosition!] "Original Trip pattern for changed patterns" originalTripPattern: Pattern } "Entities, which are relevant for a pattern and can contain alerts" enum PatternAlertType { "Alerts affecting the pattern" PATTERN "Alerts affecting the pattern's route's agency" AGENCY "Alerts affecting the route that the pattern runs on" ROUTE "Alerts affecting the route type of the route that the pattern runs on" ROUTE_TYPE "Alerts affecting the trips which run on this pattern" TRIPS "Alerts affecting the stops which are on this pattern" STOPS_ON_PATTERN "Alerts affecting the stops of the trips which run on this pattern" STOPS_ON_TRIPS } enum PickupDropoffType { "Regularly scheduled pickup \/ drop off." SCHEDULED "No pickup \/ drop off available." NONE "Must phone agency to arrange pickup \/ drop off." CALL_AGENCY "Must coordinate with driver to arrange pickup \/ drop off." COORDINATE_WITH_DRIVER } "Contact information for booking an on-demand or flexible service." type ContactInfo { "Name of the person to contact" contactPerson: String "Phone number to contact" phoneNumber: String "Email to contact" eMail: String "Fax number to contact" faxNumber: String "URL containing general information about the service" infoUrl: String "URL to the booking systems of the service" bookingUrl: String "Additional notes about the contacting the service provider" additionalDetails: String } "Temporal restriction for a booking" type BookingTime { "Time of the booking" time: String "How many days before the booking" daysPrior: Int } """ Booking information for a stop time which has special requirements to use, like calling ahead or using an app. """ type BookingInfo { "Contact information for reaching the service provider" contactInfo: ContactInfo "When is the earliest time the service can be booked." earliestBookingTime: BookingTime "When is the latest time the service can be booked" latestBookingTime: BookingTime "Minimum number of seconds before travel to make the request" minimumBookingNoticeSeconds: Long "Maximum number of seconds before travel to make the request" maximumBookingNoticeSeconds: Long "A general message for those booking the service" message: String "A message specific to the pick up" pickupMessage: String "A message specific to the drop off" dropOffMessage: String } "The board\/alight position in between two stops of the pattern of a trip with continuous pickup\/drop off." type PositionBetweenStops { "Position of the previous stop in the pattern. Positions are not required to start from 0 or be consecutive." previousPosition: Int "Position of the next stop in the pattern. Positions are not required to start from 0 or be consecutive." nextPosition: Int } "Stop position at a specific stop." type PositionAtStop { "Position of the stop in the pattern. Positions are not required to start from 0 or be consecutive." position: Int } union StopPosition = PositionAtStop | PositionBetweenStops type Place { "For transit stops, the name of the stop. For points of interest, the name of the POI." name: String """ Type of vertex. (Normal, Bike sharing station, Bike P+R, Transit stop) Mostly used for better localization of bike sharing and P+R station names """ vertexType: VertexType "Latitude of the place (WGS 84)" lat: Float! "Longitude of the place (WGS 84)" lon: Float! """ The time the rider will arrive at the place. This also includes real-time information if available. """ arrival: LegTime """ The time the rider will depart the place. This also includes real-time information if available. """ departure: LegTime "The stop related to the place." stop: Stop """ The position of the stop in the pattern. This is not required to start from 0 or be consecutive - any increasing integer sequence along the stops is valid. The purpose of this field is to identify the stop within the pattern so it can be cross-referenced between it and the itinerary. It is safe to cross-reference when done quickly, i.e. within seconds. However, it should be noted that realtime updates can change the values, so don't store it for longer amounts of time. Depending on the source data, this might not be the GTFS `stop_sequence` but another value, perhaps even generated. The position can be either at a certain stop or in between two for trips where this is possible. """ stopPosition: StopPosition "The vehicle rental station related to the place" vehicleRentalStation: VehicleRentalStation "The rental vehicle related to the place" rentalVehicle: RentalVehicle "The vehicle parking related to the place" vehicleParking: VehicleParking "The bike rental station related to the place" bikeRentalStation: BikeRentalStation @deprecated(reason: "Use vehicleRentalStation and rentalVehicle instead") "The bike parking related to the place" bikePark: BikePark @deprecated(reason: "bikePark is deprecated. Use vehicleParking instead.") "The car parking related to the place" carPark: CarPark @deprecated(reason: "carPark is deprecated. Use vehicleParking instead.") "The time the rider will arrive at the place. Format: Unix timestamp in milliseconds." arrivalTime: Long! @deprecated(reason: "Use `arrival` which includes timezone information.") "The time the rider will depart the place. Format: Unix timestamp in milliseconds." departureTime: Long! @deprecated(reason: "Use `departure` which includes timezone information.") } type placeAtDistance implements Node { "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query." id: ID! place: PlaceInterface "Walking distance to the place along streets and paths" distance: Int } "A connection to a list of items." type placeAtDistanceConnection { edges: [placeAtDistanceEdge] pageInfo: PageInfo! } "An edge in a connection." type placeAtDistanceEdge { "The item at the end of the edge" node: placeAtDistance cursor: String! } "Interface for places, e.g. stops, stations, parking areas.." interface PlaceInterface { id: ID! "Latitude of the place (WGS 84)" lat: Float "Longitude of the place (WGS 84)" lon: Float } type Plan { "The time and date of travel. Format: Unix timestamp in milliseconds." date: Long "The origin" from: Place! "The destination" to: Place! "A list of possible itineraries" itineraries: [Itinerary]! "A list of possible error messages as enum" messageEnums: [String]! "A list of possible error messages in cleartext" messageStrings: [String]! "A list of routing errors, and fields which caused them" routingErrors: [RoutingError!]