abzcoding / lvim

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When I enter a file, two lines of statusline appear. #143

Closed CassandraCat closed 5 months ago

CassandraCat commented 5 months ago

But when I open other windows, it returns to normal, for example, when I invoke nvimtree using <leader>+e.


btw, neovim and lunarvim are both nightly~

abzcoding commented 5 months ago

yep, it seemed like a lualine isssue -> https://github.com/vimpostor/vim-tpipeline/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed+double

adding this fixed it for me, https://github.com/abzcoding/lvim/blob/1d8c415d0464ca1991075d4f3f521cc31f1f4401/lua/user/custom_user.lua#L18-L21

not sure what else can be done

CassandraCat commented 5 months ago

I tried, but it didn't work.

if vim.env.TMUX then
    vim.cmd [[ autocmd VimEnter,WinEnter,BufEnter,VimResized * setlocal laststatus=0 ]]

When I enter a file and use verbose set laststatus, it indicates that the last time it was set was by lualine.

abzcoding commented 5 months ago

I tried, but it didn't work.

if vim.env.TMUX then
    vim.cmd [[ autocmd VimEnter,WinEnter,BufEnter,VimResized * setlocal laststatus=0 ]]

When I enter a file and use verbose set laststatus, it indicates that the last time it was set was by lualine.

added another event to that autocmd, check if it helps you or not

CassandraCat commented 5 months ago

When I use other events, such as setlocal nonumber, it takes effect.

abzcoding commented 5 months ago

When I use other events, such as setlocal nonumber, it takes effect.

not sure how to help you mate, it works fine for me, just disable it

lvim.builtin.tmux_lualine = false 
CassandraCat commented 5 months ago

bro, I think it's because lualine's default configuration overrides the autocmd I set myself. If I execute that command after lualine setup, it should work. Is there a place in LunarVim where I can ensure that lualine is definitely set up?

abzcoding commented 5 months ago

bro, I think it's because lualine's default configuration overrides the autocmd I set myself. If I execute that command after lualine setup, it should work. Is there a place in LunarVim where I can ensure that lualine is definitely set up?

check lunarvim documentation

CassandraCat commented 5 months ago

I tried

  lvim.builtin.lualine.on_config_done = function ()

but it still doesn't work

CassandraCat commented 3 months ago

Hey, bro, after I set a transparent window, the background of my spinner looks like this. How can I set its background color?

abzcoding commented 3 months ago

Hey, bro, after I set a transparent window, the background of my spinner looks like this. How can I set its background color?

fixed via this commit: https://github.com/abzcoding/lvim/commit/6c6bdebc50aa0d2d607fd7a0585d82e75a9dc469

CassandraCat commented 2 months ago

hey,mate,hot wo hidden the underline?

abzcoding commented 2 months ago

hey,mate,hot wo hidden the underline?


set scope enabled = false

CassandraCat commented 2 months ago

hey,mate,hot wo hidden the underline?


set scope enabled = false

solved. thanks bro~