academic-moodle-cooperation / moodle-mod_grouptool

With the Grouptool activity, teachers can create groups and give students the opportunity to register and deregister for these groups independently or, if necessary, to register for waiting lists.
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unenrol from group not possible / delete someone not possible #13

Closed SebastianZiegler closed 4 years ago

SebastianZiegler commented 4 years ago


we have two problems:

  1. if you allow enrolment in multiple groups at once, the attendee hasn't the option to unenrol from group or waiting list

  2. we tried to remove someone from a group because he can't do this on his own (cause of problem 1) but there is no option to do that. So the trainer of the course tried to remove the attendee from the course but then the attendee is still listed in the grouptool

goggo24 commented 4 years ago

@1: it depends on some settings - most importante setting = allow deregistration has to be yes, than it should be possible to deregister from multiple groups, if you don't get below the minimum group to choose number. groups

@2: In v.3.8.0 (just published) it's possible for teachers to deregsiter students from groups and the grouptool (depending on the sync instance settings) deregistration - so this should solve the problem.

goggo24 commented 4 years ago

If the workflow withl deregistration isn't correct and still doesn't fit, please open a new issue - thanks.