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Absinthe.Adapter does not appear to affect type names #1320

Open bbil opened 1 month ago

bbil commented 1 month ago


Expected behavior

Custom adapter can modify the external name for types.

Because of the definition, I would have assumed the to_external_name/2 callback can modify the name of types. But that doesn't appear to be the case.

@typedoc "The lexical role of a name within the document/schema."
@type role_t :: :operation | :field | :argument | :result | :type | :directive
@callback to_external_name(binary | nil, role_t) :: binary | nil

Actual behavior

When using a custom adapter, I am able to generate SDL via an introspection query that modifies field and argument names. But not the names of types.

In the example below, I would have expected the type SomeType to get the prefix applied, i.e. type PrefixSomeType.

Relevant Schema/Middleware Code


defmodule PrefixAdapter do
  use Absinthe.Adapter

  @impl Absinthe.Adapter
  def to_internal_name("Prefix" <> external_name, role) do
    Absinthe.Adapter.LanguageConventions.to_internal_name(external_name, role)

  @impl Absinthe.Adapter
  def to_external_name(internal_name, role) do
    "Prefix" <> Absinthe.Adapter.LanguageConventions.to_external_name(internal_name, role)

SDL Generation:

  def generate_schema_idl do
    {:ok, result} = Absinthe.run(introspection_query(), Schema, adapter: PrefixAdapter)


And a snippet of what I see in the generated SDL:

type RootQueryType {
  PrefixsomeQuery(PrefixsomeArg: String!): SomeType

type SomeType {
bbil commented 1 month ago

If this is expected for how Absinthe.Adapter is supposed to be used then that's fine. But maybe the docs could be clarified for the uses and limitations?

The other option I have been pointed to internally, is to try out https://hexdocs.pm/absinthe/Absinthe.Schema.html#module-custom-schema-manipulation-in-progress. Would that be a better path forward for doing something like this?