! """ Use the cursor to go to the next "page" of itineraries. Copy the cursor from the last response to the pageCursor query parameter and keep the original request as is. This will enable you to search for itineraries in the next search-window. The cursor based paging only support stepping to the next page, as it does not support jumping. This is only usable when public transportation mode(s) are included in the query. """ nextPageCursor: String """ Use the cursor to go to the previous "page" of itineraries. Copy the cursor from the last response to the pageCursor query parameter and keep the original request otherwise as is. This will enable you to search for itineraries in the previous search-window. The cursor based paging only support stepping to the previous page, as it does not support jumping. This is only usable when public transportation mode(s) are included in the query. """ previousPageCursor: String """ This is the suggested search time for the "previous page" or time window. Insert it together with the searchWindowUsed in the request to get a new set of trips preceding in the search-window BEFORE the current search. No duplicate trips should be returned, unless a trip is delayed and new realtime-data is available. """ prevDateTime: Long @deprecated(reason: "Use previousPageCursor instead") """ This is the suggested search time for the "next page" or time window. Insert it together with the searchWindowUsed in the request to get a new set of trips following in the search-window AFTER the current search. No duplicate trips should be returned, unless a trip is delayed and new realtime-data is available. """ nextDateTime: Long @deprecated(reason: "Use nextPageCursor instead") """ This is the `searchWindow` used by the raptor search. It is provided here for debugging purpousess. The unit is seconds. """ searchWindowUsed: Long "Information about the timings for the plan generation" debugOutput: debugOutput! } """ List of coordinates in an encoded polyline format (see https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/utilities/polylinealgorithm). The value appears in JSON as a string. """ scalar Polyline """ Additional qualifier for a transport mode. Note that qualifiers can only be used with certain transport modes. """ enum Qualifier { "The vehicle used for transport can be rented" RENT """ ~~HAVE~~ **Currently not used** """ HAVE @deprecated(reason: "Currently not used") """ The vehicle used must be left to a parking area before continuing the journey. This qualifier is usable with transport modes `CAR` and `BICYCLE`. Note that the vehicle is only parked if the journey is continued with public transportation (e.g. if only `CAR` and `WALK` transport modes are allowed to be used, the car will not be parked as it is used for the whole journey). """ PARK """ ~~KEEP~~ **Currently not used** """ KEEP @deprecated(reason: "Currently not used") "The user can be picked up by someone else riding a vehicle" PICKUP "The user can be dropped off by someone else riding a vehicle" DROPOFF "The mode is used for the access part of the search." ACCESS "The mode is used for the egress part of the search." EGRESS "The mode is used for the direct street search." DIRECT "Hailing a ride, for example via an app like Uber." HAIL } type QueryType { "Fetches an object given its ID" node( "The ID of an object" id: ID! ): Node "Get all available feeds" feeds: [Feed] "Get all agencies" agencies: [Agency] "Return list of available ticket types" ticketTypes: [TicketType] "Get a single agency based on agency ID, i.e. value of field `gtfsId` (ID format is `FeedId:StopId`)" agency(id: String!): Agency "Get all stops" stops( "Return stops with these ids" ids: [String] "Query stops by this name" name: String ): [Stop] "Get all stops within the specified bounding box" stopsByBbox( "Southern bound of the bounding box" minLat: Float! "Western bound of the bounding box" minLon: Float! "Northern bound of the bounding box" maxLat: Float! "Eastern bound of the bounding box" maxLon: Float! "List of feed ids from which stops are returned" feeds: [String!] ): [Stop] """ Get all stops within the specified radius from a location. The returned type is a Relay connection (see https://facebook.github.io/relay/graphql/connections.htm). The stopAtDistance type has two values: stop and distance. """ stopsByRadius( "Latitude of the location (WGS 84)" lat: Float! "Longitude of the location (WGS 84)" lon: Float! """ Radius (in meters) to search for from the specified location. Note that this is walking distance along streets and paths rather than a geographic distance. """ radius: Int! "List of feed ids from which stops are returned" feeds: [String!] before: String after: String first: Int last: Int ): stopAtDistanceConnection """ Get all places (stops, stations, etc. with coordinates) within the specified radius from a location. The returned type is a Relay connection (see https://facebook.github.io/relay/graphql/connections.htm). The placeAtDistance type has two fields: place and distance. The search is done by walking so the distance is according to the network of walkable streets and paths. """ nearest( "Latitude of the location (WGS 84)" lat: Float! "Longitude of the location (WGS 84)" lon: Float! """ Maximum distance (in meters) to search for from the specified location. Note that this is walking distance along streets and paths rather than a geographic distance. Default is 2000m """ maxDistance: Int = 2000 "Maximum number of results. Search is stopped when this limit is reached. Default is 20." maxResults: Int = 20 "Only return places that are one of these types, e.g. `STOP` or `VEHICLE_RENT`" filterByPlaceTypes: [FilterPlaceType] """ Only return places that are related to one of these transport modes. This argument can be used to return e.g. only nearest railway stations or only nearest places related to bicycling. """ filterByModes: [Mode] "Only include places that match one of the given GTFS ids." filterByIds: InputFilters @deprecated(reason: "Not actively maintained") before: String after: String first: Int last: Int ): placeAtDistanceConnection @async "Get a single departure row based on its ID (ID format is `FeedId:StopId:PatternId`)" departureRow(id: String!): DepartureRow "Get a single stop based on its ID, i.e. value of field `gtfsId` (ID format is `FeedId:StopId`)" stop(id: String!): Stop "Get a single station based on its ID, i.e. value of field `gtfsId` (format is `FeedId:StopId`)" station(id: String!): Stop "Get all stations" stations( "Only return stations that match one of the ids in this list" ids: [String] "Query stations by name" name: String ): [Stop] "Get all routes" routes( "Only return routes with these ids" ids: [String] "Only return routes with these feedIds" feeds: [String] "Query routes by this name" name: String "Only include routes, which use one of these modes" transportModes: [Mode] ): [Route] "Get a single route based on its ID, i.e. value of field `gtfsId` (format is `FeedId:RouteId`)" route(id: String!): Route "Get all trips" trips( "Only return trips with these feedIds" feeds: [String] ): [Trip] "Get a single trip based on its ID, i.e. value of field `gtfsId` (format is `FeedId:TripId`)" trip(id: String!): Trip """ Finds a trip matching the given parameters. This query type is useful if the id of a trip is not known, but other details uniquely identifying the trip are available from some source (e.g. MQTT vehicle positions). """ fuzzyTrip( "id of the route" route: String! """ Direction of the trip, possible values: 0, 1 or -1. -1 indicates that the direction is irrelevant, i.e. in case the route has trips only in one direction. See field `directionId` of Pattern. """ direction: Int = -1 "Departure date of the trip, format: YYYY-MM-DD" date: String! "Departure time of the trip, format: seconds since midnight of the departure date" time: Int! ): Trip "Get cancelled TripTimes." cancelledTripTimes( "Feed feedIds (e.g. [\"HSL\"])." feeds: [String] "Route gtfsIds (e.g. [\"HSL:1098\"])." routes: [String] "TripPattern codes (e.g. [\"HSL:1098:1:01\"])." patterns: [String] "Trip gtfsIds (e.g. [\"HSL:1098_20190405_Ma_2_1455\"])." trips: [String] "Only cancelled trip times scheduled to run on minDate or after are returned. Format: \"2019-12-23\" or \"20191223\"." minDate: String "Only cancelled trip times scheduled to run on maxDate or before are returned. Format: \"2019-12-23\" or \"20191223\"." maxDate: String """ Only cancelled trip times that have