absinthe-graphql / absinthe_phoenix

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Full integration example #22

Open rafbgarcia opened 6 years ago

rafbgarcia commented 6 years ago

Hey there, really excited to use the new subscription feature!

However after few hours still couldn't make it work, I was wondering if there's an example fully integrating absinthe_phoenix with absinthe-socket.

FWIW I've posted my issue here.


benwilson512 commented 6 years ago

Hey! This is a perfectly reasonable request :) We're within a day or two of doing the final release, and it's the need for that release that has blocked the development of a full example.

The package you link to literally just went up, you're just slightly ahead of the curve. We'll have examples up soon.

tlvenn commented 6 years ago

A very quick glance at your gist shows that you are trying to connect the socket on the http endpoint ws://localhost:4001/api/graphql instead of using the socket endpoint ws://localhost:4001/socket.

rafbgarcia commented 6 years ago

@tlvenn, thanks a lot man, you're right! :D

Thanks @benwilson512, yea I've followed the commits this afternoon, I was probably the first one to download the new @absinthe/socket lol.

Should I close this issue or leave it as a reminder for the full example? Feel free to close it if it's not necessary.

benwilson512 commented 6 years ago

We'll leave it up until there are full examples just in case anyone else is also wondering.

brbharath17 commented 6 years ago

@benwilson512 Tried a simple thing with users and posts. Query and mutation works. Subscription doesn't work What should be the WS Url to be specified in Graphiql .

screen shot 2017-12-13 at 6 39 59 pm

Also please share an example of router.ex Thanks in advance

benwilson512 commented 6 years ago

@brbharath17 Hey there. It looks like it's working fine to me, that's what shows up until something publishes to the subscription.

benwilson512 commented 6 years ago

As an aside, I think it will be best to handle generic help requests via slack or the forums. This issue is left open for reference until there is a full end to end example up somewhere, but I don't think it's the place to field questions about how to use Absinthe.

benwilson512 commented 6 years ago

Hey @brbharath17. Please take this to the elixir-lang slack or the forums. Github issues are not the place we want to support one on one questions or learning.

brbharath17 commented 6 years ago

@benwilson512 . Sure i ll put it on the slack. Sorry

vadimshvetsov commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure that my setup would help somebody but I'm happy to share it although it originates from Absinthe guides. I tried to omit unnecessary details for readability sake.

Versions of dependencies:



  "@absinthe/socket": "^0.2.1",
  "@absinthe/socket-apollo-link": "^0.2.1",
  "@apollo/client": "^3.1.3",
  "graphql": "^15.3.0",
  "phoenix": "^1.5.4",
  "typescript": "^3.9.3

TypeDefs Deps:

  "@types/absinthe__socket": "^0.2.0",
  "@types/absinthe__socket-apollo-link": "^0.2.0",
  "@types/phoenix": "^1.5.0",
  "@types/react": "^16.9.35"

Umbrella Phoenix Web App Deps:

defp deps do
    {:phoenix, "~> 1.5"},
    {:phoenix_pubsub, "~> 2.0"},
    {:phoenix_ecto, "~> 4.0"},
    {:gettext, "~> 0.11"},
    {:my_app, in_umbrella: true}, # My ecto app
    {:plug_cowboy, "~> 2.3"},
    {:corsica, "~> 1.0"},
    {:absinthe, "~> 1.5"},
    {:absinthe_plug, "~> 1.5"},
    {:absinthe_phoenix, "~> 2.0"},
    {:poison, "~> 2.1"},
    {:dataloader, "~> 1.0"},
    {:pow, "~> 1.0.20"},
    {:phoenix_swoosh, "~> 0.3.0"},
    {:gen_smtp, "~> 0.13"}

Frontend modules (Typescript)


import * as AbsintheSocket from '@absinthe/socket'
import { createAbsintheSocketLink } from '@absinthe/socket-apollo-link'
import { Socket as PhoenixSocket } from 'phoenix'

const phoenixSocket = new PhoenixSocket(
  process.env.REACT_APP_SOCKET_URL as string,
    params: () => {
      const accessToken = localStorage.getItem('accessToken')
      return accessToken ? { access_token: accessToken } : {}

const absintheSocket = AbsintheSocket.create(phoenixSocket)

export default createAbsintheSocketLink(absintheSocket)


import { ApolloLink } from '@apollo/client'

type Headers = {
  authorization?: string

const authLink = new ApolloLink((operation, forward) => {
  const accessToken = localStorage.getItem('accessToken')

  operation.setContext(({ headers }: { headers: Headers }) => ({
    headers: {
      authorization: accessToken,

  return forward(operation)

export default authLink


import { ApolloClient, from, HttpLink, split, ApolloLink } from '@apollo/client'
import { getMainDefinition } from '@apollo/client/utilities'

import websocketLink from './websocketLink'
import errorLink from './errorLink' // In short here I renew token on expired token error
import authLink from './authLink'
import cache from './cache'

const httpLink = new HttpLink({
  uri: process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL,

const transportLink = split(
  ({ query }) => {
    const definition = getMainDefinition(query)
    return (
      definition.kind === 'OperationDefinition' &&
      definition.operation === 'subscription'
  (websocketLink as unknown) as ApolloLink, // types doesn't work proper with apollo-client v3 at this moment
  from([errorLink, authLink, httpLink]),

const apiClient = new ApolloClient({
  link: transportLink,
  credentials: 'include',

export default apiClient

Elixir modules (Umbrella Phoenix)


config :my_app_web, MyAppWeb.Endpoint,
  url: [host: "localhost"],
  secret_key_base: "hello there",
  render_errors: [view: MyAppWeb.ErrorView, accepts: ~w(json)],
  pubsub_server: MyAppWeb.PubSub


defmodule MyAppWeb.Application do
  use Application

  def start(_type, _args) do

    children = [
      {Phoenix.PubSub, name: MyAppWeb.PubSub},
      {Absinthe.Subscription, MyAppWeb.Endpoint},

    opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyAppWeb.Supervisor]
    Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)


defmodule MyAppWeb.Endpoint do
  use Phoenix.Endpoint, otp_app: :my_app_web
  use Absinthe.Phoenix.Endpoint

  socket "/socket", MyAppWeb.UserSocket,
    websocket: true,
    longpoll: false


defmodule MyAppWeb.UserSocket do
  use Phoenix.Socket
  use Absinthe.Phoenix.Socket, schema: MyAppWeb.Schema

  def connect(params, socket, _connect_info) do
    current_user = current_user(params)

    socket =
        context: %{
          current_user: current_user

    {:ok, socket}

  defp current_user(%{"access_token" => access_token}) do
    # Here you should get your user token

  defp current_user(_params), do: nil

  def id(_socket), do: nil

I'm open to share more details if it would help someone but this guide looks quite complete