abuiles / ember-cli-101-errata

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Bill Murray addon and Articles Filtering #204

Open toroseda opened 9 years ago

toroseda commented 9 years ago

I've had a look at the latest version of your book and found it really useful for my Ember education. I've performed all the additional tasks as well and these are brilliant.

However, if you will, there are two which need addressing:

It can be a bit frustrating and disrupts the momentum of going through the book.

I've skipped on to test Ember applications on Page 121 but don't like having these two unfinished.

Please help.

abuiles commented 9 years ago

Thanks, for the feedback!

The Haddon does not work correctly. I'd appreciate the "correct" workaround from you

Which page is this ?

Some kind of separate repo containing the application code as it would look for those of us carrying out the extra tasks

This is a great idea! I've been a bit busy lately with personal stuff but I hope to put some time soon on all this stuff :)

toroseda commented 9 years ago

Pgs 91 - 97. I had issue starting the server talking about missing dependencies when restarting the server after adding the ember-cli-bill-murray add-on and I've not been able to consume the add-on. Everything appears to generate okay (ember v 0.2.3)

Pg 120 is where the Task for article filter is.

EmilyMB commented 9 years ago

If anyone gets stuck here too, this worked for me to get the add-on functional:

  1. in ember-cli-fill-murray/package.json make sure that 'ember-cli-handlebars: 0.X.X' is listed under 'dependencies' not 'devDependencies'.
  2. npm publish
  3. restart borrowers server


wldcordeiro commented 9 years ago

@EmilyMB With Handlebars being replaced for HTMLBars the line should say "ember-cli-htmlbars": "0.X.X"