abyssonym / vast_violence

Breath of Fire III Randomizer
14 stars 2 forks source link

Possible addition ideas for this Randomizer #5

Open Headcrabs opened 2 years ago

Headcrabs commented 2 years ago

There's a rather large list of ideas I've got, though unfortunately I don't know the inner machinations of this wonderful game so I'd assume most of them aren't possible but..hey I figured I'd ask!

pool of weapons for shops (flags to disable buying overpowered ones or not) cost adjustment of buying items (x0 [0 zenny] - x#) cost adjustment of selling items (see above) monster sprite randomizer (battle, overworld, both, neither) npc sprite randomizer level up stat growth randomizer (flags for how much they get adjusted) boss randomizer (as in an extra flag for "randomize bosses?", though this could have issues because sprites and backgrounds..gisshan for example) fish randomizer (absolutely unlikely but hey) entrance randomizer (though obviously would need some sort of like...'collect item to win' mode or something because it'd break story flags) decoupled entrance randomizer (see above) status effect randomizer (as in "can monsters inflict random status ailments? can you to them?") revisit old areas (would be super cool to be able to enter old areas to fight old monsters, doubly so with the special modes ideas..) enemy pilfer list randomizer (would be huge and likely a monstrous undertaking)

SPECIAL MODES Fishing Tourney - whole world is unlocked, go from fish place to fish place and the game is won when you've reached ([fishing level] set by flag), only able to go to certain towns, no fighting monsters, no going to random areas, unlock more towns by reaching [fishing level] and new towns = new bait shops/gear.

Antiques for Sale - across the world treasures (and shops) are randomized. Win the game by finding all 14 different antiques. (flags for less, enemies can have antiques [enemies by default have their antiques removed]). could work nicely with an 'open world' flag+visit all areas flag.. or an entrance randomizer, if such was doable.

I hope some of this is possible. :c and thank you for what you've made so far; this game really is fantastic with a ton of randomizer potential..unless of course it's sprite-locked and stuff ;_;