abstracta / jmeter-dotnet-dsl

Simple JMeter performance tests .Net API
Apache License 2.0
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Connect to WebSocket/SignalR #5

Open SaeedBolhasani opened 6 months ago

SaeedBolhasani commented 6 months ago

Hello! I have a project and the base workflow starts when a SignalR method is called. How can I connect to SignalR or Socket?

rabelenda commented 6 months ago

Hello, very interesting question.

Right now the DSL does not provide (nor java or .net) any API for websocket, and the the .net version does not yet provide the wrapper module included in the Java version which allows you to use any existing JMeter elements, like the ones provided by existing websocket JMeter plugins (like this one: https://bitbucket.org/pjtr/jmeter-websocket-samplers/src/master/).

Adding support for the wrapper module should be pretty easy, adding an specific api for websocket would take a little longer.

Do you know at Websocket level what type of requests would you like to include in a test plan? Have you already created performance tests for such use case with any tools (JMeter included)? If so, can you provide a general example of the tests you do (obscuring any potential sensitive info).

SaeedBolhasani commented 6 months ago

Hello again and thank you for responding I've decided to use K6. You can find my usage in this link: K6 socket sample Since I am a .Net developer, let me know if you need an extra hand to complete it faster. Thanks again.