first stop departure time at minDepartureTime or after are returned. Format: seconds since midnight of minDate. """ minDepartureTime: Int """ Only cancelled trip times that have first stop departure time at maxDepartureTime or before are returned. Format: seconds since midnight of maxDate. """ maxDepartureTime: Int """ Only cancelled trip times that have last stop arrival time at minArrivalTime or after are returned. Format: seconds since midnight of minDate. """ minArrivalTime: Int """ Only cancelled trip times that have last stop arrival time at maxArrivalTime or before are returned. Format: seconds since midnight of maxDate. """ maxArrivalTime: Int ): [Stoptime] "Get all patterns" patterns: [Pattern] """ Get a single pattern based on its ID, i.e. value of field `code` (format is `FeedId:RouteId:DirectionId:PatternVariantNumber`) """ pattern(id: String!): Pattern "Get all clusters" clusters: [Cluster] "Get a single cluster based on its ID, i.e. value of field `gtfsId`" cluster(id: String!): Cluster "Get all active alerts" alerts( "Only return alerts in these feeds" feeds: [String!] "Only return alerts with these severity levels" severityLevel: [AlertSeverityLevelType!] "Only return alerts with these effects" effect: [AlertEffectType!] "Only return alerts with these causes" cause: [AlertCauseType!] "Only return alerts affecting these routes" route: [String!] "Only return alerts affecting these stops" stop: [String!] ): [Alert] "Get the time range for which the API has data available" serviceTimeRange: serviceTimeRange "Get all bike rental stations" bikeRentalStations( """ Return bike rental stations with these ids. **Note:** if an id is invalid (or the bike rental station service is unavailable) the returned list will contain `null` values. """ ids: [String] ): [BikeRentalStation] @deprecated(reason: "Use rentalVehicles or vehicleRentalStations instead") "Get a single bike rental station based on its ID, i.e. value of field `stationId`" bikeRentalStation(id: String!): BikeRentalStation @deprecated( reason: "Use rentalVehicle or vehicleRentalStation instead" ) "Get all rental vehicles" rentalVehicles( """ Return rental vehicles with these ids, i.e. value of field `vehicleId`. **Note:** if an id is invalid (or the rental service is unavailable) the returned list will contain `null` values. If this is provided all other filters are ignored. """ ids: [String] "Return only rental vehicles that have this form factor." formFactors: [FormFactor] ): [RentalVehicle] "Get a single rental vehicle based on its ID, i.e. value of field `vehicleId`" rentalVehicle(id: String!): RentalVehicle "Get all vehicle rental stations" vehicleRentalStations( """ Return vehicle rental stations with these ids, i.e. value of field `stationId`. **Note:** if an id is invalid (or the rental service is unavailable) the returned list will contain `null` values. """ ids: [String] ): [VehicleRentalStation] "Get a single vehicle rental station based on its ID, i.e. value of field `stationId`" vehicleRentalStation(id: String!): VehicleRentalStation "Get all bike parks" bikeParks: [BikePark] @deprecated(reason: "bikeParks is deprecated. Use vehicleParkings instead.") "Get a single bike park based on its ID, i.e. value of field `bikeParkId`" bikePark(id: String!): BikePark @deprecated(reason: "bikePark is deprecated. Use vehicleParking instead.") "Get all car parks" carParks( """ Return car parks with these ids. **Note:** if an id is invalid (or the car park service is unavailable) the returned list will contain `null` values. """ ids: [String] ): [CarPark] @deprecated(reason: "carParks is deprecated. Use vehicleParkings instead.") "Get a single car park based on its ID, i.e. value of field `carParkId`" carPark(id: String!): CarPark @deprecated(reason: "carPark is deprecated. Use vehicleParking instead.") "Get all vehicle parkings" vehicleParkings( """ Return vehicle parkings with these ids. **Note:** if an id is invalid (or the vehicle parking service is unavailable) the returned list will contain `null` values. """ ids: [String] ): [VehicleParking] "Get a single vehicle parking based on its ID" vehicleParking(id: String!): VehicleParking "Needed until https:\/\/github.com\/facebook\/relay\/issues\/112 is resolved" viewer: QueryType "Plans an itinerary from point A to point B based on the given arguments" plan( "Date of departure or arrival in format YYYY-MM-DD. Default value: current date" date: String "Time of departure or arrival in format hh:mm:ss. Default value: current time" time: String """ The geographical location where the itinerary begins. Use either this argument or `fromPlace`, but not both. """ from: InputCoordinates """ The geographical location where the itinerary ends. Use either this argument or `toPlace`, but not both. """ to: InputCoordinates """ The place where the itinerary begins in format `name::place`, where `place` is either a lat,lng pair (e.g. `Pasila::60.199041,24.932928`) or a stop id (e.g. `Pasila::HSL:1000202`). Use either this argument or `from`, but not both. """ fromPlace: String """ The place where the itinerary ends in format `name::place`, where `place` is either a lat,lng pair (e.g. `Pasila::60.199041,24.932928`) or a stop id (e.g. `Pasila::HSL:1000202`). Use either this argument or `to`, but not both. """ toPlace: String "Whether the itinerary must be wheelchair accessible. Default value: false" wheelchair: Boolean "The maximum number of itineraries to return. Default value: 3." numItineraries: Int = 3 """ The length of the search-window in seconds. This parameter is optional. The search-window is defined as the duration between the earliest-departure-time(EDT) and the latest-departure-time(LDT). OTP will search for all itineraries in this departure window. If `arriveBy=true` the `dateTime` parameter is the latest-arrival-time, so OTP will dynamically calculate the EDT. Using a short search-window is faster than using a longer one, but the search duration is not linear. Using a \"too\" short search-window will waste resources server side, while using a search-window that is too long will be slow. OTP will dynamically calculate a reasonable value for the search-window, if not provided. The calculation comes with a significant overhead (10-20% extra). Whether you should use the dynamic calculated value or pass in a value depends on your use-case. For a travel planner in a small geographical area, with a dense network of public transportation, a fixed value between 40 minutes and 2 hours makes sense. To find the appropriate search-window, adjust it so that the number of itineraries on average is around the wanted `numItineraries`. Make sure you set the `numItineraries` to a high number while testing. For a country wide area like Norway, using the dynamic search-window is the best. When paginating, the search-window is calculated using the `numItineraries` in the original search together with statistics from the search for the last page. This behaviour is configured server side, and can not be overridden from the client. The search-window used is returned to the response metadata as `searchWindowUsed` for debugging purposes. """ searchWindow: Long """ Use the cursor to get the next or previous page of results. The next page is a set of itineraries departing after the last itinerary in this result and the previous page is a set of itineraries departing before the first itinerary. This is only usable when public transportation