abstracta / jmeter-java-dsl

Simple JMeter performance tests API
Apache License 2.0
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Add support HTTP2 & gRCP #265

Open YuriiChukhrai opened 1 month ago

YuriiChukhrai commented 1 month ago

Hi, (jmeter-java-dsl) team.

Nice, project, thanks for doing that. I am curious, do you plan to add support for gRPC samples? I will try to implement some custom samplers for POC.

References JMeter gRPC Request

rabelenda commented 1 month ago

Hello, thank you for asking.

Yes, we want to add at some point gRPC support. I see the plugin has been archived, but see this fork still active.

Regarding in general how would we implement this, we still need to review the best path.

Currently you can use jsr223Sampler in combination with GRPC java libraries to automatically generate the java classes from the proto files and get the most efficient and realistic way of using GRPC. We need to review how the plugin works and see if makes sense to implement specific methods for it, or if makes sense to just put a guide, or "recipe", for using GRPC with jsr223Sampler.

Why did you include HTTP2 in the title? HTTP2 is based on some of the features of gRPC but is not the same.

If you are interested in HTTP2, we also have plans for that, using the http2 jmeter plugin, but providing a simpler way to use it (just a property of existing httpSampler element).

YuriiChukhrai commented 1 month ago

Sorry, I mean two different features: HTTP2 and gRPC.

Currently you can use jsr223Sampler in combination with GRPC java libraries to automatically generate the java classes from the proto files and get the most efficient and realistic way of using GRPC.

Ok, I will try.