I tried to require the library in a codepen environment (that requires esmodules via skypack cdn), and I am getting the following error (see pen):
Uncaught ReferenceError: parcelRequire is not defined
at parcelRequire.ipHv (heartbeat-sequencer.js:60)
at heartbeat-sequencer.js:63
at createCommonjsModule (heartbeat-sequencer.js:11)
at heartbeat-sequencer.js:16
From my understanding, it has to do with some package.json module declaration / this parcel issue.
On the other hand it works fine in codesandbox because it bundles the app via node in a VM, and not directly in the browser.
I understand that it is not strictly related to the module itself, but to access it from codepens makes prototyping / showcasing much faster ^^
I tried to require the library in a codepen environment (that requires esmodules via skypack cdn), and I am getting the following error (see pen):
From my understanding, it has to do with some
module declaration / this parcel issue.On the other hand it works fine in codesandbox because it bundles the app via node in a VM, and not directly in the browser.
I understand that it is not strictly related to the module itself, but to access it from codepens makes prototyping / showcasing much faster ^^