mode(s) are included in the query. """ pageCursor: String """ A multiplier for how bad biking is, compared to being in transit for equal lengths of time. Default value: 2.0 """ bikeReluctance: Float """ A multiplier for how bad walking with a bike is, compared to being in transit for equal lengths of time. Default value: 5.0 """ bikeWalkingReluctance: Float """ A multiplier for how bad driving is, compared to being in transit for equal lengths of time. Default value: 3.0 """ carReluctance: Float """ A multiplier for how bad walking is, compared to being in transit for equal lengths of time. Empirically, values between 2 and 4 seem to correspond well to the concept of not wanting to walk too much without asking for totally ridiculous itineraries, but this observation should in no way be taken as scientific or definitive. Your mileage may vary. See https://github.com/opentripplanner/OpenTripPlanner/issues/4090 for impact on performance with high values. Default value: 2.0 """ walkReluctance: Float """ How much worse is waiting for a transit vehicle than being on a transit vehicle, as a multiplier. The default value treats wait and on-vehicle time as the same. It may be tempting to set this higher than walkReluctance (as studies often find this kind of preferences among riders) but the planner will take this literally and walk down a transit line to avoid waiting at a stop. This used to be set less than 1 (0.95) which would make waiting offboard preferable to waiting onboard in an interlined trip. That is also undesirable. If we only tried the shortest possible transfer at each stop to neighboring stop patterns, this problem could disappear. Default value: 1.0. """ waitReluctance: Float "Max walk speed along streets, in meters per second. Default value: 1.33" walkSpeed: Float "Max bike speed along streets, in meters per second. Default value: 5.0" bikeSpeed: Float "Time to get on and off your own bike, in seconds. Default value: 0" bikeSwitchTime: Int "Cost of getting on and off your own bike. Unit: seconds. Default value: 0" bikeSwitchCost: Int "Optimization type for bicycling legs, e.g. prefer flat terrain. Default value: `QUICK`" optimize: OptimizeType "Triangle optimization parameters for bicycling legs. Only effective when `optimize` is set to **TRIANGLE**." triangle: InputTriangle """ Whether the itinerary should depart at the specified time (false), or arrive to the destination at the specified time (true). Default value: false. """ arriveBy: Boolean "List of routes and agencies which are given higher preference when planning the itinerary" preferred: InputPreferred "List of routes and agencies which are given lower preference when planning the itinerary" unpreferred: InputUnpreferred "This prevents unnecessary transfers by adding a cost for boarding a vehicle. Unit: seconds. Default value: 600" walkBoardCost: Int """ Separate cost for boarding a vehicle with a bicycle, which is more difficult than on foot. Unit: seconds. Default value: 600 """ bikeBoardCost: Int "List of routes, trips, agencies and stops which are not used in the itinerary" banned: InputBanned """ An extra penalty added on transfers (i.e. all boardings except the first one). Not to be confused with bikeBoardCost and walkBoardCost, which are the cost of boarding a vehicle with and without a bicycle. The boardCosts are used to model the 'usual' perceived cost of using a transit vehicle, and the transferPenalty is used when a user requests even less transfers. In the latter case, we don't actually optimize for fewest transfers, as this can lead to absurd results. Consider a trip in New York from Grand Army Plaza (the one in Brooklyn) to Kalustyan's at noon. The true lowest transfers route is to wait until midnight, when the 4 train runs local the whole way. The actual fastest route is the 2/3 to the 4/5 at Nevins to the 6 at Union Square, which takes half an hour. Even someone optimizing for fewest transfers doesn't want to wait until midnight. Maybe they would be willing to walk to 7th Ave and take the Q to Union Square, then transfer to the 6. If this takes less than optimize_transfer_penalty seconds, then that's what we'll return. Default value: 0. """ transferPenalty: Int "List of transportation modes that the user is willing to use. Default: `[\"WALK\",\"TRANSIT\"]`" transportModes: [TransportMode] "The weight multipliers for transit modes. WALK, BICYCLE, CAR, TRANSIT and LEG_SWITCH are not included." modeWeight: InputModeWeight "Debug the itinerary-filter-chain. The filters will mark itineraries as deleted, but does NOT delete them when this is enabled." debugItineraryFilter: Boolean """ Whether arriving at the destination with a rented (station) bicycle is allowed without dropping it off. Default: false. """ allowKeepingRentedBicycleAtDestination: Boolean """ The cost of arriving at the destination with the rented vehicle, to discourage doing so. Default value: 0. """ keepingRentedBicycleAtDestinationCost: Int "Invariant: `boardSlack + alightSlack <= transferSlack`. Default value: 0" boardSlack: Int "Invariant: `boardSlack + alightSlack <= transferSlack`. Default value: 0" alightSlack: Int """ A global minimum transfer time (in seconds) that specifies the minimum amount of time that must pass between exiting one transit vehicle and boarding another. This time is in addition to time it might take to walk between transit stops. Default value: 0 """ minTransferTime: Int "Penalty (in seconds) for using a non-preferred transfer. Default value: 180" nonpreferredTransferPenalty: Int "Maximum number of transfers. Default value: 2" maxTransfers: Int """ This argument has currently no effect on which itineraries are returned. Use argument `fromPlace` to start the itinerary from a specific stop. ~~A transit stop that this trip must start from~~ """ startTransitStopId: String "When false, return itineraries using canceled trips. Default value: true." omitCanceled: Boolean = true "When true, real-time updates are ignored during this search. Default value: false" ignoreRealtimeUpdates: Boolean """ Two-letter language code (ISO 639-1) used for returned text. **Note:** only part of the data has translations available and names of stops and POIs are returned in their default language. Due to missing translations, it is sometimes possible that returned text uses a mixture of two languages. """ locale: String """ List of ticket types that are allowed to be used in itineraries. See `ticketTypes` query for list of possible ticket types. """ allowedTicketTypes: [String] "Which vehicle rental networks can be used. By default, all networks are allowed." allowedVehicleRentalNetworks: [String] "Which vehicle rental networks cannot be used. By default, all networks are allowed." bannedVehicleRentalNetworks: [String] """ Factor for how much the walk safety is considered in routing. Value should be between 0 and 1. If the value is set to be 0, safety is ignored. Default is 1.0. """ walkSafetyFactor: Float "Preferences for vehicle parking" parking: VehicleParkingInput """ The maximum distance (in meters) the user is willing to walk per walking section. If the only transport mode allowed is `WALK`, then the value of this argument is ignored. Default: 2000m Maximum value: 15000m **Note:** If this argument has a relatively small value and only some transport modes are allowed (e.g. `WALK` and `RAIL`), it is possible to get an itinerary which has (useless) back and forth