abstracta / jmeter-dotnet-dsl

Simple JMeter performance tests .Net API
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Assertion missing Average option #16

Closed SeanLS closed 1 month ago

SeanLS commented 1 month ago

The test assertion has configuration for errors and 95% percentile yet it seems to be missing the other configuration option such as:

See screenshot from JMeter

Could you please add in the "Average" configuration?

rabelenda commented 1 month ago

Hello, have you checked the Mean property?

We might add some Average alias property in the future to avoid confusions.

SeanLS commented 1 month ago

I have not used the mean property as it not inline owth our expectations. Adding the Average would be much appreciated. Thank you for reviewing.

rabelenda commented 1 month ago

Sorry, I didn't understand why are not using the mean property. Can you clarify? Did you mean that you didn't expect Mean property to actually contain the Average?

SeanLS commented 1 month ago

@rabelenda - There is no option to utalise the Mean option as well as the other various stats as part opf the resultt. The code ion the following section should be expanded:

rabelenda commented 1 month ago

TimeMetricSummary provides a Mean method (among other metrics) to get the Mean of each time metric.

We have decided to not include a shortcut in StatsSummary, as we do with SampleTimePercentile99, ErrorsCount & SamplesCount, to avoid the class having too many properties/methods.

Additionally, by not providing a shortcut we try to discourage the common, and usually bad practice, of using Average/Mean metric while evaluating the performance of an application. Here are some insights on this matter.

rabelenda commented 1 month ago

I am closing this issue seems it seems as there is no need to implement a new feature for this. We might consider in the future adding some alias to Mean to avoid confusion. Feel free to re open it if you consider it not closed.

SeanLS commented 1 month ago

You are adding a wrapper round JMeter. It is up to the implementors on how they would like to implement the features and as such you should expose all the available features in JMeter.

rabelenda commented 1 month ago

But the feature is already exposed. Have you checked the api Mean method that I already described?

Eg: stats.Overall.SampleTime.Mean