absolute-quantum / DoctrineEncryptBundle

:key: Encrypted symfony entities by verified and standardized libraries
MIT License
142 stars 74 forks source link

Realllow usage of php 7.2+, CI using github actions, demoprojects and other improvements #65

Open Zombaya opened 2 years ago

Zombaya commented 2 years ago

After seeing that with the release of 5.1.0 all support for php 7.2-7.4 was dropped, I wanted to re-add this to the library since I believe this was a bit too drastic of a move which was also not really necessary in my opinion.

To verify that my changes were going to be valid, I've made sure all the unit-tests run again, added two demo-projects using symfony 4.4 and symfony 6.0 with unit-tests to make sure it is all supported.

I've also backported a fix for performance issues with child-classes of abstract classes with encrypted fields as I would be upgrading our project depending on this library, which was already using this fix in production for over a year using a patch. If needed, I can create a seperate PR for this fix and extract the commits from this PR.

Overview of changes

virtualize commented 2 years ago

@Zombaya Thank your for your work! We're using your great fork for a while now.

As this repository, does not seem the get any attention from the owner, what do you think about releasing your own fork on packagist? Probably under a new package name?

Zombaya commented 2 years ago

To be honest, I've been long been thinking about asking @absolute-quantum about his idea about moving this project to an organization so more people would be able to contribute and take a bit of control of this project as it seems he/she has lost a bit of interest/time/motivation to do a lot of work on this project.

I was thinking of trying to get some other people who have actively worked on this project involved.

I'd rather do this as to avoid having many people working on their own separate branch of this project, which is also a reason why I did not publish a fork of my own on packagist.

The main reason I haven't done this is because I work on this project on company time and we do not use this project very heavily, so I can not really justify for my company nor myself on devoting management time on this project other than the improvements I made so far or (further improvements I might make).

I'm not really up for maintaining a project like this myself, although I'm more than happy to contribute once in a while. Because I'm not always able or would be willing to devote time to this, I don't think I'd make a good maintainer myself.

That being said, I'd do like to thank @absolute-quantum for the time he/she put in over the years, even though the fire was gone in the last couple of years.

All in all, I'd like to hear other peoples thoughts about the possible future of this project or a fork of it.

virtualize commented 2 years ago

Thanks @Zombaya for your explanation, I can totally understand, so I created an issue for that asking the owner here

Which organisations do you think we could ask? On top of my head FriendsOfSymfony possibly?

Zombaya commented 2 years ago

I was thinking more in the line of creating an organisation DoctrineEncryptBundle, so the project would become DoctrineEncryptBundle\DoctrineEncryptBundle.

Asking to become part of the FriendsOfSymfony-organisation is also a good idea and they might have some good ideas on how to proceed from here, even if we are not joining their organisation.

Asking around on #symfony on freenode, sending an email to friendsofsymfony-dev@googlegroups.com or creating on issue on https://github.com/FriendsOfSymfony/friendsofsymfony.github.io are all possible ways to contact them.

I have no experience with maintaining a project or taking over a project, so no idea what the best practices are for this.

I will not be available for the next three weeks because of personal time off so I will not be very responsive during that time. Feel free to include me however, just don't expect a quick answer :slightly_smiling_face:.

absolute-quantum commented 1 year ago

Hey, i'm not sure what to do with the repo because: yes i'm not active anymore. If anyone has an idea what to do with the project be my guest, i'd be happy to help!

cs-akash-jarad commented 1 year ago

hi, @Zombaya did you get any response from FriendsOfSymfony? @absolute-quantum if I am willing to take up the maintenance and ownership of the project, will you be able to transfer the repo ownership or do we have to fork the repo and take it ahead?

Zombaya commented 1 year ago

I did not reach out to FriendsOfSymfony as I did not see an up to date way to contact them. I didn't spend more time into investigating onto how to best take over an existing project.

I'm still in the same place as before, I'm willing to occasionally work on the project but I'm not able to be involved constantly or maintain it on a regular basis.

cs-akash-jarad commented 1 year ago

@absolute-quantum will you be able to transfer the repo ownership or do we have to fork the repo and take it ahead?

r3hp1c commented 1 year ago

Due to various Doctrine ORM deprecations including:

Discussions in this pull https://github.com/absolute-quantum/DoctrineEncryptBundle/pull/65 request.

These 2 comments specifically:

I need to ensure that my projects will be able to upgrade to new versions of packages and not fall behind, so I created the DoctrineEncryptBundle organisation forked the pull request's repository from integr8rs:master-fixes and created the following package https://packagist.org/packages/doctrineencryptbundle/doctrine-encrypt-bundle

I know about some issues in the version I released (5.3.0) Example: issue (https://github.com/DoctrineEncryptBundle/DoctrineEncryptBundle/issues/1) that have already been closed. It will be in a release in the next couple days as I do plan on looking fixing a few issues that I know about.

I do need to still add another Owner and probably more members to the organisation. Volunteers would be appreciated.