public transport legs to avoid walking too long distances. """ maxWalkDistance: Float @deprecated(reason: "Does nothing. Use walkReluctance instead.") "How much more reluctant is the user to walk on streets with car traffic allowed. Default value: 1.0" walkOnStreetReluctance: Float @deprecated(reason: "Use `walkSafetyFactor` instead") """ How much less bad is waiting at the beginning of the trip (replaces `waitReluctance` on the first boarding). Default value: 0.4 """ waitAtBeginningFactor: Float @deprecated( reason: "Removed in OTP 2, the timetable-view replaces this functionality." ) """ This argument has no use for itinerary planning and will be removed later. When true, do not use goal direction or stop at the target, build a full SPT. Default value: false. """ batch: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Removed in OTP 2") "Is bike rental allowed? Default value: false" allowBikeRental: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Rental is specified by modes") """ No effect on itinerary planning, adjust argument `time` instead to get later departures. ~~The maximum wait time in seconds the user is willing to delay trip start. Only effective in Analyst.~~ """ claimInitialWait: Long @deprecated(reason: "Removed in OTP 2") """ **Consider this argument experimental** – setting this argument to true causes timeouts and unoptimal routes in many cases. When true, reverse optimize (find alternative transportation mode, which still arrives to the destination in time) this search on the fly after processing each transit leg, rather than reverse-optimizing the entire path when it's done. Default value: false. """ reverseOptimizeOnTheFly: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Removed in OTP 2") """ If true, the remaining weight heuristic is disabled. Currently only implemented for the long distance path service. """ disableRemainingWeightHeuristic: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Removed in OTP 2.2") "Whether legs should be compacted by performing a reversed search." compactLegsByReversedSearch: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Removed in OTP 2") "Which vehicle rental networks can be used. By default, all networks are allowed." allowedBikeRentalNetworks: [String] @deprecated(reason: "Use allowedVehicleRentalNetworks instead") """ The maximum time (in seconds) of pre-transit travel when using drive-to-transit (park and ride or kiss and ride). Default value: 1800. """ maxPreTransitTime: Int @deprecated(reason: "Use walkReluctance or future reluctance parameters for other modes") """ How expensive it is to drive a car when car&parking, increase this value to make car driving legs shorter. Default value: 1. """ carParkCarLegWeight: Float @deprecated(reason: "Use `carReluctance` instead.") "Tuning parameter for the search algorithm, mainly useful for testing." heuristicStepsPerMainStep: Int @deprecated(reason: "Removed. Doesn't do anything.") """ How easily bad itineraries are filtered from results. Value 0 (default) disables filtering. Itineraries are filtered if they are worse than another one in some respect (e.g. more walking) by more than the percentage of filtering level, which is calculated by dividing 100% by the value of this argument (e.g. `itineraryFiltering = 0.5` → 200% worse itineraries are filtered). """ itineraryFiltering: Float @deprecated(reason: "Removed. Doesn't do anything.") "An ordered list of intermediate locations to be visited." intermediatePlaces: [InputCoordinates] @deprecated(reason: "Not implemented in OTP2.") """ ID of the trip on which the itinerary starts. This argument can be used to plan itineraries when the user is already onboard a vehicle. When using this argument, arguments `time` and `from` should be set based on a vehicle position message received from the vehicle running the specified trip. **Note:** this argument only takes into account the route and estimated travel time of the trip (and therefore arguments `time` and `from` must be used correctly to get meaningful itineraries). """ startTransitTripId: String @deprecated(reason: "Not implemented in OTP2") ): Plan @async } enum RealtimeState { "The trip information comes from the GTFS feed, i.e. no real-time update has been applied." SCHEDULED "The trip information has been updated, but the trip pattern stayed the same as the trip pattern of the scheduled trip." UPDATED "The trip has been canceled by a real-time update." CANCELED "The trip has been added using a real-time update, i.e. the trip was not present in the GTFS feed." ADDED """ The trip information has been updated and resulted in a different trip pattern compared to the trip pattern of the scheduled trip. """ MODIFIED } """ Route represents a public transportation service, usually from point A to point B and *back*, shown to customers under a single name, e.g. bus 550. Routes contain patterns (see field `patterns`), which describe different variants of the route, e.g. outbound pattern from point A to point B and inbound pattern from point B to point A. """ type Route implements Node { "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query." id: ID! "ID of the route in format `FeedId:RouteId`" gtfsId: String! "Agency operating the route" agency: Agency "Short name of the route, usually a line number, e.g. 550" shortName: String "Long name of the route, e.g. Helsinki-Leppävaara" longName( """ If translated longName is found from gtfs translation.txt and wanted language is not same as feed's language then returns wanted translation. Otherwise uses name from routes.txt. """ language: String ): String "Transport mode of this route, e.g. `BUS`" mode: TransitMode """ The raw GTFS route type as a integer. For the list of possible values, see: https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference/#routestxt and https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference/extended-route-types """ type: Int desc: String url: String """ The color (in hexadecimal format) the agency operating this route would prefer to use on UI elements (e.g. polylines on a map) related to this route. This value is not available for most routes. """ color: String """ The color (in hexadecimal format) the agency operating this route would prefer to use when displaying text related to this route. This value is not available for most routes. """ textColor: String bikesAllowed: BikesAllowed "List of patterns which operate on this route" patterns: [Pattern] "List of stops on this route" stops: [Stop] "List of trips which operate on this route" trips: [Trip] """ List of alerts which have an effect on the route directly or indirectly. By default only alerts directly affecting this route are returned. It's also possible to return other relevant alerts through defining types. """ alerts( """ Returns alerts for these types that are relevant for the route. By default only returns alerts that directly affect this route. """ types: [RouteAlertType] ): [Alert] """ Orders the routes in a way which is useful for presentation to passengers. Routes with smaller values should be displayed first. The value can be any non-negative integer. A null value means that no information was supplied. This value is passed through from the source data without modification. If multiple feeds define sort orders for their routes, they may not be comparable to each other as no agreed scale exists. Two routes may also have the same sort order and clients