academic-moodle-cooperation / moodle-mod_offlinequiz

The Offline Quiz activity allows the creation of multiple choice tests with questions from the question bank of a Moodle course, which are handed out to students in printed form. After completion, the answer forms are scanned and can be automatically evaluated online directly in Moodle.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Behat tests fails with 403 #246

Open saidisalem opened 2 months ago

saidisalem commented 2 months ago


I tried to run the behat tests for the new version 403 but I get the warning :

001 Scenario: Switch as an admin to the adminsettings of the module offlinequiz and change the value of "Decimal places". Then login as a teacher and add a new offline quiz to a course and check whether the default value has changed. # /var/www/html/mod/offlinequiz/tests/behat/adminsetting_decimalpoints.feature:19
      And I navigate to "Edit settings" in current page administration                                                                                                                                                                                                        # /var/www/html/mod/offlinequiz/tests/behat/adminsetting_decimalpoints.feature:32
        Javascript code and/or AJAX requests are not ready after 10 seconds. There is a Javascript error or the code is extremely slow (editor_tiny/editor:setupForTarget). If you are using a slow machine, consider setting $CFG->behat_increasetimeout. (Exception)

The same error for the rest of scenarios And I navigate to "Group Questions" in current page administration

Hope something can be done for that.

mwreichel commented 2 months ago

Hi @saidisalem, thank you for reporting this. We have to do some changes and include it in the next planned version.

All the best, Martin