academic-moodle-cooperation / moodle-gradereport_gradedist

The Grade Distribution visualizes the distribution of the participants' letter grades in the grades overview. Changes to letter grades can be visually analysed, saved and overwritten if necessary.
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Namespacing items in the $SESSION object #1

Closed mudrd8mz closed 8 years ago

mudrd8mz commented 9 years ago

To prevent potential collisions, it might be a good idea to use better namespacing in the $SESSION object. Instead of $SESSION->gradeitem something like $SESSION->gradereport_gradedist_gradeitem or $SESSION->gradereport_gradedist->gradeitem might be safer.

Additionally, I believe you do not need to do global $SESSION in scripts like index.php as they are executed in the global context implicitly (unless I miss something).

kaspot commented 9 years ago

thanks + added to our todo list

mkemmerling commented 8 years ago

Fixed in the master and MOODLE_28_STABLE branches.