must decide based on other criteria what the actual order is. """ sortOrder: Int } "Entities that are relevant for routes that can contain alerts" enum RouteAlertType { "Alerts affecting the route's agency." AGENCY "Alerts directly affecting the route." ROUTE "Alerts affecting the route type of the route." ROUTE_TYPE "Alerts affecting the stops that are on the route." STOPS_ON_ROUTE "Alerts affecting the route's trips." TRIPS "Alerts affecting the stops on some trips of the route." STOPS_ON_TRIPS "Alerts affecting route's patterns." PATTERNS } """ Route type entity which covers all agencies if agency is null, otherwise only relevant for one agency. """ type RouteType { """ GTFS Route type. For the list of possible values, see: https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference/#routestxt and https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference/extended-route-types """ routeType: Int! "A public transport agency" agency: Agency """ The routes which have the defined routeType and belong to the agency, if defined. Otherwise all routes of the feed that have the defined routeType. """ routes: [Route] } "Time range for which the API has data available" type serviceTimeRange { "Time from which the API has data available. Format: Unix timestamp in seconds" start: Long "Time until which the API has data available. Format: Unix timestamp in seconds" end: Long } "Actions to take relative to the current position when engaging a walking\/driving step." enum RelativeDirection { DEPART HARD_LEFT LEFT SLIGHTLY_LEFT CONTINUE SLIGHTLY_RIGHT RIGHT HARD_RIGHT CIRCLE_CLOCKWISE CIRCLE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE ELEVATOR UTURN_LEFT UTURN_RIGHT ENTER_STATION EXIT_STATION FOLLOW_SIGNS } "The cardinal (compass) direction taken when engaging a walking\/driving step." enum AbsoluteDirection { NORTH NORTHEAST EAST SOUTHEAST SOUTH SOUTHWEST WEST NORTHWEST } "Occupancy status of a vehicle." enum OccupancyStatus { "Default. There is no occupancy-data on this departure." NO_DATA_AVAILABLE """ The vehicle is considered empty by most measures, and has few or no passengers onboard, but is still accepting passengers. There isn't a big difference between this and MANY_SEATS_AVAILABLE so it's possible to handle them as the same value, if one wants to limit the number of different values. SIRI nordic profile: merge these into `MANY_SEATS_AVAILABLE`. """ EMPTY """ The vehicle or carriage has a large number of seats available. The amount of free seats out of the total seats available to be considered large enough to fall into this category is determined at the discretion of the producer. There isn't a big difference between this and EMPTY so it's possible to handle them as the same value, if one wants to limit the number of different values. SIRI nordic profile: more than ~50% of seats available. """ MANY_SEATS_AVAILABLE """ The vehicle or carriage has a small number of seats available. The amount of free seats out of the total seats available to be considered small enough to fall into this category is determined at the discretion of the producer. SIRI nordic profile: less than ~50% of seats available. """ FEW_SEATS_AVAILABLE """ The vehicle or carriage can currently accommodate only standing passengers. SIRI nordic profile: less than ~10% of seats available. """ STANDING_ROOM_ONLY """ The vehicle or carriage can currently accommodate only standing passengers and has limited space for them. There isn't a big difference between this and FULL so it's possible to handle them as the same value, if one wants to limit the number of different values. SIRI nordic profile: merge into `STANDING_ROOM_ONLY`. """ CRUSHED_STANDING_ROOM_ONLY """ The vehicle is considered full by most measures, but may still be allowing passengers to board. """ FULL """ The vehicle or carriage is not accepting passengers. SIRI nordic profile: if vehicle/carriage is not in use / unavailable, or passengers are only allowed to alight due to e.g. crowding. """ NOT_ACCEPTING_PASSENGERS } type step { "The distance in meters that this step takes." distance: Float "The longitude of the start of the step." lon: Float "The latitude of the start of the step." lat: Float "The elevation profile as a list of { distance, elevation } values." elevationProfile: [elevationProfileComponent] "The relative direction (e.g. left or right turn) to take when engaging this step." relativeDirection: RelativeDirection "The cardinal (compass) direction (e.g. north, northeast) taken when engaging this step." absoluteDirection: AbsoluteDirection "The name of the street, road, or path taken for this step." streetName: String "When exiting a highway or traffic circle, the exit name\/number." exit: String "Indicates whether or not a street changes direction at an intersection." stayOn: Boolean """ This step is on an open area, such as a plaza or train platform, and thus the directions should say something like "cross". """ area: Boolean """ The name of this street was generated by the system, so we should only display it once, and generally just display right/left directions """ bogusName: Boolean "Is this step walking with a bike?" walkingBike: Boolean "A list of alerts (e.g. construction, detours) applicable to the step." alerts: [Alert] } """ Stop can represent either a single public transport stop, where passengers can board and/or disembark vehicles, or a station, which contains multiple stops. See field `locationType`. """ type Stop implements Node & PlaceInterface { "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query." id: ID! "Returns timetable of the specified pattern at this stop" stopTimesForPattern( "Id of the pattern" id: String! "Return departures after this time. Format: Unix timestamp in seconds. Default value: current time" startTime: Long = 0 "Return stoptimes within this time range, starting from `startTime`. Unit: Seconds" timeRange: Int = 86400 numberOfDepartures: Int = 2 "If true, only those departures which allow boarding are returned" omitNonPickups: Boolean = false "If false, returns also canceled trips" omitCanceled: Boolean = true ): [Stoptime] "ÌD of the stop in format `FeedId:StopId`" gtfsId: String! "Name of the stop, e.g. Pasilan asema" name( """ If translated name is found from gtfs translation.txt and wanted language is not same as feed's language then returns wanted translation. Otherwise uses name from stops.txt. E.g. Swedish name for Pasilan asema is Böle station. """ language: String ): String! "Latitude of the stop (WGS 84)" lat: Float "Longitude of the stop (WGS 84)" lon: Float """ Representations of this stop's geometry. This is mainly interesting for flex stops which can be a polygon or a group of stops either consisting of either points or polygons. Regular fixed-schedule stops return a single point. Stations (parent stations with child stops) contain a geometry collection with a point for the central coordinate plus a convex hull polygon (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convex_hull) of all coordinates of the child stops. If there are only two child stops then the convex hull is a straight line between the them. If there is a single child stop then it's a single point. """ geometries: StopGeometries "Stop code which is visible at the stop" code: String "Description of the stop, usually a street name" desc( """ If translated description is found from gtfs translation.txt and wanted language is not same