academic / gURL

gURL is a cURL implementation with Go
MIT License
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proxy flag added #6

Closed gozeloglu closed 2 years ago

gozeloglu commented 2 years ago

I did not create a new file named as proxy.go, because it seems not really necessary for now. There is no special task related to proxy. But, we can discuss about creating a new file.

Update after 7be7d0c commit

I added proxy.go file to handle proxy related tasks.


gURL is open source CLI tool written in Go.

  gURL [options...] <url> [flags]
  gURL [command]

Available Commands:
  GET         Fetches data from given url
  help        Help about any command

  -h, --help           help for gURL
  -x, --proxy string   [protocol://]host[:port] Use this proxy

Use "gURL [command] --help" for more information about a command.

--proxy or -x flags takes string input.

Example Usage

$ gurl --proxy proxy://myproxy:8080
$ gurl -x proxy://myproxy:8080
gozeloglu commented 2 years ago

Before merging it, I need to add something.