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[Upload samples] is incorrectly appending fields #29

Closed sgoodswen closed 8 years ago

sgoodswen commented 8 years ago

The values in “sample-date” and “collection_date” of the Excel sheet are incorrectly appended to “samples notes” rather than their correct fields of “Sample date” and “Collection date”

Li-ReDBox commented 8 years ago

Those two dates probably deliberately dealt as such given the example upload spreadsheet I see has vastly different, invalid date strings.

If put these two dates fields into their fields, they have to pass sanitation check. What do you want to happen if the check fails?

sgoodswen commented 8 years ago

As discussed, the only acceptable format for the values entered in “sample-date” and “collection_date” should be Year-month-day e.g. 2016-03-31

When using the [Upload samples] option, an informative error should be displayed to the user if the dates entered for “sample-date” and “collection_date” are not in the required format.

Sometimes the user may not know the month and/or day. Is it possible to enter a 0 as a replacement value e.g. 2016-00-00 or 2016-03-00?

Li-ReDBox commented 8 years ago

These two fields are date fields in database and I tested 2016-00-00 and 2016-03-00, both failed to convert. If we do not want to change model, user has to give a proper date string, aka a valid date.

Li-ReDBox commented 8 years ago

@sgoodswen, my previous statement may not very accurate.

I need to double check with you: current code only puts those two date fields into note field when it sees invalid dates: year only, free text and etc. If they are valid, it puts into correct fields.

That's to say, it does not force data to be valid for these two fields. It also cannot violate database requirement. The work around is to put them into note.

Do you want to force user to enter valid dates?

sgoodswen commented 8 years ago

Yes, we should force the user to enter valid dates e.g. Year-month-day with no 0 replacements

Li-ReDBox commented 8 years ago

@sgoodswen could you please to test if this problem is fixed on dev?

sgoodswen commented 8 years ago

This issue is fixed