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Follow and Move Triggers on X not matching up with the botting process / replay. #839

Open Syntekh opened 2 years ago

Syntekh commented 2 years ago

Like the title says, the follow and move triggers don't match up with the X axis of the player. It's a problem I already had with other Macro Bots too, and it's a generally pretty damn serious issue when you want to bot some specific levels.

For example, the Level Cromulent by Relayx (ID: 48808692) is impossible to bot, because of the ending screen. The platform which you are on is a Follow Trigger, locked to X axis of the player, but every time you use the Replay Bot the platform is faster, which leads to you falling up into the void at 99%. You can also see that the graphics in the end screen, credits and stuff like that are faster than the player, which makes it honestly look pretty hillarious.

I really hope this will be fixed, because I really want to have every Extreme Demon botted, but sadly this makes it 1. kinda impossible and 2. look pretty ugly sometimes on a few levels. If you want to ensure yourself, bot the Level Cromulent, which I mentioned. I had this problem with other Bots too, and I heard that it is a bug, which is fixable and shouldn't be a me-problem (at least I hope so).

absoIute commented 2 years ago

have you got a macro of this level you can send to test?

Syntekh commented 2 years ago

Made one real quick. Cromulent.zip

Syntekh commented 1 year ago

Don't want to be pushy or anything, but uhhh... I reported this 10 months ago, sent the macro 8 months ago, and didn't get any response whether this is looked into or not. I just wanna ask, is this something which is/was looked into and will this eventually get fixed? I understand how hard it is to fix all the bugs, add new features and all that stuff, but I want to start uploading some of my showcases, and it is limited due to this bug. Just wanna get an update on how things are going.

Brittank88 commented 1 year ago

Yo, honestly seems like this slipped under the radar. Let me DM Absolute just to see if this was ever dealt with. Lots going on so can't blame him if it was missed / pushed back.

Brittank88 commented 1 year ago

Update: Have sent something, just waiting on a response. Keep in mind that Absolute has all these other issues in the tracker to deal with + MH Android + IRL studies and life. I get it though, it's frustrating to see an issue have little traction after 8 months.

Brittank88 commented 1 year ago

Update 2: Absolute has seen this and will give it a look - it just got submerged under a bunch of other issues.

Syntekh commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the response. I already expected that Absolute is very busy, so I'm very understandable that bugs might take a long time to fix. I look forward to it being fixed.