abusix / xarf

XARF - eXtended Abuse Reporting Format
MIT License
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Add Reference Field for Reporter #29

Open lvfasto opened 2 years ago

lvfasto commented 2 years ago

It would be helpful for reporting organisations to be able to enter an optional reference number (as a String) in the Reporter section of the JSON objects. That way the receiving organisation can communicate with the reporting organisation easily/quickly.

To look something like this in an Abuse Report: "ReporterInfo": { "ReporterOrg": "ExampleOrg", "ReporterOrgDomain": "example.com", "ReporterOrgEmail": "reports@example.com", "ReporterReference": "eg-1234" },

And something like this in the Schema "ReporterReference": { "type": "string", "description": "reference number from the reporter" },

FrederikP commented 2 years ago

Hi, I agree it would be useful, I will bring this up and we might include a field like this in the next version of xarf. Until then, feel free to further discuss this, in this issue.