academe / omnipay-authorizenetapi

Omnipay 3.x implementation of Authorize.Net API
MIT License
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When getCode() == 252 or 253, then $response->isSuccessful() should be true #22

Open MikeCraig418 opened 3 years ago

MikeCraig418 commented 3 years ago


I believe statusCode 252 and 253 should register a successful response.

The message from is

Your order has been received. Thank you for your business!

The documentation linked above says:

CODE: 252

EXPLANATION: Your order has been received. Thank you for your business!

OTHER SUGGESTIONS: The transaction was accepted, but is being held for merchant review. 

The merchant may customize the customer response in the Merchant Interface.

What do you think?

MikeCraig418 commented 3 years ago

I apologize, it appears that some of my suspicious transactions were actually declined.

But considering some were accepted, I'm still not sure how to handle these. Is there a way to handle the suspicious transactions that were Approved and dump the ones that were declined?

Each one of these resulted in a 252 code:
