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Portals and other objects giving incorrect pulse colors #1166

Open torzod opened 1 year ago

torzod commented 1 year ago

When the player touches an orb's hitbox, a white ring appears, and when the player clicks the orb, a colored circle appears. The same type of colored circle also appears for interacting with portals, however there are a few issues: The wave portal gives out a white ring like an orb, in addition to its pulsed circle. The wave portal's circle is yellow instead of blue. The robot portal's circle is red instead of grey/white. The cube portal's circle does not always show up, for instance when going from robot to cube. A fix would be nice, but it does not effect gameplay so it need not be high priority.

torzod commented 1 year ago

Additionally, the red bounce pad shows a yellow pulse in certain gamemodes and a purple pulse in others, never a red pulse

torzod commented 1 year ago

furthermore, the dash orbs both show white pulses instead of their color (in addition to the fire rings)