as feed's language then returns wanted translation. Otherwise uses descriptions from stops.txt. """ language: String ): String "ID of the zone where this stop is located" zoneId: String url( """ If translated url is found from gtfs translation.txt and wanted language is not same as feed's language then returns wanted translation. Otherwise uses url from stops.txt. """ language: String ): String "Identifies whether this stop represents a stop or station." locationType: LocationType "The station which this stop is part of (or null if this stop is not part of a station)" parentStation: Stop "Whether wheelchair boarding is possible for at least some of vehicles on this stop" wheelchairBoarding: WheelchairBoarding direction: String timezone: String """ The raw GTFS route type used by routes which pass through this stop. For the list of possible values, see: https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference/#routestxt and https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference/extended-route-types """ vehicleType: Int """ Transport mode (e.g. `BUS`) used by routes which pass through this stop or `null` if mode cannot be determined, e.g. in case no routes pass through the stop. Note that also other types of vehicles may use the stop, e.g. tram replacement buses might use stops which have `TRAM` as their mode. """ vehicleMode: Mode "Identifier of the platform, usually a number. This value is only present for stops that are part of a station" platformCode: String "The cluster which this stop is part of" cluster: Cluster "Returns all stops that are children of this station (Only applicable for stations)" stops: [Stop] "Routes which pass through this stop" routes: [Route!] "Patterns which pass through this stop" patterns: [Pattern] "List of nearby stops which can be used for transfers" transfers( """ Maximum distance to the transfer stop. Defaults to unlimited. **Note:** only stops that are linked as a transfer stops to this stop are returned, i.e. this does not do a query to search for *all* stops within radius of `maxDistance`. """ maxDistance: Int ): [stopAtDistance] "Returns list of stoptimes for the specified date" stoptimesForServiceDate( "Date in format YYYYMMDD" date: String "If true, only those departures which allow boarding are returned" omitNonPickups: Boolean = false "If false, returns also canceled trips" omitCanceled: Boolean = false ): [StoptimesInPattern] "Returns list of stoptimes (arrivals and departures) at this stop, grouped by patterns" stoptimesForPatterns( "Return departures after this time. Format: Unix timestamp in seconds. Default value: current time" startTime: Long = 0 "Return stoptimes within this time range, starting from `startTime`. Unit: Seconds" timeRange: Int = 86400 numberOfDepartures: Int = 5 "If true, only those departures which allow boarding are returned" omitNonPickups: Boolean = false "If false, returns also canceled trips" omitCanceled: Boolean = true ): [StoptimesInPattern] "Returns list of stoptimes (arrivals and departures) at this stop" stoptimesWithoutPatterns( "Return departures after this time. Format: Unix timestamp in seconds. Default value: current time" startTime: Long = 0 "Return stoptimes within this time range, starting from `startTime`. Unit: Seconds" timeRange: Int = 86400 numberOfDepartures: Int = 5 "If true, only those departures which allow boarding are returned" omitNonPickups: Boolean = false "If false, returns also canceled trips" omitCanceled: Boolean = true ): [Stoptime] """ By default, list of alerts which have directly an effect on just the stop. It's also possible to return other relevant alerts through defining types. """ alerts( """ Returns alerts for these types that are relevant for the stop. By default, list of alerts which have directly an effect on just the stop. """ types: [StopAlertType] ): [Alert] } "Entities, which are relevant for a stop and can contain alerts" enum StopAlertType { "Alerts affecting the stop" STOP "Alerts affecting the stop's patterns" PATTERNS "Alerts affecting the agencies of the routes going through the stop" AGENCIES_OF_ROUTES "Alerts affecting the routes that go through the stop" ROUTES "Alerts affecting the trips that go through this stop" TRIPS "Alerts affecting the stop on specific routes" STOP_ON_ROUTES "Alerts affecting the stop on specific trips" STOP_ON_TRIPS } type stopAtDistance implements Node { "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query." id: ID! stop: Stop "Walking distance to the stop along streets and paths" distance: Int } "A connection to a list of items." type stopAtDistanceConnection { edges: [stopAtDistanceEdge] pageInfo: PageInfo! } "An edge in a connection." type stopAtDistanceEdge { "The item at the end of the edge" node: stopAtDistance cursor: String! } "Stop that should (but not guaranteed) to exist on a route." type StopOnRoute { "Stop at the route. It's also possible that the stop is no longer on the route." stop: Stop! "Route which contains the stop." route: Route! } "Stop that should (but not guaranteed) to exist on a trip." type StopOnTrip { "Stop at the trip. It's also possible that the stop is no longer on the trip." stop: Stop! "Trip which contains the stop." trip: Trip! } "Stoptime represents the time when a specific trip arrives to or departs from a specific stop." type Stoptime { "The stop where this arrival\/departure happens" stop: Stop """ The sequence of the stop in the pattern. This is not required to start from 0 or be consecutive - any increasing integer sequence along the stops is valid. The purpose of this field is to identify the stop within the pattern so it can be cross-referenced between it and the itinerary. It is safe to cross-reference when done quickly, i.e. within seconds. However, it should be noted that realtime updates can change the values, so don't store it for longer amounts of time. Depending on the source data, this might not be the GTFS `stop_sequence` but another value, perhaps even generated. """ stopPosition: Int "Scheduled arrival time. Format: seconds since midnight of the departure date" scheduledArrival: Int "Realtime prediction of arrival time. Format: seconds since midnight of the departure date" realtimeArrival: Int """ The offset from the scheduled arrival time in seconds. Negative values indicate that the trip is running ahead of schedule. """ arrivalDelay: Int "Scheduled departure time. Format: seconds since midnight of the departure date" scheduledDeparture: Int "Realtime prediction of departure time. Format: seconds since midnight of the departure date" realtimeDeparture: Int """ The offset from the scheduled departure time in seconds. Negative values indicate that the trip is running ahead of schedule """ departureDelay: Int "true, if this stop is used as a time equalization stop. false otherwise." timepoint: Boolean "true, if this stoptime has real-time data available" realtime: Boolean "State of real-time data" realtimeState: RealtimeState """ Whether the vehicle can be boarded at this stop. This field can also be used to indicate if boarding is possible only with special arrangements. """ pickupType: PickupDropoffType """ Whether the vehicle can be disembarked at this stop. This field can also be used to indicate if disembarkation is possible only with special arrangements. """ dropoffType: PickupDropoffType "Departure date of the trip. Format: Unix timestamp (local time) in seconds." serviceDay: Long "Trip which this stoptime is for" trip: Trip """ Vehicle headsign of the trip on this stop. Trip headsigns can change during the trip (e.g. on routes which run on loops), so this value should be used instead of `tripHeadsign` to display the headsign relevant to the user. """ headsign( """ If translated headsign is found from gtfs translation.txt and wanted language is not same as feed's language then returns wanted translation. Otherwise uses name from trip_headsign.txt. """ language: String ): String } "Stoptimes grouped by pattern" type StoptimesInPattern { pattern: Pattern stoptimes: [Stoptime] } "Describes ticket type" type TicketType implements Node { "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query." id: ID! """ Ticket type ID in format `FeedId:TicketTypeId`. Ticket type IDs are usually combination of ticket zones where the ticket is valid. """ fareId: String! "Price of the ticket in currency that is specified in `currency` field" price: Float "ISO 4217 currency code" currency: String """ List of zones where this ticket is valid. Corresponds to field `zoneId` in **Stop** type. """ zones: [String!] } "Text with language" type TranslatedString { text: String "Two-letter language code (ISO 639-1)" language: String } "Transportation mode which can be used in the itinerary" input TransportMode { mode: Mode! "Optional additional qualifier for transport mode, e.g. `RENT`" qualifier: Qualifier } "Trip is a specific occurance of a pattern, usually identified by route, direction on the route and exact departure time." type Trip implements Node { "Global object ID provided by Relay. This value can be used to refetch this object using **node** query." id: ID! "ID of the trip in format `FeedId:TripId`" gtfsId: String! "The route the trip is running on" route: Route! serviceId: String "List of dates when this trip is in service. Format: YYYYMMDD" activeDates: [String] tripShortName: String "Headsign of the vehicle when running on this trip" tripHeadsign( """ If a translated headsign is found from GTFS translation.txt and wanted language is not same as feed's language then returns wanted translation. Otherwise uses name from trip_headsign.txt. """ language: String ): String "Short name of the route this trip is running. See field `shortName` of Route." routeShortName: String """ Direction code of the trip, i.e. is this the outbound or inbound trip of a pattern. Possible values: 0, 1 or `null` if the direction is irrelevant, i.e. the pattern has trips only in one direction. """ directionId: String blockId: String shapeId: String "Whether the vehicle running this trip can be boarded by a wheelchair" wheelchairAccessible: WheelchairBoarding "Whether bikes are allowed on board the vehicle running this trip" bikesAllowed: BikesAllowed "The pattern the trip is running on" pattern: Pattern "List of stops this trip passes through" stops: [Stop!]! "Hash code of the trip. This value is stable and not dependent on the trip id." semanticHash: String! "List of times when this trip arrives to or departs from a stop" stoptimes: [Stoptime] "Departure time from the first stop" departureStoptime( """ Date for which the departure time is returned. Format: YYYYMMDD. If this argument is not used, field `serviceDay` in the stoptime will have a value of 0. """ serviceDate: String ): Stoptime "Arrival time to the final stop" arrivalStoptime( """ Date for which the arrival time is returned. Format: YYYYMMDD. If this argument is not used, field `serviceDay` in the stoptime will have a value of 0. """ serviceDate: String ): Stoptime stoptimesForDate( "Date for which stoptimes are returned. Format: YYYYMMDD" serviceDate: String ): [Stoptime] "List of coordinates of this trip's route" geometry: [[Float]] "Coordinates of the route of this trip in Google polyline encoded format" tripGeometry: Geometry """ By default, list of alerts which have directly an effect on just the trip. It's also possible to return other relevant alerts through defining types. """ alerts( """ Returns alerts for these types that are relevant for the trip. By default, list of alerts which have directly an effect on just the trip. """ types: [TripAlertType] ): [Alert] """ The latest realtime occupancy information for the latest occurance of this trip. """ occupancy: TripOccupancy } "Entities, which are relevant for a trip and can contain alerts" enum TripAlertType { "Alerts affecting the trip" TRIP "Alerts affecting the trip's pattern" PATTERN "Alerts affecting the trip's agency" AGENCY "Alerts affecting the trip's route" ROUTE "Alerts affecting the route type of the trip's route" ROUTE_TYPE """ Alerts affecting the stops visited on the trip. Some of the alerts can only affect the trip or its route on the stop. """ STOPS_ON_TRIP } """ Occupancy of a vehicle on a trip. This should include the most recent occupancy information available for a trip. Historic data might not be available. """ type TripOccupancy { "Occupancy information mapped to a limited set of descriptive states." occupancyStatus: OccupancyStatus } """ A system notice is used to tag elements with system information for debugging or other system related purpose. One use-case is to run a routing search with 'debugItineraryFilter: true'. This will then tag itineraries instead of removing them from the result. This make it possible to inspect the itinerary-filter-chain. A SystemNotice only has english text, because the primary user are technical staff, like testers and developers. """ type SystemNotice { "Notice's tag" tag: String "Notice's description" text: String } "This is used for alert entities that we don't explicitly handle or they are missing." type Unknown { "Entity's description" description: String } enum VertexType { "NORMAL" NORMAL "TRANSIT" TRANSIT "BIKEPARK" BIKEPARK "BIKESHARE" BIKESHARE "PARKANDRIDE" PARKANDRIDE } enum WheelchairBoarding { "There is no accessibility information for the stop." NO_INFORMATION "At least some vehicles at this stop can be boarded by a rider in a wheelchair." POSSIBLE "Wheelchair boarding is not possible at this stop." NOT_POSSIBLE } , name: nil, result: %{}, source: nil, __struct__: Absinthe.Blueprint, errors: [], telemetry: %{}, schema: nil, prototype_schema: nil, execution: %Absinthe.Blueprint.Execution{ adapter: nil, schema: nil, fragments: %{}, fields_cache: %{}, validation_errors: [], result: nil, acc: %{}, context: %{}, root_value: %{} }, directives: [], adapter: nil, fragments: [], initial_phases: [], operations: [], schema_definitions: [] } Stacktrace: (absinthe 1.7.6) lib/absinthe/schema/notation/sdl_render.ex:39: Absinthe.Schema.Notation.SDL.Render.render/2 (absinthe 1.7.6) lib/absinthe/schema/notation/sdl_render.ex:12: Absinthe.Schema.Notation.SDL.Render.inspect/2 (elixir 1.16.0) lib/inspect/algebra.ex:347: Inspect.Algebra.to_doc/2 (elixir 1.16.0) lib/inspect/algebra.ex:478: Inspect.Algebra.container_each/6 (elixir 1.16.0) lib/inspect/algebra.ex:455: Inspect.Algebra.container_doc/6 (elixir 1.16.0) lib/kernel.ex:2351: Kernel.inspect/2 (iex 1.16.0) lib/iex/evaluator.ex:375: IEx.Evaluator.io_inspect/1 (iex 1.16.0) lib/iex/evaluator.ex:334: IEx.Evaluator.eval_and_inspect/3 >} ```
thecristen commented 1 week ago

Decided to revisit this using Absinthe version 1.7.8. It still can't parse my schema, however now it returns an extremely informative message, pointing to specific areas of my schema that are problematic.

💖 Thanks for adding that, it's a great improvement.