absorb-it / Virtual-Identity

Virtual Identity Extension for Thunderbird/Seamonkey
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Can only send email to addresses in the Thunderbird address book #16

Closed johnlane closed 6 years ago

johnlane commented 6 years ago

Recently I can only send email to addresses in the Thunderbird address book. Any other addresses result in a pop-up dialog containing:

virtualIdentity Extension Error
sorry for the inconveniance
try to save your email and restart!
please send the bug-report to fix this issue

I have Virtual Identity 0.9.36 last updated 25.nov.2017 ant Thunderbird 52.4.0 (64-bit) on Arch Linux.

absorb-it commented 6 years ago

Hi, works for me with the same environment... There is no chance to say anything without a bug report, after this message there should be some open mail-window with the relevant information targeted to irtualIdentityBug at absorb.it? Please send this report.

Regards, Rene

johnlane commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I had meant to post that then forgot.

Steps used to reproduce

  1. press Write to open a new mail dialog
  2. enter bob@example.com in the To box
  3. enter test in the subject field
  4. enter test in the body
  5. press send

I can not send the bug report email. I get the same error dialog. Here is the bug report message body:

virtual identity v 0.9.36:

# please send this debug-information if possible #
# it will help to make the extension better #
(even if some other message compose window does
not work anymore, sending this message might even
work with a virtual identity)

virtualIdentity raised an error: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004001 (NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) [nsIMsgCompose.expandMailingLists]" nsresult: "0x80004001 (NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)" location: "JS frame :: chrome://messenger/content/messengercompose/MsgComposeCommands.js :: expandRecipients :: line 4466" data: no]


absorb-it commented 6 years ago


On 28.11.2017 15:25, johnlane wrote:

error: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004001 (NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) [nsIMsgCompose.expandMailingLists]" nsresult: "0x80004001 (NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)" location: "JS frame :: chrome://messenger/content/messengercompose/MsgComposeCommands.js :: expandRecipients :: line 4466" data: no]

this is strange, the error is raised from thunderbird core and seems not related to the extension. I assume that you can send mail if the extension is disabled?

If thats the case than please enable complete debugging, something big must go wrong before the mail should be send. Please enable "Debug Log" in the last Tab of the Preferences, best save it to your /tmp directory. Close and restart Thunderbird and send mail with virtual identity. Than disable the log and check this file for errors. Before posting (or better sending to me as attachment), check for confidential information in this log!!!

Sorry, this is really troublesome, but I have no other idea. Best regards, Rene

johnlane commented 6 years ago

I'm going to look into this a bit more. I just discovered that I can not send mail to an address that is not in the address book even with the extension disabled. But I get no error at all - the send button doesn't do anything.... I'll update when I know more and probably close this out....

absorb-it commented 6 years ago


On 28.11.2017 16:00, johnlane wrote:

I'm going to look into this a bit more. I can not send mail to an address that is not in the address book even with the extension disabled. But I get no error at all - the send button doesn't do anything....

right, than this is not related to this extension. Its only that the extension will report this error (instead of being quit). You will see the same error in the Error Console (check Tools Menu - Developer Tools) with disabled extension after you pressed the send button (and nothing happened)

Best regards, Rene

johnlane commented 6 years ago

Thanks, that pointed me to the right place to see the error messages (the Error Console) which I was struggling to find. That's really helpful. I'll go off and see if I can discover what the problem is...

johnlane commented 6 years ago

I've resolved it. The Virtual Identity extension is fine.

For background there is an obscure Mozilla Bug that breaks mail sending when an LDAP directory is defined at Preferences > Composotion > Addressing even if directory server use is disabled.

Luckily for me the directory I had defined was a left-over from the past and I didn't need it. After deleting it everything worked fine, as expected.

So happy days :)