ac3cloud / roust

Ruby client for Request Tracker's REST API
6 stars 4 forks source link

File permission in gem version 1.8.6 broken #25

Closed erdgeist closed 8 years ago

erdgeist commented 8 years ago

When fetching the gem at, I found some files having user-only access permission (in the internal tar archive, already):

 24 -rw-------    1 root         wheel               12233 14 Mai  2015 ./lib/roust/ticket.rb
  8 -rw-r--r--    1 root         wheel                2449 14 Mai  2015 ./lib/roust/user.rb
  8 -rw-------    1 root         wheel                  36 14 Mai  2015 ./lib/roust/version.rb
 16 -rwx------    1 root         wheel                4147 14 Mai  2015 ./lib/roust.rb
  8 -rw-r--r--    1 root         wheel                  591 14 Mai  2015 ./LICENSE

If installed by bundle as user root, my rails app – running as a non-privileged user – can not access those files and the require 'roust' will fail with:

LoadError (cannot load such file -- roust):

nerdyness commented 8 years ago

Solved in #26

Thanks again, @erdgeist :+1:

erdgeist commented 8 years ago

Looks like it's working. Thank you.