absolllute / Mega-Hack-Pro-Future

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Unrandomizer & X Pos Limit Bypasser #357

Closed sadohat closed 2 years ago

sadohat commented 2 years ago

Unrandomizer for GD, exists in v5 but doesn't exist in v6 and upper and allow for the xpos limit to be bypassed. To prove that it is possible (just in case if you dont) here is a program trollin (tpll member) made: https://github.com/succmydecc/xposlimitbypasserarchive. Its buggy, the original creator isn't proud of it and deleted it (link is a archive of the program) and its the only thing we have so maybe someone like you absolllute can improve this and make it a internal menu.

absoIute commented 2 years ago

May add the unrandomiser back at some point but probably not an X pos bypass for the editor, since going that high just kills the player anyway

sadohat commented 2 years ago

No, not for the editor for the actual game and I mean not the y pos the x pos

absoIute commented 2 years ago

What do you mean then, so you can go to a higher y-pos without getting killed in-game?

sadohat commented 2 years ago

When you instant complete timeless you will get stuck and not move, and the icons rendering is lost from its original place. The reason why this happens is because the x position limit, is a barrier that no matter how fast you go you cant go beyond that limit, and since instant complete just makes you travel at a insanely fast speed you hit that limit. But from the original issue / post there was a mod that bypasses the x position limit. Please convert it to a window in level or bypass and fix all the bugs while making it more stable (icon not being loosely rendered / icon moving after death effect etc etc). Also, sorry for sounding aggressive I really had no way to word this without being aggressive. Sorry about that.

absoIute commented 2 years ago

Not possible, it's just how floats work. Basically your X Position can only have a certain amount of precision, so once it's a larger number (lets say say 10^10) the least significant digits aren't accounted for, so adding a small amount to the number does nothing and it stays the same, which is why the cube stops moving.

A proper fix would need to be implemented by Rob

sadohat commented 2 years ago

https://github.com/succmydecc/xposlimitbypasserarchive/releases/tag/archived how is it not possible??? this is a exe that allows you go farther in timeless and xpos limit??? @absoIute

Brittank88 commented 2 years ago

https://github.com/succmydecc/xposlimitbypasserarchive/releases/tag/archived how is it not possible??? this is a exe that allows you go farther in timeless and xpos limit??? @absoIute

Without the source code, linking this doesn't do too much. From what I was able to gather, it clears VirusTotal and was written in Python 3.9. I don't want to risk opening it still, I kinda don't trust it. It's 28 MB, which is massively bloated if it's making a single modification to the game.

zohnannor commented 2 years ago

If it's written in Python, it's clear why it's 28 megs because there is literally Python Virtual Machine included in that executable.

Spoiler: some StackOverflow links regarding executable size [Reducing size of pyinstaller exe](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47692213/reducing-size-of-pyinstaller-exe) [size of executable using pyinstaller and numpy](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47769904/size-of-executable-using-pyinstaller-and-numpy)

Still, I wouldn't risk running that program too tho 😅

sadohat commented 2 years ago

Without the source code, linking this doesn't do too much. From what I was able to gather, it clears VirusTotal and was written in Python 3.9. I don't want to risk opening it still, I kinda don't trust it. It's 28 MB, which is massively bloated if it's making a single modification to the game.

I get why you don't trust me but, the source code (or the original creator) was open for anyone, so you can debug it with IDA pro

sadohat commented 2 years ago

Capture heres proof if your wondering

zohnannor commented 2 years ago

bro what you have to be trolling or smth

absoIute commented 2 years ago

I'm not opening that lol

Nicko2102 commented 2 years ago

trying to IP grab absolute lmao

sadohat commented 2 years ago

@absoIute bruh, you can trust me

sadohat commented 2 years ago

also cant you just decompile it?