absolllute / Mega-Hack-Pro-Future

Mega Hack Pro Suggestion & Issue Tracker
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percent popup on death #1172

Open torzod opened 1 year ago

torzod commented 1 year ago

when you die on an unrated level you made progress on pre-2.1, but not a new best, this variation of the new best screen pops up. if the level is rated, it says "New Bonus!" in the GoldFont, however i like playing with percentage and progress bar completely off so i'm not distracted, but when i'm getting far it's nice to know exactly where i died percentage wise, so i would really like if this popped up every attempt i didn't get a new best or new bonus. this is useful particularly if i'm in a call and playing a level my friends are unfamiliar with so i don't have to pause then turn on % to figure out where i died. image this has already been approved by absolute: image