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Bugged Trail Particles #976

Open NewAlexGamer opened 2 years ago

NewAlexGamer commented 2 years ago

i was botting the hallucination and during the first ship and all the ball afterwards i noticed these particles were constantly on (the green squares) image

the thing is that i went back to those parts after the botting and they weren't showing up. then i went in an empty level with the ship and they weren't showing up. then with the ball since that was the second game mode those particles bugged on and nothing. then i switch to the ufo and i noticed when i click they show up, that's where i got the above screenshot from. i don't remember them showing up ever with the ufo, also because i would've just reported it here to make them hide in case it was a game feature or to get a bug known so it gets fixed

MainConMan commented 2 years ago

Could be a texture pack issue. Not sure tho

absoIute commented 2 years ago

Have you got an easy way to reproduce them?

NewAlexGamer commented 2 years ago

so far every click on the ufo will cause this particles to appear no matter what, but i think i'm on something: when you hit the ground with your icon it produces those particles, cube, ship, ball, ufo and robot. the hallucination is a nine circles kind of level, maybe not the deco but you can see the core of it, and where i started to notice the bug was at the ship where it uses the classic slopes gameplay, and we know slopes get buggy very quickly. i suppose the game was convinced i was somehow constantly hitting one of the slopes even though i wasn't, making the icon generate all the particles but still, the ufo never spawned the particles on click until very recently, seems like to be with beta4

NefariousIntent2 commented 2 years ago

so far every click on the ufo will cause this particles to appear no matter what, but i think i'm on something: when you hit the ground with your icon it produces those particles, cube, ship, ball, ufo and robot. the hallucination is a nine circles kind of level, maybe not the deco but you can see the core of it, and where i started to notice the bug was at the ship where it uses the classic slopes gameplay, and we know slopes get buggy very quickly. i suppose the game was convinced i was somehow constantly hitting one of the slopes even though i wasn't, making the icon generate all the particles but still, the ufo never spawned the particles on click until very recently, seems like to be with beta4

Thats normal, thats not a bug at all. There are 2 particles that are displayed when entering a portal. But the 2nd particle shows up for a few seconds. jvkjzafe

NefariousIntent2 commented 2 years ago

The texture pack changed them to a glow like ball shape

NefariousIntent2 commented 2 years ago

I guess you can hide them

NefariousIntent2 commented 2 years ago

so far every click on the ufo will cause this particles to appear no matter what, but i think i'm on something: when you hit the ground with your icon it produces those particles, cube, ship, ball, ufo and robot. the hallucination is a nine circles kind of level, maybe not the deco but you can see the core of it, and where i started to notice the bug was at the ship where it uses the classic slopes gameplay, and we know slopes get buggy very quickly. i suppose the game was convinced i was somehow constantly hitting one of the slopes even though i wasn't, making the icon generate all the particles but still, the ufo never spawned the particles on click until very recently, seems like to be with beta4

Your idea about hitting the ground is true! The particles do appear but shorter than a click. In fact the particles will appear for every click (shorter than entering the portal)

absoIute commented 2 years ago

able to reproduce it by restarting the level immediately after clicking the ufo, will fix

torzod commented 1 year ago

the UFO's jump particles persist for a short while after clicking, midifiable in their plist, this probably happens because of respawning before the particle effect hits its configured end.