absorb-it / Virtual-Identity

Virtual Identity Extension for Thunderbird/Seamonkey
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[REQ] templates for return email address names #12

Open vanowm opened 7 years ago

vanowm commented 7 years ago


When I reply to an email VI automatically fills up "From" field with the same data of "To" field in the original email. This is great. However it would be very handy to be able automatically add name to the "From" field if the original "To" didn't have one.

So to give you an example. Received mail was sent to: "My Name <blah@example.com>" During reply the "from" field will have: "My Name <blah@example.com>" That's great. Next example, received mail was sent to: "blah@example.com" Reply from will be: "blah@example.com" No name.

The proposed feature would allow us automatically fill up name for each specific virtual email when non was given or even optionally overwrite with preset.

Thank you.