abuonomo / paper-data-links

heliophysics query scripts
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Review script for paper "2023ApJS..268...38M" made with predictor "DataLinkerCondenseDetailsWithTemplate" #21

Closed abuonomo closed 3 weeks ago

abuonomo commented 4 months ago

Created by Paper Data Linking Bot

Please review the download script and instrument details for the paper.

bibcode: 2023ApJS..268...38M predictor: DataLinkerCondenseDetailsWithTemplate

abuonomo commented 4 months ago

Though the instrument details say that COR1, COR2, and EUVI are on SECCHI, the script fails to correctly query for them as detectors. It mistakenly queries them as instruments:

cor1_query = Fido.search(time_range, a.Instrument("COR1"))
cor2_query = Fido.search(time_range, a.Instrument("COR2"))
euvi_query = Fido.search(time_range, a.Instrument("EUVI"))

They are all instruments on SECCHI as seen here.

abuonomo commented 4 months ago

Quote from paper in data source section:

We use the CDAW catalog to select and extract our events of interest. The source regions of the selected CMEs are identified by using data from the Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (Delaboudinière et al. 1995) on board the Solar and Helio- spheric Observatory (SOHO; Domingo et al. 1995), the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA; Lemen et al. 2011) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), and the two coronagraphs, COR-1 and COR-2, and the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (Wuelser et al. 2004) of the Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation (SECCHI; Howard et al. 2008) on board the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO; Kaiser et al. 2008); refer to Section 2.4 for details on the source region identification.

This quote justifies the instruments/detectors which are mentioned in the download script.

Also in event selection section we see:

The CMEs for this work were selected from the CDAW catalog in such a way that different phases of solar cycle 23 and 24 could be considered. Thus, we selected CMEs that occurred from 1998 January to 2017 December.

The time range from the script is also justified, though likely too broad to actually work.

abuonomo commented 4 months ago

Regarding the wavelengths, the script queries for 171 and 304 Angstroms for EIT and AIA. These wavelengths are mentioned in Figure 1 in the paper, but I don't see it saying anywhere that they used those wavelengths only. I realize that may be implicit or something and may need a heliophysicist to weight in on whether it is correct to only query for those wavelengths @wafels .

VSO details for AIA image